專長/研究領域昆蟲學、演化、生態與行為生態學 / 動物性分解者
Doctor Rerum NaturaliumAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg德國演化、生態與行為生態學2000 ~ 2006
國立成功大學生物系研究助理1993 ~1994
行政院農委會林業試驗所森林保護組研究助理2001 ~ 2006
國立台灣大學昆蟲系博士後研究2006/10 ~ 2008/7
著作名稱:Hwang, W. (2006): Konkurrenz und Aasnutzung necrophager und necrophiler Käfer in Nord- und Südtaiwan unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Nicrophorus nepalensis Hope (Coleoptera: Silphidae). Dissertation. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.
類別: 學術專書
著作名稱:Cryptic diversity within the Poecilochirus carabi mite species complex phoretic on Nicrophorus burying beetles: Phylogeny, biogeography, and host specificity
類別: 期刊論文 Molecular Ecology
摘要:Coevolution is often considered a major driver of speciation, but evidence for this claim is not always found because diversity might be cryptic. When morphological divergence is low, molecular data are needed to uncover diversity. This is often the case in mites, which are known for their extensive and often cryptic diversity. We studied mites of the genus Poecilochirus that are phoretic on burying beetles (Silphidae: Nicrophorus). Poecilochirus taxonomy is poorly understood. Most studies on this genus focus on the evolutionary ecology of Poecilochirus carabi sensu lato, a complex of at least two biological species. Based on molecular data of 230 specimens from 43 locations worldwide, we identified 24 genetic clusters that may represent species. We estimate that these mites began to diversify during the Paleogene, when the clade containing P. subterraneus branched off and the remaining mites diverged into two further clades. One clade resembles P. monospinosus. The other clade contains 17 genetic clusters resembling P. carabi s.l.. Among these are P. carabi sensu stricto, P. necrophori, and potentially many additional cryptic species. Our analyses suggest that these clades were formed in the Miocene by large-scale geographic separation; co-speciation of mites with the host beetles can be largely ruled out. Diversification also seems to have happened on a smaller scale, potentially due to adaptation to specific hosts or local abiotic conditions, causing some clusters to specialize on certain beetle species. Our results suggest that biodiversity in this genus was generated by multiple interacting forces shaping the tangled webs of life.
關鍵字:coevolution, Poecilochirus austroasiaticus, Poecilochirus monospinosus, Poecilochirus subterraneus, speciation
著作名稱:A pheromone that coordinates parental care is evolutionary conserved among burying beetles (Silphidae: Nicrophorus)
類別: 期刊論文 Chemoecology
摘要:Pheromones regulating mating behavior are diverse in structure and typically show high species specificity. However, depending on their information content they can also be quite conserved across species. Here, we demonstrate that methyl geranate, an anti-aphrodisiac produced during brood care, is a conserved volatile organic compound within the genus Nicrophorus (burying beetles). Burying beetles are well known for their elaborate biparental care. They reproduce on small vertebrate carcasses and typically it is a pair of beetles, a male and a female, which cooperate in feeding and defending their young. During the intensive period of parental care, female Nicrophorus vespilloides have been shown to emit a volatile substance, methyl geranate, which acts as an anti-aphrodisiac and deters males from copulating. Methyl geranate is biosynthetically linked to juvenile hormone III, a hormone mediating a temporary infertility in this species. By investigating volatile emission of seven geographically and phylogenetically distinct burying beetle species, we provide evidence that methyl geranate is a conserved substance released by parenting adults throughout the genus. We, furthermore, show that there is high quantitative variation (1) between species, which can partly be explained by species differences in body size and (2) within species, which can be attributed to sex differences and individual brood size differences. Moreover, we demonstrate that a species of the genus Ptomascopus, which is closely related to Nicrophorus, but shows no elaborate post-hatching parental behavior, emits only trace amounts of methyl geranate during breeding. Our results, therefore, suggest that the synthesis of an anti-aphrodisiac was an important step in the evolution of concerted parental care in burying beetles. However, behavioral experiments are needed to further corroborate our hypothesis.
關鍵字:Anti-aphrodisiac, Fertility signal, Methyl geranate, Parental care, Juvenile hormone
著作名稱:Occurrence and reproduction of anurans in brackish water in a coastal windbreak forest in Taiwan
類別: 期刊論文 Herpetology Notes
著作名稱:Climate-mediated cooperation promotes niche expansion in burying beetles
類別: 期刊論文 eLife
摘要:The ability to form cooperative societies may explain why humans and social insects have come to dominate the earth. Here we examine the ecological consequences of cooperation by quantifying the fitness of cooperative (large groups) and non-cooperative (small groups) phenotypes in burying beetles (Nicrophorus nepalensis) along an elevational and temperature gradient. We experimentally created large and small groups along the gradient and manipulated interspecific competition with flies by heating carcasses. We show that cooperative groups performed as thermal generalists with similarly high breeding success at all temperatures and elevations, whereas noncooperative groups performed as thermal specialists with higher breeding success only at intermediate temperatures and elevations. Studying the ecological consequences of cooperation may not only help us to understand why so many species of social insects have conquered the earth, but also to determine how climate change will affect the success of these and other social species, including our own.
