Ph.D.The University of Georgia美國Educational Psychology2000~2006
著作名稱:Understanding Janusian Thinking: Theory and Application (2nd ed.)
類別: 學術專書
摘要:In this rapidly-changing world, the knowledge and skills needed in the future are very likely to be unavailable or even unknown at the time a person studies at school. Consequently, schools cannot limit themselves to offering prescribed information and concepts because they may be obsolete rather soon. To prepare our students for the dramatic change in modern times, creative thinking should be incorporated into all content areas at all grade levels. However, there have been inadequate research studies on the instructional methods integrated with creative thinking processes. This book delves into a ubiquitous but neglected creative thinking process, Janusian thinking, which was first proposed Albert Rothenberg in 1971. In addition, this book also displays studies on the application of Janusian thinking in English vocabulary learning and Chinese epigram creation. The instructional activity integrated with Janusian thinking is not only entertaining but also edifying. A well-balanced combination of theory and practice, this book can lead readers who are interested in creativity or teaching for creativity to a colorful world of creativity.
關鍵字:Janusian thinking, creativity, opposition, secondary-process cognition, primary-process cognition, paradox, antonym, conceptual combination
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2011). Understanding Janusian Thinking: Theory and Application. Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert.
類別: 學術專書
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2006). Learning Vocabulary through Janusian Thinking, a Ubiquitous but Neglected Creative Process. (Doctoral Dissertation).
類別: 學術專書
著作名稱:Similes, Metaphors, and Creativity
類別: 期刊論文 Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology
摘要:This research aimed to examine the differential effects of simile and metaphor on creativity. In the main study, 123 participants were recruited from a university in Taiwan. A within-subjects experimental design was used to investigate how variables related to simile and metaphor influenced these participants’ fluency and originality scores. As revealed by the findings, typical placements had an advantage over atypical placements in both fluency and originality scores whether the stimulus word pairs were conventional or novel. Similes, compared with metaphors, did not register significantly higher fluency or originality scores when conventional word pairs were provided. However, similes posted significantly higher fluency and originality scores than did metaphors when novel word pairs were provided. It can be also inferred that simile combined with the typical placement, especially in the context of novel word pairs, led to better performance on creativity than all the other combinations.
關鍵字:Simile; metaphor; creativity; fluency; originality
著作名稱:How Figurativity of Analogy Affects Creativity: The Application of Four-Term Analogies to Teaching for Creativity
類別: 期刊論文 Thinking Skills and Creativity
摘要:This research study integrated four-term analogies with figurativity to facilitate creativity and examined how different levels of figurativity of these analogies influenced fluency and originality, two major aspects of creativity. One hundred and ninety college students from a national university located in southern Taiwan were recruited to participate in this study. The instrument was composed of two parts. Part One included newly-designed analogy items that came in three types with different levels of figurativity. In Part Two, the New Test of Creative Thinking, a popular Torrance-like verbal creativity test in Chinese societies, was used as a criterion for Part One. The newly-designed items exhibited excellent inter-rater reliabilities and decent criterion-related validities. These items showed a great potential to be used as instructional activities that can foster creativity. As demonstrated by the findings, the participants’ fluency scores became significantly lower as the degree of figurativity in the analogy items increased. The findings also indicated that the participants’ originality scores became significantly higher as the degree of figurativity in the analogy items increased. The results were discussed in the contexts of relevant literature and the educational implications were also presented.
關鍵字:figurativity, four-term analogies, creativity, fluency, originality
著作名稱:The effects of stimulus words positions and properties on response words and creativity performance in the tasks of analogical sentence completion
類別: 期刊論文 Learning and Individual Differences
摘要:This study used four types of analogical sentence completion to examine the effects of stimulus words positions and properties on thewords subjects responded with and their creativity performance. The research design was a mixed-design ANOVA model with position as a between-subjects variable and property as awithin-subjects variable. Major findings are as follows. A significant directionality existed in simile sentences. Typical analogies led to higher creativity performance but atypical analogies could significantly explain the variance of creativity performance over and above typical analogies. No matter whether stimulus words are concrete or abstract or whether they are placed in the target or in the base of sentence completion items, participants were inclined to respond with concrete words. Abstract stimulus words placed in the target position with concrete words answered in the base position had the highest incidence of all combinations. However, participants did not necessarily tend to respond to concrete stimulus words in the base with abstract words. The directionality of typical analogies and the strong proclivity for responding with concrete words are two factors that affect participants performance.
