2018Chi-Mei CICARE醫病溝通實作評定量表的發展和應用教育高階論壇國際研討會2018/11/162018/11/17中華民國
2015The measurement of moral judgment based on a two-dimensional theoretical assessment framework with four components2015 APNME International Conference2015/12/42015/12/7Australia
2015An assessment of differentiating unsituated vs. situated moral judgments in different positional standpoints 2015 APNME International Conference2015/12/42015/12/7Australia
2014A two-dimensional theoretical framework for the assessment of moral judgmentthe 40th Annual Conference of the Association for Moral Education 2014/11/62014/11/8USA
2014The development of a modern toleration scale: The measurement of tolerance of free speech and religion in organizational scenariosthe 40th Annual Conference of the Association for Moral Education 2014/11/62014/11/8USA
2014The measurement of care versus justice: Devising a moral judgment test for measuring the moral boundary of individuals the 40th Annual Conference of the Association for Moral Education 2014/11/62014/11/8USA
2014Analysis of the assessment of care using IRT polytomous and mixed Rash models第十一屆海峽兩岸心理與教育測驗學術研討會2014/8/222014/11/24台灣
2014The application of polytomous IRT model to the measurement of individuals’ utilitarian decision making第十一屆海峽兩岸心理與教育測驗學術研討會2014/8/222014/11/24台灣
2014Exploration of the important factors in a two- dimensional theoretical framework with four components for the measurement of moral judgment教育高階論壇國際研討會2014/10/162014/10/17中華民國
2012Initial exploration of moral reasoning on two contrasting dimensions: Between the Western right-based and Eastern Confucian ethics. the 2012 International Conference on Education,2012/3/292012/3/30Taiwan
2011Devising a situational judgment test for the measurement of toleration: A modern scope from a psychometric perspective. the 2011 TERA International Conference on Education2011/12/152011/12/18Taiwan
2011The development of social comparison scale and the exploration of its structural relationships with subjective well-beinghe 2011 TERA International Conference on Education2011/12/152011/12/18Taiwan
2007A comparison of the differences in linked score properties for vertical scaling obtained using six linking methods. Paper presented at the Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium(PROMS TW 2007), TaoYuan, Taiwna    
2007The psychometric properties of linked scores on polytomous tests: A comparison of five linking methods. Paper presented at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Tokyo.    
2007A comparison of the difference between separate and concurrent methods in estimating ability growth and item parameter for vertical scaling data. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Chinese Association of Psychological Testing, Taipei.    
2007A comparison of the differences in linked score properties for vertical scaling obtained using six linking methods. Paper presented at the international meeting of the Pacific Rim Objective Symposium, Taipei    
2001Calibration of the ITBS survey language battery to the ITBS complete language battery using five different linking methods. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Seattle.    
2000 Linking ITBS survey math battery to complete math battery using five different linking methods. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, New Orleans.    
1999The effect of multidimensionality on DIF detection: A comparison of observed score and IRT methods. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.