年度 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名 | 卷 | 期 | 起迄頁 |
2019 | The Philosophical Views of National Innovation System: The LED industry in Taiwan | Asia Pacific Management Review | 24 | 4 | 291-297 |
2018 | 探討資源基礎理論創造組織核心能力之價值-以優人神鼓心靈修練為例 | 科技管理學刊 | 23 | 1 | 1-32 |
2018 | 線上企業創造鎖入效應之策略分析 | 台大管理論叢 | 29 | 3 | 167-192 |
2018 | How Trust Pursuing Businesses Play in an Asymmetric Power Network? | IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management | 67 | 1 | 18-29 |
2017 | Fitting Cooperative Mode in Inter-Organizational Strategic Alliance: A Perspective from Innovative and Financial Performances | Journal of Technology Transfer | 44 | | 73-96 |
2017 | Expanding the Two Wings of Social Capital for Value Creation: Strategic Entrepreneurship of HTC, 1997-2008 | Technology Analysis & Strategic Management | 30 | 5 | 512-523 |
2016 | 華人中小企業如何成功形塑夥伴關係? J 照明公司之個案研究 | 商略學報 | 8 | 4 | 271-282 |
2014 | 網絡發展與多角化策略-東貝之縱斷性個案研究 | 產業與管理論壇 | 16 | 3 | 24-43 |
2013 | 台灣發光二極體產業之發展歷程: 國家創新系統之觀點 | 理工研究國際期刊(International Journal of Science and Engineering) | 3 | 1 | 37-54 |
2009 | 劉子歆(2009),「逆轉中國大陸國家制度螺旋:一個單一個案研究」,管理評論,28(4):69-90。【TSSCI】 | | | | |
2009 | Kuei-Kuei Lai, Liu, T.-H.*, and Fang-Chen Kao (2009) Why Quality Is Improving Continuously? An Integrated Perspective of Institution Theory and the Resource-Based View of the Firm. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 20(10), 1111-1122.(*Corresponding author)【SSCI】 | | | | |
2008 | 陳金枝、劉子歆*、洪世章(2008),「大立光電,2007」,產業與管理論壇,10(4): 82-98。 | | | | |
2007 | Liu, T.-H., Hung, S.-C., and Chu, Y.-Y. (2007) Environmental jolts, entrepreneurial actions and value creation: A case study of Trend Micro. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 74, 1432-1445.【SSCI】 | | | | |
2007 | 高芳真、劉子歆*、賴奎魁(2007)「組織信念與策略創業:大立光電之個案研究」,管理評論,26(4):27-52。【TSSCI】 | | | | |
2006 | Lin, T. M. Y., Wu, H.-H., Liao, C.-W., and Liu, T.-H. (2006) Why are some e-mails forwarded and others not? Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy, 16(1): 81-93.【SCI】 | | | | |
2005 | Liu, T.-H., Chu, Y.-Y., Hung, S.-C., and Wu, S.-Y. (2005) Technology Entrepreneurial Styles: A Comparison of UMC and TSMC. International Journal of Technology Management, 29(1/2): 92-115.【SSCI】 | | | | |
2004 | Chi, C.-F., Pan, J.-S., Liu, T.-H., Jang, Y. (2004) The Development of A Hierarchical Coding Scheme and Database of Job Accommodation for Disabled Workers. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 33: 429-447.【SCI】 | | | | |
2003 | 劉子歆、洪世章、朱詣尹(2003)「網際網路、交易成本與組構場域-台積電與趨勢科技之個案研究」,資訊管理學報,9(2):73-107。【TSSCI】 | | | | |
2002 | 洪世章、余孝倫、劉子歆(2002)「網路空間內電子企業之本質-探索性研究」,台灣管理學刊,1(2):289-316。 | | | | |
2002 | 洪世章、劉子歆(2002)「網際空間內創新型態、形成與信任機制之探討」,資訊社會研究,2(1):185-204。 | | | | |