關鍵字:analogy, simile, creativity, assoicative theory, structure-mapping theory
著作名稱:Analogy’s straddling of analytical and creative thinking and relationships to Big Five Factors of personality
類別: 期刊論文 Thinking Skills and Creativity
摘要:This research study examined how the analogy test items in both the multiple-choice andthe non-multiple-choice forms related to analytical thinking, creative thinking, and the fivemajor personality domains. Five hundred eighty-two 6th graders were recruited from 12public elementary schools located across Taiwan. Both ready-made and self-constructedinstruments were used in this study. The major findings are shown as follows. The threeanalogy subscales in the multiple-choice form were all significantly correlated with ana-lytical and creative thinking, with their correlations with analytical thinking strongerthan those with creative thinking. In contrast, the analogy subscales in the non-multiple-choice form, the simile sentence completion, had a much stronger correlation with creativethinking than that with analytical thinking. The traditional analogical-verbal items in themultiple-choice form and the analogy test items in the form of simile sentence completioncould significantly predict creative thinking independent of analytical thinking and alsosignificantly predict analytical thinking independent of creative thinking. In addition, thesimile sentence completion, openness to experience, and analytical thinking could signifi-cantly explain the variance of creative thinking. Discussions of the findings, with a specialfocus on the two types of novel analogy items, were presented in the context of the existingliterature.
關鍵字:analogy, simile, analytical thinking, creative thinking, personality
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2015). Mathematically gifted adolescent females’ mixed sentiment toward gender stereotypes. Social Psychology of Education. (SSCI) (感謝科技部NSC 97-2511-S-024-008)
類別: 期刊論文 Social Psychology of Education
摘要:There has been a paucity of research on gifted individuals’ perceptions of gender stereotypes. The purpose of this study was to explore mathematically gifted adolescent females’ perceptions of gender stereotypes through a research design of the qualitative multiple case study involving the constant comparison and the Three C’s analysis scheme. Nine female junior high school students living in an urban area of Taiwan were recruited. Five major themes emerged after data analysis: uncomfortable feelings about gender inequality, denial of the importance of beauty, high career aspirations, agreement on the stereotypes of negative female dispositions, and identification with masculine qualities and interests. These themes reflected their mixed sentiment toward gender stereotypes. The social identity approach, social status theory, and optimal distinctiveness theory were employed to explain these young women’s perception of gender stereotypes. Implications for interventions to address inner conflict and for future research were also discussed.
關鍵字:mathematically gifted, gender stereotypes, the social identity approach, social status theory, optimal distinctiveness theory
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2014). Exploring the Relationships between Analogical, Analytical, and Creative Thinking. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 13, 80-88. (SSCI) (感謝科技部NSC101-2410-H-024-008-MY2)
類別: 期刊論文 Thinking Skills and Creativity
摘要:The purpose of this research study was to examine the relationships between analogical, analytical, and creative thinking and other relevant issues through a carefully-constructed and self-designed instrument. Participants were 287 six-graders living in an urban area of Taiwan. Major findings are shown as follows. Whereas three factors with larger-than-one eigenvalues were extracted, the g factor can be considered existing in the present study because the variance explained by the first principal factor was much larger than those explained by the other two. The two types of novel analogies were significantly and negatively correlated with each other. Analogical thinking straddles both the fields of analytical and creative thinking. Of the four analogy subscales, the traditional analogical-verbal section was most capable of predicting analytical thinking, creative thinking, and academic achievements. Discussions of the findings were presented in the context of the existing literature.
