高雄市博愛國小 教師1996.08-2006.07
University of Central WashingtonLanguage, Literacy and Special Education助理教授2011.08-2014.12
University of KansasJuniper Gardens Childrens Project博士後研究員2015.01-2016.01
類別: 學術專書
摘要:自特殊教育法修法後,面對特殊教育需求學生之情緒行為問題 時,正向行為支持( positive behavior support, PBS )或行為功能介入 方案之實施,普遍受到重視。故國教署自 104 年起委託臺灣師範大 學特殊教育中心,培訓高中職情緒及行為問題專業支援教師,筆者 有幸參與初階、進階及高階之培訓工作,發現特教教師經常遭遇之 下列困難,包括評估工具之使用,如:使用 ABC 行為觀察紀錄表 時, 經常過度詮釋學生行為,缺乏具體與客觀之陳述;使用功能行為訪 談表時,容易忽略學生最不可能出現行為問題的人事時地物;使用 FACTS 中文版時,由於它是直接翻譯美國之檢核表,有些題項內容 與國內教育現場文化有所不同,或因直接翻譯關係,有時會造成閱 讀誤解,而較難具體區分背景因素、立即前事及行為後果之具體特 徵。其次,在相對行為摘要表中,建立替代行為、期待行為及其行 為後果架構,對多數老師而言是困難的。本文統整歷次培訓時,統 整現場教師執行行為功能評量時所面臨之挑戰並澄清,做為特教教 師未來在執行行為功能評量之參考。
類別: 學術專書
類別: 學術專書
類別: 學術專書
類別: 學術專書
摘要:台灣自民國51年成立第一個啟智班至今,特殊教育歷經種種的變革,逐漸從重視特殊教育服務提供之有無,進而注重品質。然而,特殊教育品質之確保與提升有賴於研究所產生之實證策略(evidence-based practice)能落實於教學現場。這過程需要一系列事先安排的活動與相關人事物的配合,才能讓教師忠實且持續的施行實證策略,此為執行科學(implementation science)的研究範疇。本文闡明執行科學的意涵與核心要素,探討其歷程與相關研究,以提供國內相關人員於推行實證策略與教師專業訓練之參考。
著作名稱:The effects of the Class-Wide Function-Related Intervention Teams (CW-FIT) on behaviors of an elementary student with Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in an inclusive classroom in Taiwan
類別: 期刊論文 International Journal of Developmental Disabilities
摘要:In Taiwan, most students with disabilities receive education in an inclusive setting. Literature has documented the effects of interventions in increasing students’ positive behaviors in inclusive settings, including students with disabilities in Western countries; however, effectiveness of such interventions in an Asian context remains unclear. The Class-Wide Function-Related Intervention Teams (CW-FIT) is one of the interventions that applies reinforcement-based strategies and provides multi-tiered supports to students with various severity of challenging behaviors. This study investigates the effects of CW-FIT Tier I (i.e. class-wide intervention) and Tier II (i.e. self-management) on the on-task and disruptive behaviors of a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder in an inclusive elementary classroom in Taiwan. Across nine weeks of intervention, the researchers used a reversal single-case design A-B-C-B-C to demonstrate experimental control over five phases. In addition, the researchers administered interviews and questionnaires to collect social validity data from the teacher and peers’ perceptions toward the intervention. Findings from this study support that the CW-FIT is an effective intervention in increasing a student’s on-task behaviors and decreasing disruptive behaviors in an inclusive classroom in an Asian context. The effect of implementing multiple tiers of CW-FIT was much more effective than implementing solely Tier I (class-wide intervention). The intervention was also well-received by the general education teacher and students. Keywords: In Taiwan, most students with disabilities receive education in an inclusive setting. Literature has documented the effects of interventions in increasing students’ positive behaviors in inclusive settings, including students with disabilities in Western countries; however, effectiveness of such interventions in an Asian context remains unclear. The Class-Wide Function-Related Intervention Teams (CW-FIT) is one of the interventions that applies reinforcement-based strategies and provides multi-tiered supports to students with various severity of challenging behaviors. This study investigates the effects of CW-FIT Tier I (i.e. class-wide intervention) and Tier II (i.e. self-management) on the on-task and disruptive behaviors of a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder in an inclusive elementary classroom in Taiwan. Across nine weeks of intervention, the researchers used a reversal single-case design A-B-C-B-C to demonstrate experimental control over five phases. In addition, the researchers administered interviews and questionnaires to collect social validity data from the teacher and peers’ perceptions toward the intervention. Findings from this study support that the CW-FIT is an effective intervention in increasing a student’s on-task behaviors and decreasing disruptive behaviors in an inclusive classroom in an Asian context. The effect of implementing multiple tiers of CW-FIT was much more effective than implementing solely Tier I (class-wide intervention). The intervention was also well-received by the general education teacher and students.