著作名稱:Carcass Fungistasis of the Burying Beetle Nicrophorus nepalensis Hope (Coleoptera: Silphidae)
類別: 期刊論文 Psyche
摘要:Our study investigated the fungistatic effects of the anal secretions of Nicrophorus nepalensisHope on mouse carcasses.The diversity of fungi on carcasses was investigated in five different experimental conditions that corresponded to stages of the burial process.The inhibition of fungal growth on carcasses that were treated by mature beetles before burial was lost when identically treated carcasses were washed with distilled water. Compared with control carcasses, carcasses that were prepared, buried, and subsequently guarded by mature breeding pairs of beetles exhibited the greatest inhibition of fungal growth. No significant difference in fungistasis was observed between the 3.5 g and the 18 to 22 g guarded carcasses. We used the growth of the predominant species of fungi on the control carcasses, Trichoderma sp., as a biological indicator to examine differences in the fungistatic efficiency of anal secretions between sexually mature and immature adults and between genders.The anal secretions of sexually mature beetles inhibited the growth of Trichoderma sp., whereas the secretions of immature beetles did not. The secretions of sexually mature females displayed significantly greater inhibition of the growth of Trichoderma sp. than those of sexually mature males, possibly reflecting a division of labor in burying beetle reproduction.
關鍵字:burying beetle, Nicrophorus, carcass, fungistasis, Trichoderma, sexual maturity
著作名稱:Dormancy and the influence of photoperiod and temperature on sexual maturity in Nicrophorus nepalensis (Coleoptera: Silphidae)
類別: 期刊論文 Insect Science
摘要:Carrion beetles (Nicrophorus spp.) use small vertebrate carcasses for food and reproduction. Their ecology and behaviors are highly affected by the availability of carcasses and the surrounding environmental conditions. Our results revealed that in subtropical Fushan, northern Taiwan, N. nepalensis was mainly active in spring (February to May), and could also be found in autumn (October and November); but there was no capture record in summer (June to September) and winter (December and January). A laboratory temperature tolerance study indicated that N. nepalensis adults become inactive at temperatures above 26?C, and had the highest mortality when the temperature was raised from 27?C to 28?C. Furthermore, N. nepalensis became sexually mature at 20?C, depending on the photoperiod: the longer the day, the lower the percentage of sexually mature 2-week-old females after emergence. In another experiment, N. nepalensis virgins were paired under three possible conditions at Fushan. At 15?C and 20?C, if carcasses were presented to the pairs within 3 days after emergence, all laid eggs in the second week after emergence. If carcasses were presented 1 week after emergence, most began to reproduce at 20?C with 12.5 h of daylight. However, at 15?C with 11 h of daylight, the carrion beetles hibernated first, and reproduced in the ninth week after emergence. At 25?C with 14 h of daylight, carrion beetles did not bury the mouse carcasses, the females did not lay eggs, and the adult lifespan was only one-third of that at 20?C. This study revealed that both photoperiod and temperature influence the time needed to reach the sexual maturity of N. nepalensis; and also implied that the narrow temperature tolerance range and dormancy behavior of carrion beetles are highly regulated by those environmental factors.
關鍵字:dormancy, Nicrophorus, photoperiod, reproductive biology, temperature
著作名稱:Adaptive consequences and heritable basis of asynchronous hatching in Nicrophorus vespilloides
類別: 期刊論文 Oikos
摘要:Asynchronous hatching is an important component of animal reproductive strategies, yet it has been studied almost exclusively in altricial birds. In this study, we provide evidence on the adaptive consequences and the heritable basis of asynchronous hatching in an insect, the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. Parents of this species breed on carcasses of small vertebrates and provide food in the form of predigested carrion for their offspring. We found that the size of the carcass used for breeding had a significant effect on hatching skew towards the earlier part of the hatching period, suggesting that female parents adjust hatching skew facultatively to the amount of resources available for breeding. Using a full sibling breeding design, we also found that parent family had a significant effect on both hatching skew and hatching spread, suggesting that there is a heritable basis to asynchronous hatching. Finally, we found that hatching spread affected offspring survivorship, providing evidence that asynchronous hatching patterns have adaptive consequences in N. vespilloides. Our study provides valuable new insights into the evolution and ecological significance of asynchronous hatching by providing evidence on the adaptive consequences and the heritable basis of asynchronous hatching in a non‐avian species.