關鍵字: analogical thinking, analytical thinking abilities, creative thinking, a g factor, intelligence
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2011, April). The dilemmas of peer relationships confronting mathematically gifted female adolescents: Nine cases in Taiwan. Gifted Child Quarterly, 55, 83-94. (SSCI) (NSC 97-2511-S-024-008)
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2011). The Dilemma of Competition Encountered by Musically Gifted Asian Male Students: An Exploration from the Perspective of Gifted Education. High Ability Studies, 22(1), 19–42.(SSCI)
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Kao, C., & Hebért, T. P. (2006). Gifted Asian American adolescent males: Portraits of cultural dilemmas. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 30(1), 88-117. (SSCI)
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Examining the attribute inheritance in Janusian thinking: An intensional study on the mechanisms of combining opposite concepts
類別: 期刊論文 Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts
摘要:Janusian thinking is a creative process wherein two opposite concepts are conceived simultaneously. This research, composed of two studies, aimed to examine the attribute inheritance in Janusian thinking through an intensional approach. The first study, which recruited 50 undergraduate students, was intended to produce a list of attributes for each of the four sets of concepts and their conjunctions. The second study, which recruited a different group of 60 undergraduate students, was committed to rating the importance of attributes for each constituent and conjunction. As indicated by the findings, the rated importance of the attributes for the two opposite constituents could significantly predict the rated importance of the attributes for the two-opposite-word conjunction. Rather, the fit of the predictive equations for the two-opposite-word conjunction was poorer than that for the two-relevant-word conjunction. During Janusian thinking, the two opposite constituents did not make equal contributions to the conjunction; however, each constituent significantly contributed to the conjunction, independent of the other constituent. The phenomena of inheritance failure and noncompositionality occurred in Janusian thinking, as well as in combining relevant words. In addition, Janusian thinking did not follow the necessity and impossibility constraints completely. Discussion and implication were provided in the context of pertinent literature.
著作名稱:How broad cognitive abilities contribute to traditional analogies, creative analogies, and general creativity
類別: 期刊論文 Thinking Skills and Creativity
摘要:The purpose of this research study was to examine the contributions of three broad cognitive abilities to traditional analogies, two types of creative analogies, and general creativity. The three cognitive abilities were broad retrieval ability (Gr), crystallized intelligence (Gc), and fluid intelligence (Gf). Four hundred and forty-three sixth-graders from six elementary schools located in Taiwan were recruited to participate in this study. A carefully self-designed instrument, composed of eight parts, was administered to find out the delicate relations between cognitive abilities, traditional analogies, and creative analogies. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was utilized to address the main research questions. As results demonstrated, Gc (β .62, p.001) and Gf (β .28, p.001) had significant effects on traditional analogies, whereas Gr (β .06, p .310) did not have significant effect. Gr (β .30, p.001) and Gc (β .28, p.001) had significant effects on creative analogies with incomplete simile sentences (abstract analogies), but Gf (β .002, p .982) did not have significant effect. Gr (β .54, p.001) had significant effects on creative analogies concerning emotional experiences (concrete analogies), but Gc (β .084, p .318) and Gf (β -.01, p .851) did not have significant effect. The two types of creative analogies (abstract and creative analogies) exhibited different patterns of relations with the three cognitive abilities. In addition, Gr (β .54, p.001) had a significant effect on general creativity, whereas Gf (β.001, p .966) and Gc (β -.14, p .126) did not have significant effects. Overall, Gr contributed most to creative thinking of the three cognitive abilities. These results, exhibiting some consistencies and inconsistencies with those of previous studies, were discussed in the context of existing literature.
