台中市雙十國中 教師1993/08~1996/07
台中市大業國中 教師1998/08~2000/01
台南女子技術學院 輔導老師2000/02~2000/07
著作名稱:自我超越的「銀」家:阿 德勒取向懷舊遊戲治療團體對高齡者心理健康之成效
類別: 期刊論文 台灣遊戲治療學報
摘要:本研究目的在建構阿德勒取向懷舊遊戲治療團體方案,並探討此對高齡者生活滿意度、幸福感、希望感、社會興趣及自我概念之立即與追蹤效果,以促進高齡者心理健康。研究方法採等組前後測實驗設計,參與者為20 名高齡者,隨機分派為實驗組與控制組各10 名,其中實驗組接受為期十次、每次兩小時的阿德勒取向懷舊遊戲治療團體。團體開始前、團體結束後以及團體結束後一個月,兩組皆進行「生活滿意度量表」、「幸福感量表」、「希望感量表」、「社會興趣量表」、「自我概念量表」之測驗。經共變數分析發現,阿德勒取向懷舊遊戲治療團體對高齡者之生活滿意度、幸福感、希望感、社會興趣及自我概念皆具有立即效果,對社會興趣具有追蹤效果。最後提出結論與相關建議。
類別: 期刊論文 台灣遊戲治療學報
類別: 期刊論文 諮商心理與復健諮商學報
摘要:本研究乃從 Landreths 的親子遊戲治療出發,試圖結合生活應用與心理治療,針對收養家庭建構一套具本土性的親職關係處遇之「親子共廚」方案,主要目的係在探討「親子共廚」方案是否能夠有效提升收養父母與子女的依附關係和增進收養父母親職技巧的能力。本研究採單組前後測設計,以三個7-8 歲收養童之家庭的母親和子女為對象,進行10 週,每次一小時的親子共廚單元,並於每次親子共廚結束後,由心理師與父母進行一小時的親子共廚督導。以「親子互動關係量」進行前後測相依樣本t 檢定考驗其成效,以「親職技巧檢核表」對每週之親子共廚影帶進行歷程分。研究結果顯示:1.親子共廚能提升養父母與子女的依附關係。在親子互動關係量表之參與性、撫育性和挑戰性分量表上的後測皆有顯著的提升,而在結構性上雖未達顯著,但其呈現上升的狀況。2.親子共廚能增進母親的正向教養技巧:(1)母親回歸責任與增強自尊,促發孩子自發性和信心;(2)母親降低對孩子的高控制和干擾行為,減輕親子衝突。本研究依據研究結果和討論提供給實務工作者和未來研究之建議。
類別: 期刊論文 本土諮商心理學學刊
摘要: 親子遊戲治療在臺灣發展二十多年,如今不僅有專業期刊、專書與個案報告 介紹親子遊戲治療,更有許多廣泛運用的研究報告,包含不同類型的兒童、不同 型態的家庭,甚至以手足、保育員或教師等角色成為治療師代理人,近期研究更 開始以不同視角解析親子遊戲治療。 綜觀親子遊戲治療的本土化樣本與研究,筆者以研究探討及經驗分享的方式, 摘要介紹親子遊戲治療在臺施行的調整與運用。參與團體方面,須參加十周訓練 團體,且每周進行遊戲單元;受經濟及教養觀念影響,而未必能如期參與、配合 準備設備與媒材,或執行遊戲單元。而輔導的汙名化,使督導遊戲單元影片,並 公開談論親子互動的困擾,讓參與者擔心會被視為失職的父母,而抗拒尋求更多 協助。因此協助父母正向轉化求助動機,並增加團體的信任感與凝聚力,使之能 安心分享親子互動,同時提高持續參與團體課程及執行遊戲單元的意願。 受傳統華人價值觀影響,多數父母教養子女的態度與方法為威權管教,情緒 的表達也較西方國家內斂且含蓄;然而,親子遊戲治療旨在訓練父母或其他執行 遊戲者學習互動遊戲之技巧,以及透過訓練影響其教養態度。因此在臺灣執行親 子遊戲治療團體,要格外注意跨文化的影響,協助父母或其他參與者能透過訓練 團體學習情緒反應、重視遊戲互動的經驗。
著作名稱:Behavioural Interactions within Chinese Families with Children Exhibiting Emotional Difficulties in Adlerian Family Play Therapy: Implications for Counselling Professionals
類別: 期刊論文 International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling
摘要:This study explores behavioural interactions between Chinese parents and emotionally disturbed children in Taiwan by conducting behavioural interaction analysis of five sessions each of Adlerian family play therapy involving two families. Emerging themes included behavioural displays of discouragement, control, aggression, intimacy, and conflicts. Implications are drawn and recommendations made on how counselling professionals may use behavioural interaction assessment through family play therapy as an intervention tool.
關鍵字:Emotional difficulties, Children, Family ,Family play therapy ,Parent consultation ,Taiwan
著作名稱:Study on Process Analysis of Sandtray Therapy for Trichotillomania Child.