關鍵字:behavioral intervention, positive behavior support, inclusive education, autism
著作名稱:Automated language environment analysis (LENA): A research synthesis.
類別: 期刊論文 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
摘要:PURPOSE: The Language Environment Analysis (LENA®) represents a breakthrough in automatic speech detection because it makes ones language environment, what adults and children actually hear and say, efficiently measurable. The purpose of this article was to examine (a) current dimensions of LENA research, (b) LENAs sensitivity to differences in populations and language environments, and (c) what has been achieved in closing the Word Gap. METHOD: From electronic and human searches, 83 peer-reviewed articles using LENA were identified, and 53 met inclusionary criteria and were included in a systematic literature review. Each article reported results of 1 study. RESULTS: Originally developed to make natural language research more efficient and feasible, systematic review identified a broad landscape of relevant LENA findings focused primarily on the environments and communications of young children but also older adults and teachers. LENAs automated speech indicators (adult input, adult-child interaction, and child production) and the audio environment were shown to meet high validity standards, including accuracy, sensitivity to individual differences, and differences in populations, settings, contexts within settings, speakers, and languages. Researchers own analyses of LENA audio recordings have extended our knowledge of microlevel processes in adult-child interaction. To date, intervention research using LENA has consisted of small pilot experiments, primarily on the effects of brief parent education plus quantitative linguistic feedback to parents. CONCLUSION: Evidence showed that automated analysis has made a place in the repertoire of language research and practice. Implications, limitations, and future research are discussed.
關鍵字:Automated language environment analysis
著作名稱:Experimental intervention research on students with specific Poor comprehension: A systematic review of treatment outcomes.
類別: 期刊論文 Reading and Writing
摘要:Students with specific poor comprehension (SPC) can sound out words accurately, but have difficulty understanding what they read. However, most existing reading intervention studies on students with reading disabilities did not differentiate students with SPC from other types of students with reading disabilities who accompany with decoding difficulties. The purpose of this systematic review was to synthesize findings from 14 experimental intervention studies that have included students with SPC with the goal of increasing reading comprehension. Out of eight types of interventions identified, Reciprocal Teaching (g .856) demonstrated the largest effect size. Metalinguistic intervention showed the effect size of above .50 (a medium effect size), suggesting that intervention that explicitly teaches high-level oral language strategies was positive to improve reading performances of students with SPC. Findings also suggest a need to specify the classification criteria of students with SPC to broaden an understanding about the evidence-based intervention for students with SPC. Practical implications for effective practice, limitations, and future directions are discussed.
關鍵字:poor comprehenders, students with specific poor comprehension, meta-analysis, reading intervention
類別: 期刊論文 教育實踐與研究
關鍵字:三級介入模式 ; 正向行為支持 ; 單一受試 ; 普通班教師 ; 線上培訓
類別: 期刊論文 特殊教育研究學刊
著作名稱:Prevent–teach–reinforce for families of developmentally delayed young children with challenging behaviours in Taiwan
類別: 期刊論文 International Journal of Positive Behavioural Support
摘要:Summary Background: Prevent–Teach–Reinforce for Families (PTR-F) is a manualised, family-centred intervention designed for families managing challenging behaviour in children at home and in community settings. Method: This study used an ABAB withdrawal design to evaluate the functional relation between the implementation of a behavioural support plan (BSP) based on the PTR-F model and children’s challenging behaviour in target family routines (i.e., dinner time and morning routine), as well as the time required to complete the target routines. The participants were two young Taiwanese children, one with developmental delay and the other with autism spectrum disorder, and their mothers. Results: Implementation of PTR-F resulted in high levels of implementation fidelity of the BSP by the mothers, lower levels of challenging behaviour by the children, and less time required to complete the target routines. Conclusions: PTR-F may be an effective intervention model for behaviour consultants working with parents of young children with challenging behaviour in Taiwan. Practical implications, limitations and directions for future research are also discussed.
關鍵字:Family-centred intervention, positive behavioural support, prevent–teach–reinforce
類別: 期刊論文 教育研究月刊
摘要:家長參與對學生學習的重要性不言而喻,然而如何有系統地讓家長參與教育、與家長建立夥伴關係,讓家長的參與成為學生學習的助力而非阻力,特別是在行為問題的預防與處理,是教育人員最關切的議題之一。有鑑於國內在處理學生的行為問題時,教育人員多以被動因應為主,且家長常處於被動、隨機的配合,故本文介紹以預防行為問題發生與惡化為原則的「全校性正向行為支持」(school-wide positive behavior support, SWPBS),闡述學校如何根據學生的不同需求,採用一系列實證根據的實務,同時也以系統化的方式促進家長參與並與家長建立夥伴關係,使得學校與家庭中的做法一致,以促進學生正向行為的發展並預防行為問題的發生。
著作名稱:必也正名乎~何謂Setting Events?