著作名稱:Alternative tactics and individual reproductive success in natural associations of the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides
類別: 期刊論文 Behavioral Ecology
摘要:Alternative reproductive tactics can be maintained through different evolutionary avenues. They can be genetically or stochastically determined, in which case they must yield equal fitness, or their use can be conditional, in which case the fitness payoff of alternatives may differ. We attempted to assess the reproductive success of alternative reproductive tactics employed by wild male and female burying beetles in natural associations on carcasses placed in the field. A beetle’s reproductive tactic was defined by its potential involvement in care of larvae, and parentage was assessed using oligolocus DNA fingerprinting of offspring and potential parents. Both in males and in females, alternative tactics yielded significantly different reproductive benefits: subordinate females (brood parasites) and males (satellite males) had considerably lower reproductive success than dominant or uncontested individuals. Joint breeding was too infrequent for statistical inferences, generating intermediate offspring numbers. About 15% of offspring were sired by males not present on the carcass, suggesting that mating away from reproductive resources can produce reproductive benefits to males. Our results, in concert with the observation that beetles using one tactic can be manipulated into employing the alternative, support the notion that Nicrophorus vespilloides uses alternatives conditionally, opportunistically employing lower-benefit tactics when more profitable tactics are not available, or as additional ‘‘on-the-side’’ tactics to bolster reproductive success.
關鍵字:alternative tactics, brood parasitism, burying beetles, communal breeding, DNA fingerprinting, Nicrophorus, parentage, satellite males.
著作名稱:Seaward Migration and Larval Release Coincide with Lunar and Light-dark Cycles in Supratidal Land Crabs Cardisoma carnifex and Epigrapsus notatus
類別: 期刊論文 Zoological Studies
摘要:Herein we investigated the synchronous breeding migration and larval release of ovigerous females in two dominant supratidal land crabs Cardisoma carnifex and Epigrapsus notatus in the mixed semidiurnal tidal regime in Taijiang National Park (Tainan, Taiwan). We mainly focused on the monthly and daily rhythms during the breeding season of migration and larval release for these two crabs. We also sought to understand what the main environmental cues were for these monthly and diel rhythms. Both lunar and tidal amplitude cycles are potential proximate causes for the monthly lunar/semilunar reproductive rhythm in crabs. Likewise, either the 24-hour (diel) light cycle or tidal cycle can act as the proximate cause for diel reproduction rhythm, and we investigated which one was the main factor that entrains the diel rhythm for these two species. We found that the season of migration and larval release in C. carnifex occured mainly between June and September during the rainy season while those of E. notatus occurred mainly between September and October, near the end of the rainy season. Regarding the rhythm of migration and larval release in monthly time scale, C. carnifex exhibited a semilunar rhythm following the syzygies and E. notatus exhibited a lunar rhythm following the full moon. However, these rhythms did not occur with the maximum amplitude nocturnal and diurnal high tides. This implies that the lunar cycle is a more important environmental cue than the tidal amplitude in the entrainment of the synchronous monthly breeding rhythm for these two species. This pattern is different from other intertidal crabs, most of which use the tidal amplitude cycle as the main environmental cue for larval release. In addition to Chiromantes haematocheir (a supratidal crab), our study provided two more species that live in the supratidal zone time their reproduction with respect to the lunar light cycle and independent of the tide amplitude cycles. For the diel rhythm, both species migrated to the shore and released larvae in the first half of the night during the flood tide. This suggests that the diel light cycle is a dominant cue for the determination of larval release timing for these two species. Larval release does not track the high slack tides, since larvae are only released during the first half of the night and these high slack tides occur only after midnight (0000–0600H) during the days of larval release for these two crab species.
關鍵字:Breeding migration, Larval release, Mixed semidiurnal tides, Supratidal land crabs, Semilunar rhythm.
類別: 期刊論文 Crustaceana
摘要:Body size is a crucial metric that is often obtained during the breeding migration of female land crabs. Most commonly, these measurements are obtained by hand but hand-measuring them carries risks for both crabs and researchers. In this study, we developed a novel “photo-image approach” to measure the maximum carapace width of Cardisoma carnifex (Herbst, 1796) in the field, and compared the results with hand measurements. We found a significant relationship in the maximum carapace width measured between the two approaches (Linear regression, p0.0001, r2 0.99). The difference (0.54 ± 0.18 mm) and relative error (0.61 ± 0.19%) in the maximum carapace width measured between the two approaches were minimal. We suggest that the photo-image approach is feasible for determining crab size in the field. The approach holds promise for its application in citizen science projects, facilitating advancements in crab research.