類別: 會議論文
摘要:This study aimed to comprehend the emotions, themes of sandtray, and the process of change for subjects in sandtray therapy. Process analysis on one child with Trichotillomania was 9 years old, via 20 hours (1Hr/week) sandtray therapy, with video recording and "Sandtray Therapy Record Sheet" per session. First, the results show the following emotions:(1)In the early session, when play was not as expected, the child would be nervous and her body would tighten. (2) The child expressed anger and disappointment about her parents. (3)Expression of agony, helplessness, and lack of strength during discussions about domestic verbal violence. (4)Release of negative emotions via sandtray playing: From nervousness, fear, and confrontation to relaxation. (5) the child developed appropriate emotional regulation strategies as the session progressed. Second, themes of sandtray:(1)Present the materials about anxiety. (2)Parents’ wrangling, frequent violence, and aggression towards the client was often demonstrated through sandtray play. (3)Constructed firm and secure houses, expressing the desire for security and control. (4)Approached and comforted injured toddlers and reconnected with attachment to mother. (5)Emerged self-care and protected herself from harm. Conclusion: The sandtray therapy was effective for Trichotillomania children in reducing negative emotions and hair-plucking behavior and enhanced positive emotional regulation strategies.
關鍵字: Sandtray Therapy ,Trichotillomania Child,Process Analysis
著作名稱:Study on Analyzed the Process of Promoting Family Relationships in Adoptive Families with Teens
類別: 會議論文
摘要:This study aimed to explore the process of promoting family relationships in adoptive families with teens. Researchers constructed support groups for parents and children and family play therapy programs. This study recruited four adoptive families, each with two teen adoptees aged 11 to 15. Two 6-hour support groups for parents and adoptees and four 90-minute family play therapy sessions were to be conducted. After the group, members filled out the "Group Feedback Scale". Video recording and a "Family Play Therapy Record Sheet" are used per session during family play therapy. At last, semi-structured interviews were conducted with parents and adoptees. The members’ experience with the group, the process of family play therapy, and the interview content were analyzed using Consensual Qualitative Research. First, the results showed that through the support group of parents and adoptees:(1) Both parents and adoptees understood the adoptive families were not unique and realized how adoptive status affected their relationship; (2) Parents learned the feelings of adoptees facing adoption and knew how to talk to adoptees about adoption and adoption reunions;(3) Adoptees also realized being adopted affected their self-identity;(4) The adoptees learned how to speak to parents about their original family. Second, family play therapy provided family members with particular ways of interacting and understanding each other: (1) The activities were designed based on what adoptees were interested in, which helped to promote the motivation of adolescents;(2) It presents the epitome of the interaction among family members;(3)It provided enjoyable, undefended ways of interaction among family members, which created great family opportunities to understand each other, brought to the family the hope of positive changes;(4) Promoted understanding of family dynamics and narration of adoption stories through family play therapy materials; (5) It allowed family members to raise issues about blood relations and adoption reunions freely.
關鍵字:Adoptive Families ,Family Relationships,
著作名稱:A Study on Adoption Experiences and Parent-Child Interaction in adoptive Parents with Adopted Adolescents
類別: 會議論文
摘要:The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of telling adoptees about adoption, challenges for adoptive parents and parent-child interaction with adopted adolescents. Qualitative data collected from 7 pairs of adoptive parents who adopted child when child was aged from 3.5-7 months. Based on the Thematic analysis of 6 hours semi-structured focus group interviews. First, the results showed adoptive parents told about adoption:(1)They accepted the organizations suggestions and a positive and open attitude towards adoption was told;(2)They believed that the better they told as soon as possible;(3)Because they didn’t know how to say, it’s the most difficult to tell at the first time;(4)The accumulated love between parents and adoptees let parents have confident to tell;(5)They agreed to tell by the "slowly unfolding" way from childhood. Second, adoptive parents confronted opinions from others:(1)Other peoples negative opinions about adoption made parents feel distressed;(2)They moved house to avoid others’ opinions;(3)Assisted the adoptees in dealing with the curious from teachers and classmates. Third, when parenting with challenges and conflicts:(1)Parents sometimes attributed it to the genetic inheritance;(2)When adoptees said "you were not my parents", the parents felt heartbroken and sad;(3)Even in conflicts, parents never regret and want to terminate adoption;(4)Parents mutual support played the role of moderating, lubricating and soothing;(5)Went back to the original intention of adoption, reconciled and reconnected with the adoptees;(6)Parents support groups gave parents courage to parent. Fourth, the adoption reunion:(1)Adoptive parents accepted the adoption reunion was a natural issue for adoptive families;(2)Adoptive parents was willing to accompany adoptees reunion;(3)Worried the adoptees would be lose and sad when the process of reunion was not all right;(4)Parents provided adoptees the information about original families as positive as possible, and didn’t criticize the original family and parents.
關鍵字: Adopted Adolescents, Adoption Experiences,Adoptive Parents, Parent-Child Interaction,
著作名稱:Study on Experiences in Family Play Therapy for Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems
類別: 會議論文
關鍵字:Family Play Therapy ,Externalizing Behavior Problems
著作名稱:A Study on Adoption Experiences and Parent-Child Interaction in Adolescent Among Adult Adoptees
類別: 會議論文
關鍵字:Adoption Experiences,Parent-Child Interaction ,Adult Adoptees
著作名稱:Study on Process Analysis of Group Play Therapy for adopted Children.