類別: 期刊論文 特殊教育季刊
類別: 期刊論文 教育研究與實踐學刊
摘要:干擾行為對於普通班教師而言是一大挑戰。班級層級功能本位介入小組方案(class-wide function-related intervention teams, CW-FIT)是為普通班教師所設計的,讓教師可兼顧教學與處理班級中學生的情緒與行為問題。本研究之目的在探討於二年級健康教育課程執行CW-FIT後,對於教師讚美和責罵的比例與班級學生干擾行為之成效。結果顯示當實施CW-FIT後,教師讚美學生的次數增加,學生整體之干擾行為也降低。最後針對實務與未來研究提出討論。
類別: 期刊論文 教育研究月刊
摘要: 早期語言環境對於孩子的語言發展和日後學校表現具關鍵性影響力,Hart與Risley發現,來自不同社經地位家庭之嬰幼兒,其零至三歲所聽到的語彙量差異可達3,000萬字,父母親愈常對孩子說話,其字彙量的成長愈快速,並影響日後的學業成就,國外陸續有研究探討相關變項之間的關連。當時Hart和Risley所使用的研究工具為錄音機,之後再由人工計算所錄到的語言量,非常耗時與費力。所幸LENA基金會結合跨領域專家研發語言環境分析組(Language ENvironment Analysis, LENA),可錄製嬰幼兒一天中所處環境的語言刺激達16個小時,且經由專門軟體分析後,可得知大人的語言量、小孩語言量、大人與小孩對話量。本文將介紹如何使用此創新科技探討一對新住民母子之溝通與介入成效之監控。
類別: 期刊論文 中華民國特殊教育學會年刊
摘要:自特殊教育法修法後,面對特殊教育需求學生之情緒行為問題時,正向行為支持(positive behavior support, PBS)或行為功能介入方案之實施,普遍受到重視。故國教署自104年起委託台灣師範大學特殊教育中心,培訓高中職情緒及行為問題專業支援教師,筆者有幸參與初階、進階及高階之培訓工作,發現特教教師經常遭遇之下列困難,包括評估工具之使用,如:使用ABC行為觀察紀錄表時,經常過度詮釋學生行為,缺乏具體與客觀之陳述;使用功能行為訪談表時,容易忽略學生最不可能出現行為問題的人事時地物;使用FACTS中文版時,由於它是直接翻譯美國之檢核表,有些題項內容與國內教育現場文化有所不同,或因直接翻譯關係,有時會造成閱讀誤解,而較難具體區分背景因素、立即前事及行為後果之具體特徵。其次,在相對行為摘要表中,建立替代行為、期待行為及其行為後果架構,對多數老師而言是困難的。本文統整歷次培訓時,統整現場教師執行行為功能評量時所面臨之挑戰並澄清,做為特教教師未來在執行行為功能評量之參考。
類別: 期刊論文 中華民國特殊教育學會年刊
摘要:以正向行為支持(positive behavior support, PBS)提升個體的生活品質和減少行為問題,已成為國內外身心障礙者情緒與行為處理的主要趨勢。自1980年代至今,PBS領域學者依此理念發展多層級教學介入模式及方案,並應用於學校、家庭,及社區中。有鑑於國內實務工作者對正向行為支持的瞭解及應用多聚焦於學校中個別學生問題處理,本文整理近十年來PBS領域中重要概念的演進與整合、分析美國正向行為支持國際研討會發表主題之趨勢,再討論臺灣發展PBS之展望。
類別: 期刊論文 特教論壇
著作名稱:Mathematics instruction for students with emotional and behavioral disorders: A best-evidence synthesis
類別: 期刊論文 Preventing School Failure
摘要:The findings of a best-evidence synthesis of the effects of mathematics instruction on the mathematics skills of students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD) are reported. The goal of the synthesis was to extend previous research by (a) detailing independent variables, instructional components, and outcome measures for each study; (b) analyzing study outcomes using improvement rate difference (IRD; Parker, Vannest, & Brown, 2009) and percentage of non-overlapping data (PND; Scruggs, Mastropieri, & Casto, 1987); and (c) summarizing literature on mathematics interventions conducted with students with EBD over four decades (from 1968 to present). Highly effective mathematics intervention studies conducted with students with EBD, limitations, and future research directions are presented and discussed.
關鍵字:mathematics instruction, mathematics intervention, emotional & behavioral disorders