關鍵字:Photo-image approach, non-contact, body size, land crabs, Cardisoma carnifex
類別: 期刊論文 Taiwan Journal of Forest Science
類別: 期刊論文 Taiwan Journal of Forest Science
摘要:本研究以懸掛型誘餌掉落式陷阱調查棲蘭山親屍性甲蟲的群聚結構,並探討環境溫度變化對物種豐度、豐量與多樣性的影響。於2013年1月至12月,共捕獲親屍性甲蟲6科70種1772隻,其中以隱翅蟲科、球蕈蟲科與埋葬蟲科在個體豐量上較佔優勢。親屍性甲蟲的組成結構在人工林與天然林之間,具有36.81% (Wainstein’s Similarity Index, Kw)的相似性。天然林的月均溫顯著比人工林低,但在每月捕獲的個體豐量上,在天然林則顯著較高。無論在人工林或天然林,物種豐度、豐量與Shannon-Wiener多樣性指數三者以二次多項式分析,皆與月均溫有顯著的正相關,環境溫度越高,親屍性甲蟲的物種豐度、豐量與Shannon-Wiener多樣性指數亦越高。此外,與人工林相比,天然林的二次多項式曲線則往較低溫的方向偏移。此顯示中海拔霧林帶棲蘭山的環境溫度,對親屍性甲蟲的群聚結構有顯著的影響。
關鍵字:necrophilous beetles, biodiversity, temperature, forest, Chilanshan
類別: 期刊論文 Taiwan Journal of Forest Science
摘要:We used necrophilous beetles for the long-term monitoring of biodiversity in the Hapen Nature Preserve in northern Taiwan, evaluating changes in the species compositions of beetle communities in 2 different habitats over a 6-yr period. The species richness, individual numbers, and diversity indices of the beetles were significantly higher in a forest habitat than in a meadow habitat. The species similarity between the beetle communities in the 2 habitats was 3.95%. Differences in species richness and heterogeneity of the vegetation may have affected the compositions of the beetle communities in the 2 habitats. Compared to non-baited pitfall traps, the species richness and individual numbers were greater in baited pitfall traps. Different dominant structures of beetles between non-baited and baited traps were demonstrated. We suggest using baited traps to investigate the effects of global warming on compositions of necrophilous beetle communities. We selected 42 species of necrophilous beetles representing 7 families as indicator species for longterm monitoring of biodiversity during the survey periods. Diversity indices of beetles monitored in the meadow habitat significantly increased in 2006 compared to those in 2001. The community similarity between the 2001 and 2006 survey periods was only 14.7% for the meadow habitat. In the forest habitat, the diversity indices varied and significantly differed among 2001, 2006, and 2007, despite the annual individual numbers not significantly differing. Based on comparisons of data from 2001 with those from the 2006 and 2007 survey periods, beetle-community similarities in the forest habitat were 49.0 and 44.9%, respectively. Variations in species compositions of beetle communities in the 2 habitats in different years may have been due to changes in the ambient temperature. Moreover, communities of necrophilous beetles in the meadow habitat were probably more strongly influenced by changes in temperature than those in the forest habitat.
關鍵字:necrophilous beetles, bait effect, biodiversity, community structure, long-term monitoring
著作名稱:圓斑銅金花蟲 (Chrysolina laeviguttata Chujo) (鞘翅目:金花蟲科) 之 室內繁殖與幼生期描述
類別: 期刊論文 台灣昆蟲
摘要:Chrysolina laeviguttata Chujo is found in Alishan, Taiwan, and feeds on the leaves of Melissa axillaris (Benth.) Bakh. f. (family: Lamiaceae). The adult samples of C. laeviguttata Chujo were collected from sites surrounding the Erwanping railway station located in Alishan Township, Chiayi County, from 2019 to 2020 and bred on the leaves of M. axillaris in an incubator at a constant temperature of 17°C under a 12-h light and 12-h dark photoperiod. We recorded the duration of all life stages from egg to adult. To study external morphology, we measured the length and width of the eggs and pupae; the head capsule width of the larvae and pupae; and the length, width, height, and depth of the pupal chambers. The survey results revealed that adults were mainly observed in the wild from June to November 2019-2020. The eggs were elliptical, were orange to deep red, and had honeycomb-like diamond patterns on the surface. Adults generally laid eggs in the soil and laid approximately 4.45 ± 3.07 eggs once. The larvae were dark brown and had four instars. The pupa was golden yellow. Approximately 111.3 ± 0.9 days were required for an egg to develop into an adult. The developmental duration (mean ± S.E.) was 41.7 ± 0.4 days for the eggs; 9.9 ± 0.1, 7.9 ± 0.3, 8.5 ± 0.2, and 29.6 ± 1.4 days for the first to fourth-instar larvae, respectively; and 15.0 ± 0.1 days for the pupa. The basic morphological and life history information provided in this study can serve as the basis for further population biology and pest management studies.
關鍵字:Chrysolina laeviguttata Chujo, life history, morphology, Melissa axillaris (Benth.) Bakh. f.