類別: 會議論文
關鍵字:Group Play Therapy,adopted Children.
著作名稱:A study of Construct and Analysis the Effects of “ Parent-Child Cooking ” on Attachment in Adoptive Families
類別: 會議論文
關鍵字: “ Parent-Child Cooking ” , Attachment ,Adoptive Families
著作名稱:Study on Assessment of Interaction between Parents and Adoptive Children in Parent-Child Cooking Therapy
類別: 會議論文
摘要:Objectives: This study is on the basis of Landreths filial therapy training model. It attempted to combine two specialized fields: “life application ” and “psychotherapy”, in the hope of developing 10-week” Parent-Child Cooking” program to promote attachment and parenting skills in adoptive families. The Purpose of this study was to explore the patterns and meanings of interaction between parents and adoptive children in “Parent-Child Cooking” therapy. Methods: Consensual Qualitative Research was adopted. Process analysis on three adoptive families with adoptive children were aged from 7 to 9 years old, via 10 hour (1Hr/week) “Parent-Child Cooking” with video recording. In addition, the program would be facilitated by a counselor. The counselor provide supervision for parents about interaction in “ Parent-Child Cooking ” 10 hour (1Hr/week). Results 1. Both parents and children showed great interest and willingness to cook. 2. Three interaction patterns in parent-child cooking sessions:(1)Adult-centric: “parent-dominated cooking,” with the implicit behaviour of “parents secretly trying to exert control.(2) Semi-child-centric: parents entrusted their children with the tasks of both cooks whilst partially authorized them to make decisions.(3) Child-centric: Children dominated cooking in the child-centric pattern. 3. Following the progress of the “Parent-Child Cooking” program , parents increasingly let children to dominate cooking and focused on the children.Parents conveyed Child-centric interaction pattern, allowed children to lead, fellow childs lead,and reflected children’s nonverbal behavior. 4. Parents identified and encouraged children’s positive behavior. Conclusion 1. “Parent-Child Cooking” therapy can be utilized to assess the patterns of interaction in the adoptive families. 2. Parents put in effort to overcome the children’s problems. Moreover, parents could be made aware of and then modify their view to cope with it. 3. “Parent-Child Cooking” program had effects on enhancing the parenting function and attached relationship.
關鍵字:Assessment of Interaction; Adoptive Children; Parent-Child Cooking Therapy
類別: 會議論文
摘要: 本研究旨在探討高科技業員工壓力來源與因應方式的現況,並探討不同背景變項員工在壓力來源與因應方式上的差異情形。本研究採用問卷調查法,使用研究者自編之「生活工作壓力量表」,以分層叢集取樣的抽樣方式,選取1380名員工做為對象進行調查。透過SPSS電腦統計軟體進行描述性統計、t檢定和單因子變異數分析進行資料分析。   研究結果如下: 一、員工的工作壓力之現況分析 (一)員工在「工作的本質」、「在工作中的人際關係」、及「生涯發展」三個層面上,皆有中等以上的壓力,也皆對員工有中等以上的重要影響。 (二)員工偶爾才使用「睡覺、靜坐、按摩」、「改變想法,將之昇華為自我激勵的動力」、「尋找解決問題的相關知識或資源」方式抒解壓力。 二、不同背景變項之員工在工作壓力程度的差異 (一)有無子女在「在工作中的人際關係」層面上有顯著差異 (二)不同年齡、婚姻狀況、班別和職稱之員工在「工作的本質」及「生涯發展」之壓力程度上有顯著差異。 (三)不同年資之員工在「工作的本質」、「在工作中的人際關係」及「生涯發展」之壓力程度上有顯著差異 (四)不同性別、居住狀況員工在工作壓力程度上沒有顯著的差異 三、不同背景變項之員工在影響工作壓力的重要性的差異 (一)不同年齡和職稱之員工,其影響工作壓力的重要性在「工作的本質」上有差異 (二)「在工作中的人際關係」對有子女的員工所形成的壓力,比對無子女的員工所形成的壓力更為重要。 (三)不同班別、工作年資之員工,其影響工作壓力的重要性在「工作的本質」及「生涯發展」二個層面上有差異。 (四)不同性別之員工,其影響工作壓力的重要性在「工作的本質」、「在工作中的人際關係」及「生涯發展」三個層面上有差異。 (五)不同婚姻狀況、不同居住狀況之員工在影響工作壓力的重要性上沒有顯著的差異。 四、不同背景變項之員工在壓力因應策略之差異性 (一)不同性別、居住狀況、班別、職稱之員工在壓力因應策略上適當層面上有顯著差異 (二)不同年齡、不同婚姻狀況、有無子女、不同服務年資在壓力因應策略之適當層面上沒有顯著差異。 (三)不同背景變項在壓力因應策略之不適當層面上沒有顯著差異 最後本研究就發現與結果,提供給企業、人力資源工作者及諮商與輔導工作者之參考。
關鍵字:因應方式 高科技業員工 壓力來源
著作名稱:Study on Process Analysis of Filial Group Play Therapy for Family who had been domestic violence
類別: 會議論文
摘要:The purpose of this study was to comprehend the interaction, themes of play and the process of change for subject in the filial play therapy group. Process analysis on three families with mothers were victims of domestic violence and their two children were aged from 3 to 12 years old, via 10 hour (2Hr/week) filial group play therapy , with video recording and group feedback. The results show:1.Interactions:The families interactions, representative speech and leadership-dependent roles progressed to cooperation and intro family communication also progressed to inter family communication.2.Themes of play:(1)Parents’ wrangle and frequent violence was often demonstrated through family play.(2)Children were intimacy and alliance with mothers, alienation with father,projected triangulation.(3) Constructed firm and secure houses, expressed desire for a sense of security.3.Emotions:(1)Mothers and children expressed anger and disappointed about father.(2)Expression of agony, helplessness and lack of strength during discussions about violence(3)Release of negative emotions via playing.4.Feedback:(1)Following the progress of the group, all subjects felt increasingly supportive and positive with sympathy.(2)By releasing emotions and sharing inner self through plays for better understanding of family members and family interaction(3) Attributing the violence as the parent’s problem and not the child’s problem.(4) Positive strength garnered from others’ encouragement.