關鍵字:Broad cognitive abilities, Fluency, Originality, Retrieval ability, Fluid intelligence, Crystallized intelligence
著作名稱:How Combining Opposite, Near-Opposite, and Irrelevant Concepts Influence Creativity Performance
類別: 期刊論文 Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts
摘要:This research article aims to add new findings to the realm of conceptual combination and also present new ideas of designing theoretically based activities for fostering creativity. Composed of two studies, this research examined how combining two antonyms, near-antonyms, and irrelevant words affect research participants’ performance on the fluency score and the originality score. One hundred seventythree college students from southern Taiwan were recruited to participate in Study 1 and 151 college students from southern Taiwan in Study 2. Both of Study 1 and Study 2 used the repeated-measures design. The fluency score was modified to accommodate the special design of Study 2. According to the results of Study 1, the participants’ fluency scores became significantly higher as the level of antonymy of the stimulus word pair increased. Their originality scores were also slightly enhanced when they responded to the stimulus words of higher levels of antonymy. Study 2 replicated the results of Study 1. In addition, the participants of Study 2 tended to choose the words more aligned with stimulus words to respond to stimulus words in the earlier time. Alignability increases with levels of antonymy. For creativity performance, high antonymy has advantages over low antonymy in production quantity, quality, and reaction time. Antonymy improves the efficiency and effectiveness of creativity performance.
關鍵字:conceptual combination, creativity, antonyms, Janusian thinking, structure-mapping theory
著作名稱:探索五位理工科女性世界中的創造力: 她們對創造力的詮釋以及理工背景對其創造力的影響
類別: 期刊論文 教育科學研究期刊
類別: 期刊論文 教育政策論壇
類別: 期刊論文 特殊教育學報
摘要:本研究為一行動研究,透過觀察、訪談、行動契約以及文件分析等方式蒐集資料,目的旨在透過類比法解決一名音樂資優生小琴在創作音樂時所面臨的困境。行動分為三個階段,第一階段是以Mozart的Sonata K545第一樂章作為訓練小琴音樂創作的類比典範;第二階段除繼續以Mozart的Sonata K545第一樂章讓小琴練習外,創作重點則是在作詞部分:第三階段是作曲技巧的類化情境應用,產出音樂作品。本行動研究發現:(1)音樂創作初期係一從熟悉到陌生之歷程,創作困境為「天才型的創作迷思」與「從無到有的實踐力」,所採取之類比策略為「擬人類比」與「直接類比」;(2)音樂創作中期係一同步歷程,創作困境為「不穩定性」與「創作倦怠」,所採取之類比策略為「擬人類比」與「壓縮衝突」;(3)音樂創作後期係一從陌生回到熟悉之歷程,創作困境為「創作技巧類化」與「產品候選因子的拾捨兩難」,所採取之類比策略為「直接類比」。
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2010). Exploring the neglected affective world of musically gifted adolescent males: Six cases in Taiwan. 特殊教育研究學刊,第35卷,第1期,83-104。(TSSCI)
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2007). The effects of antonymy on English vocabulary teaching and learning. Curriculum and Instruction, 10, 4, 163-188. (TSSCI)
類別: 期刊論文
類別: 期刊論文 特教論壇
摘要:本文旨在探討相反概念的內涵以及其與創造力之間的關聯,而此關聯性包括有「單一相反概念」與「創造力」之間的關聯性,以及「並存的兩個相反概念」與「創造力」之間的關聯性。本篇文章的重要主題包括有反義字詞、反義詞性、反 義詞性影響創造力表現的實證研究、逆向思考、回文的分類、中式與西式回文的比較、回文數、相反概念的結合、三階段的反向整合思考訓練活動等,而這些主題同時搭配著合適的例子或創造思考活動。相反概念裡保藏著我們瞭解周遭環境的鎖鑰,也是我們獲取創造想法永續不竭的源泉。從創造力教育的觀點,我們要更加善用融入相反概念的教學活動,以發揮學生的創造潛能。
類別: 期刊論文 特教論壇
類別: 期刊論文 特教論壇
摘要:本文的主要目的在探討創造力的因素結構是否在不同的文化中會有所改變,研究過程是使用在西方文化中編製的考夫曼創造力領域量表(the Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale,K-DOCS),對台灣的大學生進行施測,然後針對參與學生在量表上的回答進行探索性因素分析。研究參與者為就讀台灣南部三所大學的626名學生,而研究工具是考夫曼創造力領域量表(K-DOCS)的中文版。研究結果得到了五個主要的創造力領域:人事創造力、表演藝術創造力、學術創造力、視覺藝術創造力以及科技創造力。雖然台灣的文化在許多方面與西方文化有所差異,但是本研究所發現的這五個因素與在西方國家蒐集資料的研究所發現的五個因素頗為一致。考夫曼創造力領域量表是評量領域特定創造力可靠且穩定的工具,也能夠經得起文化多樣性的考驗。