摘要:本研究從2015年1月至12月每月以蝶網網捕調查台江國家公園內紅樹林、防風林、草地、草澤與溪溝水塘五種棲地的大型飛蟲,共捕獲了8目99種2,222隻昆蟲。捕獲數由1月開始隨月份增加,於9月達到高峰後開始下降。其中以蜻蛉目為真優勢類群,個體數量佔捕獲數60.49%,其次依序為鱗翅目12.96%、膜翅目9.09%與鞘翅目8.46%。優勢的物種則分別是高翔蜻蜓、青紋細蟌、褐斑蜻蜓、侏儒蜻蜓、薄翅蜻蜓、黃蝶、義大利蜂、橙瓢蟲與豆波灰蝶。平均每條穿越線所捕獲的物種數以防風林棲地最高,個體數則以溪溝水塘棲地為最高,而多樣性指數與物種均勻度則以防風林最高。以Wainstein的相似性指標(Wainstein’s Similarity Index, Kw)比較五種棲地間昆蟲組成結構的相似度,紅樹林與草地間的昆蟲組成結構相似性最高,為23.59%,其下依序為草澤與溪溝水塘間的18.71%、草地與溪溝水塘間的18.6%,以及草地與草澤間的13.36%,此相似性可顯示飛蟲於不同棲地間播遷或交流的可能性。
著作名稱:Taiwanosemia hoppoensis的中文名宜稱為「臺灣暗蟬」
類別: 期刊論文 自然保育季刊
著作名稱:直角渫蜣 (Onthophagus rectecornutus Lansberge) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) 之生活史與形態
類別: 期刊論文 Formosan Entomologist
摘要:糞金龜在生態系統中是扮演分解者的角色,能有效分解糞便並加速營養物質的循 環,所以在畜牧業中可以利用糞金龜來對食糞性蠅類做生物防治。然而有關台灣糞金 龜生活史的研究並不多,而本研究是在探討新化牧場中的優勢食糞物種Onthophagus rectecornutus (直角渫蜣) 的個體形態及生活史。直角渫蜣的生活史:交尾後產卵期 約1.84 ± 0.60 天,卵期為2.62 ± 0.65 天,一齡幼蟲平均發育日數2.18 ± 0.43 天, 二齡幼蟲平均發育日數2.53 ± 0.69 天,三齡幼蟲平均發育日數5.93 ± 0.98 天,蛹期 約12.58 ± 1.80 天,且F1 世代的雌雄蟲之間的壽命長短有顯著差異。一對直角渫蜣 所產的糞球當中,後代羽化數量越多,雄蟲出現的比率也越高。直角渫蜣野外兩性成 蟲的體型大小與頭角長有顯著差異,F1 世代兩性成蟲則只有頭角長有顯著差異,且 無論野外或F1 世代的體型越大其頭角長越長。本研究建立了直角渫蜣的基本生物學 資料,再對日後築巢模式與行為進行深入調查。
著作名稱:墾丁國家公園與西拉雅國家風景區紋胸黑翅螢 (鞘翅目:螢科)成蟲發生期與雄蟲發光行為
類別: 期刊論文 臺灣昆蟲
摘要:本文章報告2010/3~2011/3在墾丁國家公園南仁山生態保護區與2011/3~2012/2在西拉雅國家風景區山區每月兩次的螢火蟲定期調查中,所記錄到紋胸黑翅螢的成蟲發生期,以及2009/5在西拉雅地區所作的發光行為研究結果。南仁山步道2.7 km處穿越線除2010/12~2011/1完全未見成蟲外,其餘月份的歷次採樣中均有發現,雄蟲高峰出現在2010/3~6月,最高峰於4月初,9~10月出現次高鋒期;7~9月為波谷期,此一發生期與臺灣其他地區截然不同;雌蟲的採樣數較零星,但發現到的月份與雄蟲的高峰/次高峰期同步。西拉雅地區紋胸黑翅螢只發現於海拔約1,000 m的梅嶺與大凍山東側穿越線,兩地雄蟲皆出現於2011/5~7月,發生高峰集中在6月上旬,與臺灣中部地區之發生期類似但稍晚;梅嶺的發生期較大凍山略早也略久。南仁山區雄蟲在日沒後11~34分鐘內開始發光(平均為24.13 ± 5.35 min,n 23),發光飛行持續8~45分鐘,一小時定量的分段採樣中,前30分鐘個體數與後30分鐘有顯著差異。單夜觀察雄蟲之活動,在第5~10分鐘時發光隻次達到顛峰。氣溫22.1℃時雄蟲的發光時程為351.82 ± 94.34 msec,脈衝持續時間為102.64 ± 25.25 msec(mean ± SE, n 101)。文中討論南仁山核心保護區特殊的發生期相關因素,並比較雄蟲發光飛行行為和發光訊號與日本八重山姬螢者的異同。
關鍵字:Luciola filiformis, Luciola yayeyamana, adult season, flash behavior, southern Taiwan
著作名稱:台灣福山地區三種埋葬蟲的分布與尼泊爾埋葬蟲(Coleoptera: Silphidae)的族群動態
類別: 期刊論文 生物學報
摘要:本研究為探討福山地區三種埋葬蟲的棲地分布與季節性活躍,並標放尼泊爾埋葬蟲,來分析該物種的族群動態。紅胸埋葬蟲與尼泊爾埋葬蟲有顯著的時空棲位區隔,紅胸埋葬蟲偏好在夏季的草地活動,而尼泊爾埋葬蟲則偏好春秋季的林地。紅胸埋葬蟲、大黑埋葬蟲與尼泊爾埋葬蟲的活躍期高峰,在海拔較高的阿玉山皆晚於海拔較低的福山。在阿玉山所捕獲的紅胸埋葬蟲與尼泊爾埋葬蟲,其前胸背板寬皆顯著大於在福山的族群;不論在福山或阿玉山,紅胸埋葬蟲雄蟲個體大小皆較大於雌蟲;尼泊爾埋葬蟲在阿玉山的族群,雌蟲大小顯著大於雄蟲,但於福山的族群則無差別。雖然尼泊爾埋葬蟲的捕獲數量在2002年調查期間出現三個高峰值,但以Jolly-method估算,族群大小穩定,僅在四月初出現高峰期。尼泊爾埋葬蟲在光週期L/D: 11/13、溫度20oC的條件下,世代所需時間為44 ± 1.04日,四月中羽化的高峰期可對應到二月底成蟲活動的高峰期。尼泊爾埋葬蟲4日內移動距離中位數為174.4 m,福山與阿玉山兩地族群未發現明顯交流的現象。
關鍵字:埋葬蟲科、棲地分布、季節性活躍、尼泊爾埋葬蟲、標放再捕捉、Jolly 法、族群動態
類別: 期刊論文 國家公園學報
著作名稱:Comparative Study of Species Composition and Seasonal Activity of Necrophilous Beetles with Emphasis on Aphodiinae and Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Subtropical and Tropical Taiwan.