關鍵字:domestic violence,filial group play therapy
著作名稱:Study on Parental Consultation for Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems in Family Play Therapy
類別: 會議論文
摘要:The purpose of this study was to investigate the contents and function of parental consultation in the family play therapy process focused on children with externalizing behavior problems. Consensual Qualitative Research was adopted. Two families participated in an Adlerian approach family play therapy for five sessions. After the family play therapy, parental consultation was concluded. The results show:1.The communication and issues raised in the parental consultation were based on the five family play therapy sessions, such as the play process interwoven with the therapist’s assessment.2.Encourage parents to recognize and be aware of the goals of children’s behavior.3.Empower advantages for the family and encourage parents. Parents were able to appreciate family members’ strength and characteristic.4.Parents became more aware of the family member’s interaction patterns, behaviors, and the role of family by the family constellation.5.Parents reframed focused children’s problems, they focused from " focused children " to the whole "family system. 6.The discussions about parenting styles included the following aspects:(1)encourage parents to cooperate with each other on parenting;(2)reflect how inappropriate parenting styles create a vicious circle on children’s misbehaviors;(3)develop appropriate parenting skills based on the results of the family assessment. Parents took the initiative to ask for advice and affirmed the usefulness of parental consultation in family play therapy.
關鍵字: externalizing behavior problems, family play therapy,parental consultation
類別: 會議論文
類別: 會議論文
類別: 會議論文
類別: 會議論文
類別: 會議論文
類別: 會議論文
摘要:目的﹕目的:兒童雖然因為遭原生家庭虐待與疏忽而進行家外安置,而當父母被停止親權、兒童 即將要被出養,兒童必須和父母長期分離而感到失落和混亂,並經歷一種無法控制整個情況的痛苦(Schneider &Phares,2005)。此創傷是除了父母離婚及父母死亡以外另一個童年重大失落事件(Phares,2005)。本研究的目的即在瞭解,即將出養的兒童在遊戲治療中的互動情形、遊戲主題及改變歷程。 方法﹕本研究採用歷程分析研究,以一個七歲被安置在寄養家庭,即將準備出養到國外的兒童為對象,進行14小時(每週一小時)之遊戲治療,每次皆錄影及填寫遊戲治療歷程記錄表。 結果﹕1.互動情形:(1)會主動與治療師和寄養媽媽親近和遊戲,與生母開始顯得有些生疏,後可以一起遊戲;(2)關注治療師、生母和寄養媽媽的負向情緒,並會試著安慰生母的悲傷情緒。2.遊戲主題和行為:(1)持續煮食遊戲並與他人分享以建立關係和聮盟;(2)呈現擔心未來在收養家庭中身體受虐及被忽視;(3)建構牢固和安全的房屋,表達了對安全感的渴望;(4)呈現出與未來收養家庭的連結的期待。3.個案的情緒:(1)個案面對失敗時呈現憤怒和情緒失控;(2)用生氣來表達悲傷和失落;(3)呈現分離焦慮和對未來收養期待的矛盾情緒;(4)隨著遊戲進行,從否認自己有負向情緒到覺察和接受,並能自然表達悲傷情緒。 結論﹕1.隨著遊戲的進行,個案越來越能覺察其負向的情緒,並表達其更真實的情感。2.個案在遊戲過程中從控制,領導和競爭行為,慢慢得能夠輪流遊戲和共同合作。3.個案通過遊戲治療釋放過去創傷的負面情緒,處理與生母分離的情緒,並對未來收養有所準備和正向預期。
類別: 會議論文
