年度 | 論文名稱 | 會議名稱 | 起 | 迄 | 國家 |
2014 | 基礎醫學閱讀素養評量的發展與應用 | 2014教育高階論壇:核心素養的評量議題與教育發展 | 2014/10/16 | 2014/10/17 | 台灣 |
2013 | 常模穩定性之研究 | 2013教育高階論壇「數位時代之教育議題與發展」學術研討會 | 2013/5/9 | 2013/5/10 | 臺灣 |
2011 | 以多向度試題反應模式分析國中基測自然科試題 | 中國測驗學會2011年會暨心理與教育測驗學術研討會 | 2011/10/22 | 2011/10/22 | 臺灣 |
2011 | 比較bi-factor model與testlet-effects model偵測試題題組效果之效益 | 中國測驗學會2011年會暨心理與教育測驗學術研討會 | 2011/10/22 | 2011/10/22 | 臺灣 |
2011 | 專科學生專門職業及技術人員高等護理師考試科目—基本護理學量尺畫線性轉換之研究 | 中國測驗學會2011年會暨心理與教育測驗學術研討會 | 2011/10/22 | 2011/10/22 | 臺灣 |
2011 | Using LLTM to Analyze Cognitive Components of Science Test. Paper presented at the 2011 Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS), Singapore. | | | | |
2011 | Using bifactor to detect testlet effects. Poster session presented at the 2011 International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS), Hong Kong. | | | | |
2011 | The recovery of item and person parameters estimated by the SCORIGHT. Poster session presented at the 2011 International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS), Hong Kong. | | | | |
2011 | The development of the risk classification tool of adult probationer. Paper presented at the 7th Conference of the International Test Commission, Hong Kong. | | | | |
2010 | The development of the risk classification tool of adult probationer. Paper presented at the 7th Conference of the International Test Commission, Hong Kong. | | | | |
2010 | Construct a vertical scale for Science Assessment. Paper presented at the 7th Conference of the International Test Commission, Hong Kong. | | | | |
2010 | The development of the Native Multicultural Literacy Scale. Paper presented at the 7th Conference of the International Test Commission, Hong Kong. | | | | |
2010 | The comparison of scoring subscales approaches. Paper presented at the 7th Conference of the International Test Commission, Hong Kong. | | | | |
2010 | Using subscale score to evaluate student’s performance. Paper presented at the 2010 Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS), Kuala Lumpur. | | | | |
2010 | TIMSS八年級與國中基本學力測驗物理試題認知成分之探討。台北市: 2010永續教育發展-創新與實踐國際學術研討會(2010 NAER)。 | | | | |
2009 | The Development of a Test of Scientific Metacognition and related studies. Paper presented at the 2009 Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS), Hong Kong, China. | | | | |
2009 | The equivalency of item difficulty structure between genders using SEM analysis. Paper presented at the 2009 Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS), Hong Kong, China. | | | | |
2008 | The Study of mixed Rasch model analysis on life science content for junior high school students in Southern Taiwan. Paper presented at the 2009 Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS), Hong Kong, China. | | | | |
2007 | A Comparative Study of DIMTEST, DETECT and NOHARM in Detecting the Departure from Unidimensionality. Paper presented at the Internal Meeting of Psychometric Society 2007, Tokyo, Japan. | | | | |
2007 | A Comparison of the Differences in Estimates of Ability Growth and Item Parameters for Vertical Scaling Data Using Two Estimation Methods. 發表於台北舉行的「2007心理與教育測驗學術研討會」。 | | | | |
2007 | 成就測驗組合分數議題探討。發表於台北舉行的「2007心理與教育測驗學術研討會」。 | | | | |
2007 | 電腦化電路概念動態評量系統之發展。發表於2007年11月3日於台北舉行的「2007心理與教育測驗學術研討會」。 | | | | |
2004 | 國中生基本學力測驗自然科試題分析研究。發表於科技化測驗與能力指標評量國際學術研討會,台南市:國立臺南師範學院。 | | | | |
2004 | 編製與國中生基本學力測驗可互為比較的測驗之初步研究。發表於科技化測驗與能力指標評量國際學術研討會,台南市:國立臺南師範學院。 | | | | |
2004 | 台南市國民小學英語科成就水準之探討。發表於科技化測驗與能力指標評量國際學術研討會,台南市:國立臺南師範學院。 | | | | |
2004 | 台灣大學生統計成就水準的發展。發表於科技化測驗與能力指標評量國際學術研討會,台南市:國立臺南師範學院。 | | | | |
2001 | Effects of changes in the examinees’ ability distribution on the exposure control methods in CAT. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle. | | | | |
2001 | BCTEST Scale Scores Using IRT Method: A preliminary study. Paper presented at the fifth symposium on psychological and educational testing in Chinese communities, Taipei, Taiwan. | | | | |
2001 | 90年度台灣地區中學生基本學力測驗量尺計分計劃系統簡介。北美華人心理測驗研討會(CAERDA),Columbus, Ohio, September, 2001. | | | | |
2001 | 國民中學學生基本學力測驗題庫系統的發展。本文發表於2001年10月27~28日於台北舉行的「第五屆華人社會心理與教育測驗學術研討會。 | | | | |
2001 | TTBS Scale Scores Using IRT Methods: A preliminary study. 本文發表於2001年10月27~28日於台北舉行的「第五屆華人社會心理與教育測驗學術研討會。 | | | | |