類別: 期刊論文 Formosan Entomologist
摘要:In subtropical Fushan (northern Taiwan), beetles attracted by carrion are inactive in winter, while beetles in tropical Nanjenshan (southern Taiwan) are active all year round. In subtropical Fushan distinguishing the activity periods of the four most dominant necrophilous families, Hydrophilidae, Leiodidae, Scarabaeidae and Staphylinidae, is difficult, yet in tropical Nanjenshan their activity periods are clearly separated. The diversity of necrophilous Aphodiinae and Scarabaeinae in tropical Nanjenshan is lower than that in subtropical Fushan since there is only one dominant species in Nanjenshan. In addition, the total number of necrophilous beetles was higher in the forest than in the meadow. Based on the qualitative and quantitative results of this study, we believe that the environmental factors, including temperature, wind and shade from the sun, can strongly affect the availability of the carrion used by these beetles, thereby changing their species abundance and diversity. Under intense resource competition, different strategies evolved, resulting in different patterns of species diversity, seasonal activity and niche separation between tropical and subtropical areas.
關鍵字:species diversity, species abundance, niche separation, carrion fauna
著作名稱:南北台灣環境變異對屍食性螞蟻(Hymenoptera: Formicidae)群聚組成與屍體利用之影響。
類別: 期刊論文 生物學報
摘要:本研究目的是比較屍體分解在南北台灣的差異,了解蟻科物種在屍體分解上的角色,並以蟻科物種出現在陷阱上的數目做為假個體(pseudo-individual)數,分析其群聚結構、季節活躍性和棲地偏好。自2001年2月至2002年1月的調查結果,在北台灣福山小鼠屍體主要是被脊椎動物所利用,而在南台灣南仁山則是被蠅蛆與螞蟻所分解。在福山與南仁山以小鼠屍體誘餌掉落式陷阱所捕獲的蟻科種類共計39種,共同種類僅有8種。南仁山蟻科物種多樣性與物種勻度皆較福山高,且兩地蟻科群聚結構僅有7.72%的相似度(Wainstein’s Similarity Index, Kw)。兩地螞蟻的假個體活躍性皆與環境溫度成正相關,在福山螞蟻於夏季最為活躍,但於冬季最不活躍,在南仁山只有冬季較不活躍。在福山螞蟻在草地活動較林地頻繁,而在南仁山螞蟻整體則無顯著棲地偏好。蟻科的物種若於福山及南仁山皆有分佈,其棲地偏好出現改變的現象。
著作名稱:陽明山五色鳥(Megalaima nuchalis)繁殖生物學。
類別: 期刊論文 國家公園學報
摘要:本研究於 2011 年調查陽明山五色鳥(Megalaima nuchalis)的繁殖生物學, 共記錄 13 對五色鳥的繁殖表現。五色鳥繁殖期始自 5 月初,於 9 月末結束,繁殖 開始日略為延後可能與 1 月及 3 月的低溫有關。每對平均窩次數為 1.5 次,窩卵數 3.7 顆,孵化期 13.9 天,孵化率 83.9%,育雛期 30.6 天,離巢率 40.4%。被掠食為 卵孵化及幼鳥離巢之失敗主因,蛇類應為主要掠食者,幼鳥被掠食比卵多(26:8)。 親鳥餵食在巢幼鳥頻率為每小時 4.2 次,餵食以昆蟲及果實為主,所佔餵食比例各 為 61.3%及 36.4%,且不論育雛前或後期,昆蟲皆多於果實,直翅目、竹節蟲目及 半翅目佔所有昆蟲之 50%,以竹節蟲類最多。
關鍵字:五色鳥 ; 繁殖生物學 ; 掠食 ; 幼鳥食物 ; 陽明山
類別: 期刊論文 環境與生態學報