摘要:研究動機:傳統華人社會中以男性為主的父權體系中,普遍重視關係和諧、權威崇拜、顧慮他人、順從他人的性格特色(楊國樞,1993)。男性受到父權社會價值觀的影響,相對於女性,社會把男性視為權威和付出的角色,在遵守傳統的性別角色和在現代強調性別平權的社會中,男性內化許久的束縛不容易鬆動,也讓男性在面對相關性別議題時,自我產生衝突與掙扎。如何覺察父權體系的影響,做出後續的應對,在男性成長上是一個重要課題。研究目的:探討父權社會體制下,受到家族主義重視順服與和諧等特質,性別刻板價值觀對於男性的影響,在性別角色層面上所呈現的束縛與衝突。研究對象:以電視劇花甲男孩轉大人>中主要登場角色:鄭光輝父子、鄭光煌父子三人、鄭光昇,來探討父權社會體制底下,男性受到哪些傳統家族主義的影響,在性別角色層面上呈現的衝突與掙扎。研究方法:本研究係採取文本分析的方法,根據劇中研究對象的對話和互動,進行男性角色議題的歸納和整理。研究結果:經過內容與文本分析,本研究發現華人男性受到傳統社會價值觀影響,所產生的性別角色束縛論點主要有下列五大主題,分別為:(一)權威管教造成親子衝突:1.以高壓責備取代關心;2.拿孩子與其他人做比較,造成孩子不滿;(二)性別角色認同受限1.鼓勵男子氣概的展現;2.強調異性戀傳香火的責任;(三)情感表達困難:1.無法表達愛意;2.壓抑脆弱的情緒;3.不允許哭泣;4.以成癮於物質來逃避負向情緒;(四)功成名就者才有權力和地垃:1. 透過成就來證明自己;2. 成功的男性有主導權和發言權;3.男高女低的職場期待;4.兒子的成就加深父親權力鬥爭;(五)父親缺席讓男性在情感連結上產生困難。研究結論與建議:透過戲劇,經由文本分析可以看到男性角色在華人社會中的包袱和價值衝突,與應對衝突時自我與現實間的調和,對於鬆綁性別角色束縛上,開啟一個對話的空間。建議可以針對本研究之結果,透過了解男性的角色束縛,在生活中解構性別的束縛,並發展平權對話的可能與性別平等的實踐。
類別: 會議論文
摘要: 兒童的情緒常會受家庭氣氛、親子互動及家庭系統影響。從家庭系統的觀點來看,家庭除了會影響兒童的情緒及行為外,兩者之間還存在著交互循環的關係(Teyber & McClure, 2011)。所以,本研究的目的為探討家庭遊戲卡遊戲中父母與情緒困擾兒童的行為互動、行為互動意涵和遊戲主題以評估兒童的問題。 研究方法:本研究採歷程分析研究,以三個家中有情緒困擾兒童(8-11歲)之家庭為研究對象,研究家庭接受四次,每次六十分鐘之家庭遊戲卡遊戲。此家庭遊戲卡由研究者設計而繪製成37張的家庭情境圖卡,內容包含家庭內正、負向情境。透過這些圖卡的情境畫面,喚起大腦與此情境有關的記憶。讓家庭成員可透過此具像的圖卡,開啟與家人對話的話題,並且對自己所處的家庭生活、家庭氣氛、家庭互動和家庭角色能有所瞭解。並於每次進行過程進行錄影及填寫記錄表。本研究採用共識質化分析法進行家庭遊戲卡遊戲歷程分析。 研究結果與討論 一、家庭遊戲行為方面 1.家庭遊戲卡的應用,有助於引發家庭成員的興趣、注意力和投入。 2.投入遊戲的程度,隨著進行次數而增加,從初期由諮商師引導到逐漸呈現出主動性及自發性的遊戲行為。 3.在初期,焦點兒童和家人呈現出主訴之情緒困擾行為。隨著遊戲進行,焦點兒童與家人之正向互動行為增加。 二、認知方面 1.隨著家庭遊戲卡的進行,家庭成員越來越能夠辨識自己和他人的情緒,也能對其他家人有更多的瞭解,及表達出自己期待之家庭氣氛和互動。 2.家庭成員對家庭互動情境之認知存在著差異,焦點兒童比父母更常認為家庭呈現負向情境和互動。 3.家人對負向家庭互動情境的認知改變比實際行為上的改變快。 三、遊戲主題方面 1.家庭成員投射自己的心理需求和行為在家庭遊戲卡遊戲主題上。 2.遊戲初期,焦點兒童之遊戲主題呈現較多負向家庭情境主題,隨著遊戲進行,正向家庭情境主題增加。 本研究結果符合Graves和Shelton(2007)所提出的論點,在治療兒童問題行為的過程中,若能採取「家庭中心」(family-centered)取向的觀點,讓家庭成為關注的系統,將能有效的降低兒童的問題行為,並增進兒童的正向功能。
關鍵字:家庭遊戲卡 情緒困擾兒童 歷程分析
類別: 會議論文
摘要: 「出養」對於兒童而言,如同人生將展開新的篇章,要永遠在一個新的家庭中成長。然而對即將出養的兒童來說,未來的一切充滿著未知與挑戰,無論是新的家庭成員、生活環境,甚至是語言文化。目前在台灣,兒童除親屬間收養以外,可分為國內與跨國境收出養兩類型(衛生福利部,2016)。其中又以年齡較大的兒童,較常以跨國境收出養的方式媒合新家庭,他們所需要克服與適應的,不僅僅是新的家庭成員、生活環境和語言與文化,永遠遠離原生家庭所產生的矛盾複雜情緒,更是其面臨出養時需要調適的情緒。 為了協助即將面臨出養的兒童,研究者設計團體遊戲,透過遊戲與媒材的使用,提升出養童對出養的認知,並且探討其對於出養的心理準備度,以作為進一步輔導之參考。針對此遊戲團體進行分析,其結果如下: 1.團體方案設計依據:為了設計適性,並貼近出養童的需求,以便能有效協助與陪伴孩子渡過出養階段的不安與恐慌。研究者事先了解團體成員的基本資料,以及考量出養童可能會有的特殊議題,如依附關係和分離焦慮等,以團體遊戲治療方式進行方案設計。 2.團體方案內容與執行:透過「家緣」、創意『家』、「我是冒險家」、「同心緣」等活動,並結合繪本、藝術創作與園藝治療等媒材,以澄清出養童對出養的認識和對家庭的意象與期待,並協助抒發分離焦慮及其矛盾複雜的情緒。 3.團體歷程的觀察 (1)成員的異質性,增加團體中無法操控的變數:因團體成員的年齡、認知與心智發展、生命脈絡和特殊問題的異質性,使得團體進行時增加許多難度,也影響團體動力。 (2)成員對家庭的意象:出養童對於家庭的意象和一般兒童一致,多數孩子從出生時就已被安置到寄養家庭,因此對於家其實有基本的概念,了解家人間互相依賴、彼此扶持,共同生活在一個屋簷下。也相信家庭成員的組成不一定有父母或手足,亦或是家人彼此之間沒有血緣關係,但「家」依舊是一個能讓他們成長茁壯的避風港。 (3)成員對於新家庭的理想與期待:多數成員對於自己即將被跨境收養持樂觀態度,透過視訊與未來的養父母逐步熟悉,感受到養父母對於自己的關心,了解到即使彼此的膚色不同,但愛的傳遞卻不分種族,期待未來能夠與新家庭成員相處和樂。 (4)成員的情緒:對於未來新生活的期待,使他們感到既興奮又緊張,同時卻也對於即將離開原本生活的環境與寄親家庭,感到害怕與不捨。其中又以原生手足分別被不同家庭收養的孩子,心情更為複雜,擔心即將面對的分離,兩種情緒在心中來回擺盪,更需要陪伴者的撫慰與支持。 (5)成員的遊戲行為:不同於團體一開始的陌生與害羞,孩子對於遊戲的參與、繪本的聆聽、藝術媒材的創作皆極為專注且有活力,透過遊戲與表達藝術的方式引導,出養童更容易打開心房,並跨越言語表達的問題,與領導者分享自己的生活點滴。 透過此遊戲團體的規畫與歷程分析,期望能喚起更多研究者對較大出養兒童議題的關注,並提供實務工作者在帶領出養兒童團體時之參考。領導者或相關議題研究有所助益。
