年度 | 論文名稱 | 會議名稱 | 起 | 迄 | 國家 |
2022 | Application of Integrated Marketing Communications-Multiple, Case Studies | International Conference on Business Management and Administration | 2022/8/8 | 2022/8/9 | Canada |
2013 | Building Innovative Design Service Model | TIM Conference | 2013/6/18 | 2013/6/19 | China |
2009 | Yichen Lin, Yichuan Wang, Chijen Thay, Wei-Hung Liu, and Jhong-Yi Zeng,2009,以資源與市場導向為影響因素探究創新導向與技術商品化之關聯性─
以台灣太陽能光電產業為例,CSMOT Annual Conference,Taipei。
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2009 | Yichen Lin,Ya-Yan Li, and Shihen Chien, 2009, Customer Perceived Value in Medical Service Industry: Investigating From Customer Relationship to Hospital Brand, The 4th International Conference on Service Management, Oxford, U.K. | | | | |
2009 | Yichen Lin, Chun-Ting Lai, Yichuan Wang, and Chierh Thay, 2009, Collaboration and Resource Theory Enhanced in Design Service- Taking High-Tech Industry as an Example, The First International Conference on Service Science and Innovation, Taipei. | | | | |
2009 | Yichen Lin, Yichuan Wang, Chiahui Yu, and Chao-Che Lin, 2009, Investigating the Drivers of Service Innovation and Supply Chain Success in High-Tech Industry: Strategic Orientations Perspective, The First International Conference on Service Science and Innovation, Taipei. | | | | |
2009 | 林懿貞、陳紀喻、劉原彰、許家豪,2008,RFID系統於協同供應鏈之應用研究-以PC產業為例,全國自動化科技研討會,高雄第一科技大學。 | | | | |
2008 | Yichen Lin, Cheng-Yuan Ku, and Limin Wu, 2008, The Study of Collaborative IP Models and Successful Factors- Taking the Small-and Medium Sized LCD Industry as an Example, 2008 R&D Management Conference, Ottawa. | | | | |
2008 | Yichen Lin, Shuling Chen, Renwen Tsai, and Hungyen Chou, 2008, Assessing Strategic Alliance Portfolios of the Bio-Tech Industry- Towards a Systemic View, 2008 R&D Management Conference, Ottawa. | | | | |
2008 | Yichen Lin, Chwenming Chang, Chihsui Chou, and Yichuan Wang, 2008, Niche Analysis and Market Segmentation for Bio-tech Industry- Taking Microfluidic Biochip Systems as an Example, 2008 Global Marketing Conference, Shanghai. | | | | |
2008 | Yichen Lin, Chen-Jung Chen, Chi-Jen Thay, Chun-Ting Lai, Hung-Yen Chou, Ya-Yan Li, 2008, Brand Management and Integrated Marketing Communications as Critical Components to Brand Equity, 2008 Global Marketing Conference, Shanghai. | | | | |
2008 | Yichen Lin, Yichuan Wang, Chijen Thay, Chunting Lai,2008,Collaboration- Enabled Technology Commercialization in the High-tech Firm: Knowledge Creation and the Systemic Perspective,CSMOT Annual Conference,Taipei。 | | | | |
2008 | 林懿貞、陳志峰、陳彥嘉、李雅雁、周鴻諺,2008,RFID技術應用於顧客關係管理之分析暨系統模擬建置,全國自動化科技研討會,高雄第一科技大學。 | | | | |
2007 | Yichen Lin, Renwen Tsai, Minche Hsu, Weichun Su, and Liya Huang, 2007, A Systems Thinking Perspective on Strategic Alliance Portfolio of Bio-Tech in Taiwan, The 17th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Las Vegas. | | | | |
2007 | Yichen Lin, Renwen Tsai, Minche Hsu, Weichun Su, and Liya Huang, 2007,
Research on Business Strategy and Performance Evaluation in Collaborative Design, The 17th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Las Vegas.
