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2021A multivariate logit model for corporate bankruptcy forecastingInternational Conference on Economics and Business Research2021/7/282021/7/29Canada
2021Development of an industry-relative model for bankruptcy forecasting International Academic Conference on Economics, Business Management & Social Sciences2021/6/252021/6/25Canada
2019The influence of early stage project performance: Some project performance and outcome correlate4th North American Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Conference2019/10/232019/10/25加拿大
2009Chen, H. L. (2009). "A longitudinal cross-sectional analysis of the relationships between sales flows and financial and macroeconomic variables." International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making, pp. 89-96, Taipei, Taiwan.    
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2007Chen, H. L. (2007 Section chair). "Integrated cost-payment-schedules model for project cost flow predictions and management." The 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System, p. 238 (11 pages), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.    
2007Chen, H. L. (2007). "Analyzing the contractors’ supply chain payment conditions." Sixth Annual SCALE Conference on Supply Chain Optimization, p.9 (10 pages), Florida, USA.    
2006Chen, H. L. and Chen, W. T. (2006) "Combining time series and multivariate regression analysis for sales predictions," Society of Advanced Management (SAM) 2006 International Business Conference, pp.1370-1377, Florida, USA.    
2005Chen, W.T., Chen, H.L., Chang, P.-Y., and Wang, T.-J. (2005). "A Performance Evaluation Model for Construction Value Engineering Study." 1st International Conference on Construction Engineering and Management (ICCEM), Seoul, Korea, Oct. 16-19, pp. 347-352.