摘要:在台灣北部哈盆自然保留區亞熱帶的溪岸林地與溪床草地,以掉落式陷阱調查結果,溪岸林地的甲蟲物種豐度與個體總數量皆比溪床草地多,溪岸林地甲蟲物種多樣性與物種勻度亦比溪床草地高,兩種類型棲地所觀察到的甲蟲物種組成相似度非常低,Wainsteins Similarity Index (K(下標 w))僅爲3.95。誘餌掉落式陷阱所吸引的物種數目與個體數目皆高於無誘餌之陷阱,但無誘餌掉落式陷阱的多樣性指數與物種勻度則高於誘餌掉落式陷阱,兩種陷阱的物種組成相似度非常低,K(下標 w)值僅爲4.11。被屍體誘餌所吸引的甲蟲有9科,選定7科42種屍食性甲蟲做爲長期監測物種。所監測的屍食性甲蟲物種組成在氣候變遷的影響下,2006年於溪床草地甲蟲物種數目比2001年多,但個體數目卻減少了63.7%,多樣性指數與物種勻度也增加,兩年甲蟲物種組成僅有約1/7的相似性。2006年與2007年溪岸林地屍食性甲蟲物種豐度皆低於2001年,2006和2007兩年的個體數目分別減少了10%與14%,物種組成相似度(K(下標 w))下降爲49.0與44.9,2006與2007年的物種組成相似性不到2/3。整體而言,對溫度敏感的屍食性甲蟲物種組成結構及多樣性在五年間已產生明顯變化。
類別: 期刊論文 國家公園學報
關鍵字:鳥類群聚 ; 闊葉林 ; 監測 ; 玉山國家公園
著作名稱:尼泊爾埋葬蟲 (Nicrophorus nepalensis Hope) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) 對鼠屍之利用
類別: 期刊論文 Formosan Entomologist
摘要:本論文研究尼泊爾埋葬蟲 (Nicrophorus nepalensis) 在繁殖時對屍體大小的偏 好。第一個試驗以四組不同大小的 ICR 品系小鼠屍體供成對性熟之埋葬蟲成蟲選擇, 分別是 3.18 ± 0.26 g (5 日齡)、7.23 ± 0.81 g (14 日齡)、11.39 ± 1.46 g (21 日齡) 與 21.03 ± 1.05 g (28~35 日齡),埋葬蟲傾向將較小的屍體作為食用,將較大的小鼠屍 體做繁殖之用。於第二個實驗中,未性熟的埋葬蟲個體,不論雌雄或是成對在無法進 行繁殖的情況下,皆有埋葬屍體的行為。性熟之埋葬蟲個體,單一雌性與成對成蟲發 現屍體便立即進行加工與掩埋,而大部分單一雄性則不立即掩埋屍體。由於尼泊爾埋 葬蟲具備埋葬大鼠屍體的能力,在第三個試驗裡提供一雄三雌埋葬蟲以試驗用 Wistar 品系大鼠屍體 (約 130 g) 與 ICR 品系小鼠屍體 (約 20 g),埋葬蟲於大鼠屍體上所養 育的子代數目與在小鼠屍體上者無顯著差異,因此對大鼠屍體的利用率顯著低於小鼠 屍體,但於大鼠屍體上所養育出來的子代個體大小,卻顯著大於在小鼠上所養育出來 的子代。
著作名稱: 環境變遷監測 – 氣溫對狹溫性甲蟲活動之影響。
類別: 期刊論文 林業研究專訊
類別: 期刊論文 林業研究專訊
類別: 期刊論文 台灣博物季刊
類別: 期刊論文 林業研究專訊
類別: 期刊論文 台灣林業科學
摘要:人工林造林後,基於生產力的提升與演替過程中多樣性的增加,植食者的群聚結構也隨之變化。本研究即在花蓮大農大富平地森林園區,於2009、2012和2019年每季調查蝴蝶的群聚結構,以了解人工林演替與各類別植物豐度對蝴蝶豐度(species richness)、豐量(abundance)與多樣性(diversity)的影響。在44個樣區3個年度的調查下,共計觀察到蝴蝶5科101種2364隻次,其中以蛺蝶科(Nymphalidae)、灰蝶科(Lycaenidae)和粉蝶科(Pieridae)的數量最多,季節性優勢物種主要為白雅波灰蝶(Jamides celeno celeno)、豆環蛺蝶(Neptis hylas luculenta)、小波眼蝶(Ypthima baldus zodina)與白粉蝶(Pieris rapae crucivora)。從2002年造林開始,7年、10年與17年後蝴蝶的豐度與豐量仍持續增加,但多樣性隨季節起伏差異不大。蝴蝶的豐量受造林樹種豐度影響,但豐度則較不受影響,蝴蝶的豐度與豐量皆受林下地被植物豐度所影響,地被植物的豐度又與造林樹種豐度有顯著的正相關,此結果顯示造林樹種豐度對蝴蝶群聚的影響力可能小於地被植物豐度。將單一樹種造林與多樹種混合造林相比,後者除了使伴生的植物物種增加外,也增加了蝴蝶的物種。
著作名稱:Steiger, S., Hwang, W. & Müller, J. K.(2005): Regulation of brood size in burying beetles: Timing and selectivity of infanticide. 98. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft als gemeinsame Tagung mit dem IV. Symposium des German-Brain-Endocrine-Immune-Network. Cognition and cultural evolution. Universität Bayreuth. Abstractband: 105.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:林美吟、黃文伯、徐芝敏、林金福(2011): 壽山台灣獼猴移動模式之群體與個體決策。2011年動物行為、生態暨生物及環境教育研討會: 19。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:邱俊豪、黃文伯(2011): 紋胸黑翅螢(Luciola filiformis Olivier)與黑翅螢(Luciola cerata Olivier)(Coleoptera: Lampyridae)的同步閃光行為。2011年動物行為、生態暨生物及環境教育研討會: 89。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:徐芷筠、黃文伯(2011): 糞金龜生活史及其糞便分解速率之研究。