關鍵字:出養兒童 遊戲團體 歷程分析
類別: 會議論文
摘要: 現今大學生生涯探索團體方案之設計,多透過生涯測驗、表達性藝術媒材等方式,引導學生對於職業世界有更多自我了解。然而,對於尚未有工作經驗之大學生來說,很難深刻體驗到何謂工作成就感與意義感,與其生命經驗所產生的共鳴較為有限。 而「網路遊戲」係現今多數大學生之共通經驗,不受性別、教育程度之限制,網路遊戲就如同現實社會和生涯的縮影:遊戲者可透過不斷的打怪與升等,以獲得更多的成就感與榮譽,網路遊戲的概念也展現了他對世界的想像。 因此,研究者將網路遊戲之概念,融入大學生生涯探索團體中,透過網路遊戲與現實社會的呼應,提升大學生對於生涯與工作的認知。以9個大學生做為研究對象,並且探討其生涯價值觀與未來規劃,以作為其後續發展之參考。 以下針對網路遊戲生涯探索團體之進行分析如下: 1.團體方案設計依據:本研究參考RUNA、仙劍奇俠傳等網路遊戲之架構,融入大學生生涯探索團體方案中,透過遊戲與現實生活的關聯,引發大學生對於工作世界的想像,並進一步探討其價值觀、職業興趣、個人特質等面向。 2.團體方案內容與執行:透過「職業選擇」、「技能點」、「大神養成功略」等活動,協助團體成員澄清個人特質與能力、生涯價值觀等,並協助成員擬定其短、中、長期生涯規劃。 3. 團體歷程觀察: (1)成員的投入情形: 成員彼此間有共通的語言,自我揭露程度高,多數成員能透過遊戲的概念,表達其對於未來工作的期望、價值觀等等。 (2)遊戲與現實生活的關聯: 在網路遊戲中,不同特質的遊戲者,可以擁有不同潛能與專業、選擇不同的職業,提升能力的方式也大不相同;而新手村就如同學校一般,不同的Non-Player Character(NPC),則是教授不同專業科目的教師,提供遊戲者提升能力之策略與生存的方法;而生涯的發展,也如同遊戲中的角色一般,需要不斷的完成小任務,重複的練習技能,才得以發展個人專業能力。 (3)成員對工作世界想像: 成員對於未來工作世界多保持較樂觀之態度,期待能在工作上發揮個人能力,並在自己喜歡的領域持續發展。成員間可彼此分享工作世界中可能遭遇之困境,及如何減緩壓力之管道。 (4)成員生涯價值觀: 多數成員認為能夠為個人夢想或目標而努力是很重要的,在此前提之下,其他的生涯價值觀則因個體的不同而有所差異。 (5)成員對未來之規畫: 成員可以透過網路遊戲表達其短期生涯規劃,約半數的成員之短期規畫為準備研究所考試,其他成員則包含了-準備國際交換學生相關資料、撰寫個人履歷等。成員之長期目標則因個體而有所差異,例如考取外交部工作、至日本汽車學校研習等等。 網路遊戲概念融入生涯輔導之效益:在遊戲治療的概念中,遊戲是兒童的語言,玩具是字彙(Landreth,1991);而對於現今大學生來說,網路遊戲就是其生涯的縮影,網路遊戲的概念則展現了他對世界的想像。成員透過網路遊戲的媒介,能夠以隱喻的方式表達其對於生涯的看法,相較於一般生涯探索團體,可以更有效的使尚未有工作經驗的成員,理解真實的工作世界。研究者期待透過網路遊戲與生涯探索團體方案的結合,使網路遊戲世界成為其現實生活的隱喻,以更有趣、更生動的方式,協助大學生生涯探索,並提供後續其他生涯團體的領導者做為參考。
關鍵字:網路遊戲 生涯探索團體
類別: 會議論文
類別: 會議論文
摘要: 目的﹕本研究運用伯特.海寧格(Bert Hellinger)所發展的家族系統排列方式,以台灣自閉兒母親為對象,藉由其家庭系統動力的探究,揭露自閉兒母親對置身處境不同面向的觀看,並提供相關專業人員對自閉兒家庭的動力有更深入的理解。 方法﹕民國103年8月份起於北部某自閉症協會,進行二日系統排列活動文宣宣傳,並公開招募會員與非會員報名,並由國際系統排列學院院長周鼎文排列師於10月1日-10月2日帶領二日工作坊。 結果﹕第一位個案選出自己、先生與自閉孩子的「代表」,孩子和先生的代表都近距離面朝個案,個案代表表示「感覺有一股壓力...」,而後代表們開始移動,自閉兒代表往後方移動,而個案本身代表所出現的是朝向自閉兒方向位移,且在行進間將試圖接近的先生推移離開,先生慢慢的退向後方。第二位個案選擇了又高又大的代表擔任自閉兒孩子,而自己和先生的代表相顯身形較小,個案自己的代表初期眼光在先生和孩子中游移,焦點多望向先生,動力移動後呈現,自閉孩子往斜前方移動,離開了原先的位置,母親開始往孩子的方向移動,試圖靠近孩子,在此同時,個案代表並伸手試圖將兒子拉向自己,先生則是自己慢慢的往後方移動,離開原先和母子三人的群體。第三位個案設定了自己、先生和孩子的三位代表,夫妻代表二人彼此無視對方的存在,所有關注的目光都落在在孩子身上,動力開始移動,夫妻二人同時緩慢的往孩子方向接近,而當父母愈是靠近孩子,孩子則是愈往後移步。 結論﹕個案的系統排列呈現的家庭動力顯示:母親內在本質朝向往自閉兒孩子靠近的動力狀態,甚或過程中會有將父親排除在外或無視於父親存在的動力。此結果可提供自閉兒母親在照顧歷程中的覺察,並提供相關專業人員擬定以家庭為中心的照護及教育策略的參照。
類別: 會議論文
摘要:研究動機與目的:本研究旨在瞭解高中職生生育意向和子女價值觀現況,並探討不同背景變項、生育意向在親子依附關係和子女價值觀的差異情形,以及親子依附關係和子女價值觀的相關情形。研究方法:本研究採用問卷調查法,使用研究者自編之「高中職生親子依附關係、子女價值觀與生育意向」問卷,以隨機抽樣選取屏東地區高中職生共200人為對象進行初探調查。透過SPSS電腦統計軟體進行描述性統計、單因子變異數與皮爾遜積差相關分析。研究結果:1.高中職生之生育意向期望子女數以「兩個孩子」最多;若是生育兩個孩子時,期望子女性別以「男生女生各一個」最多2.高中職生生育價值觀在「親密情感」、「道德價值」等因素得分較高,得分最低生育價值為「創造理想」。3.高中職生之生育代價「喪失自由」得分最高,「教養責任」得分最低。4.生育意向中的「期望子女數」在「母親信任」上有顯著差異。5.「安全依附」與生育價值的「親密情感」有顯著正相關;「焦慮依附」與生育價值的「社會地位」呈現顯著負相關,與「權力成就」有顯著正相關。