2023/12/11指導國立臺南大學經管系學生朱葦如、莊培妤獲「2023 WIN THE PRIDE:用指標說故事」數據資料分析競賽(大學生組)佳作財團法人國家實驗研究院,科技政策研究與資訊中心「家庭」非 「她」不可嗎?—台灣女性選擇家庭放棄職場之現況探討
2023/12/11指導南大經管系林侑蓁、柯慶灣、洪詳旻、國文系黃敬棨獲「2023 WIN THE PRIDE:用指標說故事」數據資料分析競賽(大學生組)佳作財團法人國家實驗研究院,科技政策研究與資訊中心中西醫療產業結構的差異與中醫困境
2023/10/92023 IEEE-TEMS Best Abstract AwardIEEE-TEMS,Kaunas University of TechnologyThe Impact of Social Emotional Wealth Passed on Through Three Generations on Dynamic Managerial Capabilities and Organizational Resilience.
2023/10/92023 IEEE-TEMS Best Paper AwardIEEE-TEMS,Kaunas University of TechnologyA Comparison Between Eastern and Western Family Businesses: Dynamic Managerial Capabilities, Resilience and Succession
2021/12/11指導學生陳妍惠、盧柏文、 王紫恩、楊育錚獲「2021 WIN THE PRIDE:用指標說故事」數據資料分析競賽(大學生組)佳作。財團法人國家實驗研究院,科技政策研究與資訊中心留「才」之道,台灣科技業缺工狀況之探討
2021/12/11指導生鄭文瑄、楊霓、 吳盈玥、許嘉芸獲「2021 WIN THE PRIDE:用指標說故事」數據資料分析競賽(大學生組)佳作財團法人國家實驗研究院,科技政策研究與資訊中心獸醫 So Easy?大動物獸醫人才缺乏之現況探討
2021/11/132021三創、華人企業與現代管理研討會傑出論文獎國立台灣大學管理學院Top Management-To-Employee Pay Dispersion: Exploring the moderation effects of family ownership and family management in family controlled public firms
2020/9/112020TAOM年會暨研討會傑出論文獎台灣組織與管理學會Female CEO matters on social and economic value creation of social enterprises: An attention-based view
2017/6/20AAOM 10th Conference(2017)-Best Paper Award in Family Business ResearchAsia Academy of ManagementTime does matter: How the effects of CEO duality and successor’s governance choices on R&D intensity are moderated in Family Controlled Public Firms.
2017/2/1Outstanding Reviewer AwardJournal of Family Business StrategyJournal of Family Business Strategy-Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing
2014/6/72014 FERC-Best Practitioner Focused Paper AwardFamily Enterprise Research ConferenceExploring effects of family involvement and HPWS on managerial turnover and firm performance linkage