| | | | |
2007 | Chang-Shing Lee, Yi-chuan Wang, Wei-ming Liu, Yichen Lin, 2007, CRM Ontology based on CMMI Project Planning for Business Applications, International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Hong Kong. | | | | |
2007 | Yichen Lin, Minche Hsu, ChunMin Chiu, Chen Jung Chen, Yi-Chuan Wang, 2007, A Systems Thinking Perspective on Brand Building of Bio-Tech Industry in Taiwan, Asian Conference on Creativity Development, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei. | | | | |
2007 | 林懿貞、江勝榮、楊肇銘,2007,建置RFID技術整合供應鏈物流管理暨系統模擬分析-以TFT-LCD產業為例,電子商務學報,(TSSCI) ,(2008 ERP學術及實務研討會論文獎佳作)。 | | | | |
2007 | 林懿貞、張純明、周志遂、王翊全,2007,A Study on Niche Marketing and Marketing Segmentation for Microfludic Biochip Systems,CSMOT Annual Conference,Taichung。 | | | | |
2007 | 林懿貞、陳淑玲、蘇煒竣、陳禛容,2007,A Research on Channel Management in the Biotech Industry- towards a Systemic View,CSMOT Annual Conference,Taichung。 | | | | |
2007 | 林懿貞、王翊全、楊肇銘、陳禛容,2007,醫學美容產業整合行銷傳播策略研究-以南部某醫學美容中心為例,2007南台灣健康產業學術研討會,美和技術學院。 | | | | |
2007 | 林懿貞、王翊全、楊肇銘,2007,整合行銷傳播於數位內容產業之應用探討-以中華電信MOD方案為例,第二屆數位內容管理與應用學術研討會。 | | | | |
2007 | 林懿貞、楊肇銘、宋沛倫、王翊全,2007,無線射頻(RFID)系統物流進貨作業模擬與應用驗證分析,第三屆企業國際化理論與實務研討會,長榮大學,頁269-280。 | | | | |
2007 | 尤柄文、林懿貞、黃莉雅、陳彥嘉,2007,實施網路同步遠距教學之研究-以屏東泰武國小為例,第二屆數位內容管理與應用學術研討會。 | | | | |
2007 | 李建興、郭婉姿、劉瑋珉、林懿貞,2007,基於CMMI之VoIP專案規劃知識本體研究與建構,The Third Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering。 | | | | |
2007 | 林懿貞、尤柄文、林肇哲,2007,企業協同採購效益評估之實證分析,2007ERP學術及實務研討會。 | | | | |
2006 | Commercialization and Marketing Strategy of Microfluidic Biochip Systems in the Fast Diseases Diagnosis Market, Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, P. 7-8. | | | | |
2006 | The Model of Patent Documents Management on Collaborative Environment, The 16th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Hawaii, P. 53-58. | | | | |
2006 | A Study of CPFR Implementation: Taking a Retail Company as an Example, The 16th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Hawaii, P. 59-62. | | | | |
2006 | The Business Competitive Advantage and Business Model of Microfulidic Biochip Systems for the Fast Diseases Diagnosis Market, IAMOT, Beijing. | | | | |
2006 | Microfulidic Biochip Systems Marketing in the Fast Diseases Diagnosis Market, IAMOT, Beijing. | | | | |
2005 | 試模中心效益評估與知識模型建置之研究,全國自動化科技研討會,建國科技大學。 | | | | |
2005 | 汽車相關服務業RFID應用模式研究,全國自動化科技研討會,建國科技大學。 | | | | |
2005 | YiChen Lin, Hanling Huang, Wanfen Ma, and Huanliang Chang, 2005, The Study of Business Model for Collaborative Design, The 15th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, San Diego, P. 75-80. | | | | |
2005 | Yichen Lin, Hungyung Chiu, Yaling Kao, and Kuoliang Yu, 2005, “Collaborative Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communications and Integrated Brand Building- Towards a Systemic View,” IACIS Pacific 2005 Conference Proceedings, P. 894-899. | | | | |
2005 | Yichen Lin, 2005, “Application of Knowledge-enabled Customer Relationship Management, ” IACIS Pacific 2005 Conference Proceedings, P. 562-568. | | | | |
2005 | Yichen Lin, Hanling Huang, Huanliang Chang, and Weiting Yen, 2005, “Application of Collaborative Design: Taking a TFT-LCD Company as an Example,” IACIS Pacific 2005 Conference Proceedings, P. 507-514. | | | | |
2004 | Han-Cheng Hung, YiChen Lin, Wan-Long Chang, and Hui-E Hsieh, 2004, Application of Collaborative Marketing and Integrated Marketing Communications for Integrated Brand Building- Taking Real Estate Enterprise as an Example, International Conference on Knowledge-Based Economy and Global Management, Tainan, Taiwan, P. 400-406. | | | | |