6「焦慮依附」與「逃避依附」與生育代價「成長負擔」有顯著正相關;「焦慮依附」與「教養責任」呈現顯著正相關。討論:1.高中職生生育意向之期望子女數與性別偏好以「兩個孩子」「男生女生各一個」為最多,此結果與衛生署國民健康局2010年第十次家庭生育力調查報告結果相同。 2.高中職生之生育價值觀「親密情感」是生育價值中最被認同的,此結果與相關文獻資料相同(Hoffman1975、梁香2002、黃秀珠2003、林珮琪2003、張淑靜2004、鍾佩玲2005、楊芸2006)。3.生育代價「喪失自由」得分最高,此結果與黃秀珠(2003)對於青少年子女價值觀之研究結果不同,顯示現在的高中職生對於獨立自由的追求有較高的認同。4.生育意向中的「期望子女數」在「母親信任」上有顯著差異,顯示與母親的信任關係會影響其本身期望子女數;5.「安全依附」程度越高,在生育價值中越認同「親密情感」;「焦慮依附」程度越高,越認同「社會地位」,但越不認同「權力成就」;「焦慮依附」與「逃避依附」程度越高,在生育代價中也越會考量「成長負擔」。「焦慮依附」程度越高,則越會考量「教養責任」。結論與建議:綜合研究結果顯示,親子依附關係、子女價值觀和生育意向之間存在著相關。本研究結果與發現建議提供給家庭教育工作及相關行政機構參考。
著作名稱:Study on Analyzed the Process of Promoting Family Relationships in Adoptive Families with Teens
類別: 研究計畫成果報告
摘要:This study aimed to explore the process of promoting family relationships in adoptive families with teens. Researchers constructed support groups for parents and children and family play therapy programs. This study recruited four adoptive families, each with two teen adoptees aged 11 to 15. Two 6-hour support groups for parents and adoptees and four 90-minute family play therapy sessions were to be conducted. After the group, members filled out the "Group Feedback Scale". Video recording and a "Family Play Therapy Record Sheet" are used per session during family play therapy. At last, semi-structured interviews were conducted with parents and adoptees. The members’ experience with the group, the process of family play therapy, and the interview content were analyzed using Consensual Qualitative Research. First, the results showed that through the support group of parents and adoptees:(1) Both parents and adoptees understood the adoptive families were not unique and realized how adoptive status affected their relationship; (2) Parents learned the feelings of adoptees facing adoption and knew how to talk to adoptees about adoption and adoption reunions;(3) Adoptees also realized being adopted affected their self-identity;(4) The adoptees learned how to speak to parents about their original family. Second, family play therapy provided family members with particular ways of interacting and understanding each other: (1) The activities were designed based on what adoptees were interested in, which helped to promote the motivation of adolescents;(2) It presents the epitome of the interaction among family members;(3)It provided enjoyable, undefended ways of interaction among family members, which created great family opportunities to understand each other, brought to the family the hope of positive changes;(4) Promoted understanding of family dynamics and narration of adoption stories through family play therapy materials; (5) It allowed family members to raise issues about blood relations and adoption reunions freely.