2011年動物行為、生態暨生物及環境教育研討會: 89。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:林秀梅、黃文伯(2011): 尼泊爾埋葬蟲(Nicrophorus nepalensis)(Coleoptera: Silphidae)性熟程度對屍體真菌抑制作用的影響。2011年動物行為、生態暨生物及環境教育研討會: 90。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:黃文伯、楊易霖(2011): 斑紋埋葬蟲屬(Nicrophorus spp.)(Coleoptera: Silphidae)聲學研究初探。2011年動物行為、生態暨生物及環境教育研討會: 90。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:林佳蓉、黃文伯(2011): 直角渫蜣 Onthophagus rectecornutus (Coleoptera:Scarabaeoidae)築巢行為的天擇適應。台灣昆蟲學會第三十二屆年會: 21。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:楊易霖、黃文伯(2011): 影響尼泊爾埋葬蟲(Nicrophorus nepalensis)(Coleoptera: Silphidae)雄性性徵退化的因子。台灣昆蟲學會第三十二屆年會: 28。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:張庭維、黃文伯(2011): 尼泊爾埋葬蟲(Nicrophorus nepalensis)在不同溫度中繁殖成功率之比較。台灣昆蟲學會第三十二屆年會: 46。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:蘇冠妃、黃文伯(2011):尼泊爾埋葬蟲在親緣辨識下共同撫育的可能性。台灣昆蟲學會第三十二屆年會: 47。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:王筌宥、黃文伯(2011):大臺南賞螢社區之生態旅遊發展與規劃。台灣昆蟲學會第三十二屆年會: 72。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:賴旭敏、黃文伯(2011): 以計畫行為理論探討賞螢遊客之行為。台灣昆蟲學會第三十二屆年會: 73。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:黃文伯、葛兆年(2010): 哈盆自然保留區屍食性甲蟲生物多樣性監測與氣候變遷。台南濕地生物資源與經營管理研討會論文集: 99-115。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:林秀梅、黃文伯(2010): 尼泊爾埋葬蟲(Nicrophorus nepalensis)(Coleoptera: Silphidae)對屍體上真菌生長的抑制作用。台灣昆蟲學會第三十一屆年會: 58。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:黃文伯、蘇筱涵(2010): 大黑埋葬蟲的形態、發育、行為與異種資源競爭之研究。台灣昆蟲學會第三十一屆年會: 96。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:林廷翰、黃文伯(2010): 曾文溪口溼地不同棲地及演替對於昆蟲群聚的影響。台灣昆蟲學會第三十一屆年會: 97。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:楊易霖、黃文伯(2010): 尼泊爾埋葬蟲(Nicrophorus nepalensis)(Coleoptera: Silphidae)在繁殖競爭中劣勢個體的適應策略。台灣昆蟲學會第三十一屆年會: 98。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:徐芷筠、黃文伯(2009): 糞金龜於牧場的活動對食糞性蠅類抑制之研究。台灣昆蟲學會第三十屆年會: 45。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:藍美琪、黃文伯(2009): 尼泊爾埋葬蟲 (Nicrophorus nepanensis) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) 親代對子代的親緣辨認及數目調控。台灣昆蟲學會第三十屆年會: 46。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:邱俊豪、黃文伯(2009): 紋胸黑翅螢 (Luciola filiformis Olivier) 同步閃光機制。台灣昆蟲學會第三十屆年會: 81。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:黃文伯、蕭旭峰(2007): 夏眠 – 尼泊爾埋葬蟲(鞘翅目:埋葬蟲科)在繁殖用屍體短缺下一個可能的適應行為。台灣昆蟲學會第二十八屆年會: 22。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:黃文伯(2002): 埋葬蟲Nicrophorus vespilloides的繁殖規模控制。台灣昆蟲 22 (4)。台灣昆蟲學會第二十三屆年會: 5-6。
類別: 會議論文