類別: 期刊論文 特教論壇
著作名稱:The Directional Asymmetry of Analogy and Its Relations to Creativity and Personality
類別: 期刊論文 International Journal of Recent Advances in Organizational Behaviour and Decision Sciences (IJRAOB)
摘要:Analogy plays a central role in human intelligence. Our thinking and learning are inextricably related to analogy. The aim of this study is to examine the directionality of analogy and the way it relates to creativity performance and five personality traits. Five hundred and three sixth graders were recruited from six public elementary schools located across Taiwan to participate in this study. Two instruments were used in this study. One consisted of 32 incomplete simile sentences which came in four types; the other was the Mini-IPIP Scales. The results demonstrated pronounced directionality phenomena in analogical thinking due to stimulus words’ different level of concreteness and different placement in simile sentences. Significant interactions existed between the position and property of stimulus words on the originality, concrete-word-response, and abstract-word-response scores. Typical analogies, compared with reversed analogies, were conducive to higher creativity performance. However, reversed analogies could significantly explain the variance of creativity performance, independent of typical analogies. Further, participants possessed a salient proclivity for concrete-word responses. In addition, two personality traits, conscientiousness and openness to experience, significantly explained the variance of creativity performance independent of typical and reversed analogies. Discussions about the findings and Implications for educational practice are also presented.
關鍵字:Analogy, directionality, creativity, personality, synectics
類別: 期刊論文 特教園丁季刊
摘要:近全方位的學習設計主要針對課程中 的教學目標、材料、方法與評量等四個向 度,盡量減低在肢體、認知與情緒等方面 的障礙,以滿足每一位學生在學習上的需 求。本文闡明全方位的學習設計在資優教 育上的啟發與應用,首先呈現全方位課程 設計的緣起與意涵,接著探討其主要原則 與理論基礎,三個主要的原則有多元表 徵、多元表達與多元參與,相對應於三個 與學習相關的大腦系統:辨識系統、策略 系統與情意系統。之後,本文討論全方位 課程設計體現區分性教學的精神與內涵, 全方位課程設計可供資優教育參考之處, 及其實際運用成效,並且舉出全方位學習 設計原則在資優教育的運用。
關鍵字:全方位設計、全方位的學習設計、 全方位課程、融合教育、區分性教學
類別: 期刊論文 創造學刊
摘要:有關理工科女性與創造力之研究一向很少,本研究採用質性的案例研究探討理工科 女性提升創造力的方法。研究參與者為五位畢業於國內大學的理工科系或目前仍在 就讀相關理工科系研究所的女性。資料蒐集的方式包括半結構式的深度訪談、文件 檢視與觀察,所蒐集的資料透過案例內以及跨案例的分析,發現五個重要的主題: 持續進修、閱讀文獻、參觀展覽、自我放鬆以及人際互動等,理工科女性主要藉由 這五種方法在日常生活中提升自我的創造力。本文將所發現的主題與現存的文獻相 互比較討論,並提出相關建議,以期對創造力領域有所貢獻。
類別: 期刊論文 特教論壇
類別: 期刊論文 社會研究學報
類別: 期刊論文 教育研究學報
類別: 期刊論文 創造學刊
摘要:本文旨在介紹三階段的反向整合思考訓練活動(Three-Stage Janusian Thinking Training Activities, TSJTT),本活動融入反向整合思考(Janusian Thinking)的理論要點,在活動過程中提供學生鷹架,讓他們逐步進階,最後達成自己完全獨立創作的目標。文中首先探討概念結合的基本內涵,然後概念結合與創造思考的關聯性,再提及反向整合思考為人類重要的創造思考機制,再進入到本文的主旨:三階段反向整合思考訓練之活動過程;此外,在敘述此創造思考活動時,並同時呈現學生在各學習階段的作品。此創造思考活動乃基於作者自己教學經驗與研究成果,希望本文對此活動的介紹能對創造力教育有所貢獻。
著作名稱:Application of combining antonymous concepts in a creative thinking skill
類別: 期刊論文 Educational Alternatives