關鍵字:Adoptive Families,Family Relationships
著作名稱:A Study on Adoption Experiences and Parent-Child Interaction in Adolescent Among Adult Adoptees
類別: 研究計畫成果報告
關鍵字:Adoption Experiences,Parent-Child Interaction, Adult Adoptees
類別: 研究計畫成果報告
著作名稱:A study of Construct and Analysis the Effects of “ Parent-Child Cooking ” on Attachment in Adoptive Families
類別: 研究計畫成果報告
關鍵字:“ Parent-Child Cooking ”, Attachment, Adoptive Families
著作名稱:Study on Assessment of Interaction between Parents and Adoptive Children in Parent-Child Cooking Therapy
類別: 研究計畫成果報告
摘要:Objectives: This study is on the basis of Landreths filial therapy training model. It attempted to combine two specialized fields: “life application ” and “psychotherapy”, in the hope of developing 10-week” Parent-Child Cooking” program to promote attachment and parenting skills in adoptive families. The Purpose of this study was to explore the patterns and meanings of interaction between parents and adoptive children in “Parent-Child Cooking” therapy. Methods: Consensual Qualitative Research was adopted. Process analysis on three adoptive families with adoptive children were aged from 7 to 9 years old, via 10 hour (1Hr/week) “Parent-Child Cooking” with video recording. In addition, the program would be facilitated by a counselor. The counselor provide supervision for parents about interaction in “ Parent-Child Cooking ” 10 hour (1Hr/week). Results 1. Both parents and children showed great interest and willingness to cook. 2. Three interaction patterns in parent-child cooking sessions:(1)Adult-centric: “parent-dominated cooking,” with the implicit behaviour of “parents secretly trying to exert control.(2) Semi-child-centric: parents entrusted their children with the tasks of both cooks whilst partially authorized them to make decisions.(3) Child-centric: Children dominated cooking in the child-centric pattern. 3. Following the progress of the “Parent-Child Cooking” program , parents increasingly let children to dominate cooking and focused on the children.Parents conveyed Child-centric interaction pattern, allowed children to lead, fellow childs lead,and reflected children’s nonverbal behavior. 4. Parents identified and encouraged children’s positive behavior. Conclusion 1. “Parent-Child Cooking” therapy can be utilized to assess the patterns of interaction in the adoptive families. 2. Parents put in effort to overcome the children’s problems. Moreover, parents could be made aware of and then modify their view to cope with it. 3. “Parent-Child Cooking” program had effects on enhancing the parenting function and attached relationship.
關鍵字:Assessment of Interaction, Adoptive Children,Parent-Child Cooking Therapy