2004 | YiChen Lin, HwanYann Su, Wanfen Ma, and ShihEn Chien, 2004, Application of Collaborative Marketing and Integrated Marketing Communications for Integrated Brand Building, The 14th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Chicago. | | | | |
2004 | YiChen Lin, ChaoChe Lin, ChihHsin Tsai, and ShihEn Chien, 2004, The Performance Measurement of Collaborative Management and Integrated Marketing Communications-Towards a Systemic View, The 14th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Chicago. | | | | |
2003 | Yichen Lin, Hwan-Yann Su, and ShinEn Chien, 2003, “Knowledge Management for Customer Relationship Management,” The 13th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Seattle, P.789-794. | | | | |
2003 | Hwan-Yann Su, and Yichen Lin, 2003, “Corporate Knowledge Management: A Missionary and Visionary Perspective,” The 13th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Seattle, P.819-824. | | | | |
2003 | Jieh-Rern Ding, Yichen Lin, Bi-Chin Tseng, and Jun-Hsing Wu, 2003, “Using Entropy on Evaluating Information Transmission Performance- The New Product Development Process Examples,” The 13th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Seattle, P.825-830. | | | | |
2002 | Yichen Lin, JrJung Lyu, and ChiuShuang Chan, 2002, Applications of Knowledge-Enabled CRM, The Second International Conference on Electronic Business, Taipei, P. 358-360. | | | | |
2002 | Yichen Lin, JiunYin Chen, and ShinEn Chien, 2002, Customer Knowledge Resources Exchange in Collaborative Integrated Marketing Communications, APIEMS2002, Taipei, P. A 54 | | | | |
2001 | Yichen Lin, Chen Shu, Hsiu-Hsiung Hsieh, and Wurong Shih, 2001, A Field Study of CRM on Hotel Enterprises, The First International Conference on Electronic Business, Hong Kong, P.273-274. | | | | |
2001 | Yichen Lin and Wurong Shih, 2001, Integrated Communications and Systems Thinking,- An Assessment for Improvement, Annual Conference of Operation Research Society, Bath, U.K., P.97. | | | | |
2001 | Yichen Lin and ChaoChe Lin, 2001,Applications of Knowledge-Based CRM, Annual Conference of Operation Research Society, Bath, U.K., P.66. | | | | |
2001 | JrJung Lyu, and Yichen Lin, 2001, CRM Applications for SMEs- A Field Study of the Steel Industry, APEC Small and Medium Enterprise E-Commerce Symposium, Hsinchu, Chinese Taipei, P.157-170. | | | | |
2001 | Yun-Yao Cheng, JrJung Lyu, and Yichen Lin, 2001, Implementing ISO 9000 in Colleges: Status in Taiwan and Its Relationship with Continuous Performance Improvement, Sixth International Conference on ISO 9000 & TQM, Ayr, Scotland, P.597-602. | | | | |
2000 | Yi-Chen Lin, and Jong-Mau Yeh, 2000, Applying Fuzzy Controled Neural Network to Screen New Product Ideas, The Sixth Asia Pacific Management Conference, Taiwan, P.68-75. | | | | |
1999 | Chin-Ho Lin, Jong-Mau Yeh and Yichen Lin, 1999, Optimal Price and Advertising Policies for a New Product with Learning Production Cost, 25thInternational Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, New Orleans, Louisiana, P.232-240. | | | | |
1998 | Ta-Chung Chu, Yeou-Ren Shiue and Yichen Lin, 1998, Fuzzy Product Evaluation Model on General Hierarchical Structure, 1988 Conference of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, P.394-399。 | | | | |