摘要:Forming conceptual combination plays an important role in human thinking. Many creativity theories (e.g., Mednick’s associative theory, Koestler’s bisociation, and Rothenberg’s Janusian thinking) and creative thinking skills (e.g., morphological synthesis and synectics) are in essence conceptual combination. Janusain thinking, the main issue of this article, is defined as a creative process that actively conceives two opposite concepts simultaneously. A creative thinking skill, which is built on the theory of Janusian thinking and called the Three-Stage Janusian Thinking Training Activity (TSJTT), is presented in this article. Through providing scaffolding, this activity helps students advance step by step to attain the ultimate goal of independent creation. Hopefully, this article can make some contributions to education in creativity.
關鍵字:conceptual combination, creative thinking skills, antonym, Janusian thinking
類別: 期刊論文 特教論壇
類別: 期刊論文 特教論壇
類別: 期刊論文 特教論壇
著作名稱:高振耀(2012)。探索斯騰伯格智力三元能力測驗、一般智力測驗以及學業成就之間的關係。特殊教育與復建學報,第二十六期,71-102。(NSC 99-2511-S-024-011-MY2)
類別: 期刊論文 特殊教育與復建學報
類別: 期刊論文 中華民國特殊教育學會年刊:展望十二年國教中的特殊教育
類別: 期刊論文 中華民國特殊教育學會年刊:展望十二年國教中的特殊教育
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2012). The educational predicament confronting Taiwan’s gifted programs: An evaluation of current practices and future challenges. Roeper Review, 34(4), 1-10.
類別: 期刊論文 Roeper Review
摘要:This study examines the current problems affecting Taiwan’s gifted education through a large-scale gifted program evaluation. Fifty-one gifted classes at 15 elementary schools and 62 gifted classes at 18 junior high schools were evaluated. The primary activities included in this biennial evaluation were document review, observation of instructional activities, inspection of equipment and facilities, interviews with 113 students, 82 teachers and 26 parents. The data were analyzed qualitatively. Major themes uncovered by this study included exam-oriented instruction, lack of quality affective education, heavy burdens for teachers, enormous pressure for students, gifted art programs as camouflage, and the failure to utilize resources in the community. These problems could further be consolidated into an overarching theme, overemphasis on exam performance. Discussions and implications addressing these problems are provided in the hope that Taiwan’s and other countries’ gifted education can benefit from them.
關鍵字:program evaluation, identification, pull-out programs, self-contained classes, enrichment, acceleration, entrance exams, affective education
著作名稱:高振耀(2011):探索數理資優學生與普通生在創造思考能力上的差異。中華民國特殊教育學會年刊,127-151。(NSC 99-2511-S-024-011-MY2)
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:高振耀、李偉俊(2011):探索台灣不同階段不同領域資優生之性別結構: 特教通報網資料之應用。中華民國特殊教育學會年刊,153-184。
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:高振耀(2011):西方創造力理論與東方哲學的合流:探索Janusian Thinking的深層含意。資優教育季刊,第118期,1-8。
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2010). Exploring the peer relationships of mathematically gifted junior high school male students: Three Cases in Taiwan. 特殊教育與復建學報,第二十三期,71-99。
類別: 期刊論文
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:高振耀(2008)。資賦優異教育評鑑後的省思。資優教育季刊,第106期,1-7, 17。
類別: 期刊論文
類別: 期刊論文 紅樓講堂
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2008). Socio-Emotional issues of mathematically gifted adolescent females: Portraits of two cases in Taiwan. 特殊教育與復建學報,第十九期,92-111。
類別: 期刊論文
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2007). Positive sociocultural factors for the development of creativity. 國教之友,第五十八卷,第三期,67-76.
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Combining two antonymous adjectives in an instructional activity to foster Creativity The three-stage Janusian thinking training activity
類別: 會議論文
摘要:The purpose of this proposal is to introduce a theoretically-based teaching activity that can be used to enhance creativity. The activity, called the Three-Stage Janusian Thinking Training Activity (TSJTT), is built on the theory of Janusian thinking first proposed by Rothenberg in 1971. Janusian thinking is defined as a creative process that actively conceives “two or more opposite or antithetical concepts, ideas, or images.” Through supplying scaffolds, this activity helps students advance step by step to attain the ultimate goal of independent creation. At the first stage of the TSJTT, students are presented with tasks of sentence completion. Each task takes the form of an incomplete sentence which contains a subject, a be-verb, a pair of antonyms, and a because-clause awaiting completion. For example, “Misfortune is both dark and bright because ___________________.” At the second stage, students are also presented with tasks of sentence completion. Each task takes the form of an incomplete sentence as well. However, the position of subject is left blank. For example, “__________ is both lazy and diligent because ___________________.” At the third stage, students need to create whole new sentences with a pair of antonyms. Students are encouraged to make the sentences as interesting and original as possible. Students’ works at each stage will be exhibited in my conference presentation. This creative thinking activity is based upon the author’s own teaching experiences and research findings. Through the introduction of this self-designed activity, this proposal is intended to make some contributions to education in creativity.
關鍵字:creative thinking, Janusian thinking, conceptual combination, conceptual contradiction, synectics
著作名稱:Application of combining antonymous concepts in a creative thinking skill. Paper presented at the , Elenite, Bulgaria
類別: 會議論文
摘要:Forming conceptual combination plays an important role in human thinking. Many creativity theories (e.g., Mednick’s associative theory, Koestler’s bisociation, and Rothenberg’s Janusian thinking) and creative thinking skills (e.g., morphological synthesis and synectics) are in essence conceptual combination. Janusain thinking, the main issue of this article, is defined as a creative process that actively conceives two opposite concepts simultaneously. A creative thinking skill, which is built on the theory of Janusian thinking and called the Three-Stage Janusian Thinking Training Activity (TSJTT), is presented in this article. Through providing scaffolding, this activity helps students advance step by step to attain the ultimate goal of independent creation. Hopefully, this article can make some contributions to education in creativity.
關鍵字:conceptual combination, creative thinking skills, antonym, Janusian thinking
著作名稱:Investigating how analogy is related to analytical and creative thinking
類別: 會議論文
摘要:Analogy items are frequently used in IQ tests, which are mainly considered assessments of analytical abilities. Analogical thinking is also the pivot of many creativity theories. This research, composed of two studies, was intended to examine the relationships between analogical, analytical, and creative thinking through carefully self-designed instruments including analogy items in both multiple-choice and non-multiple-choice formats. The first study recruited 287 sixth-graders from two elementary schools located in an urban area of Taiwan. The second study recruited 582 sixth-graders from 12 elementary schools located across Taiwan. The results of analyses of correlations and partial correlations are as follows. The multiple-choice and non-multiple-choice analogy items were all significantly correlated with analytical and creative thinking. The multiple-choice analogy items had higher correlations with analytical thinking than with creative thinking. However, the non-multiple-choice analogy items had higher correlations with creative thinking than with analytical thinking. The traditional analogical-verbal subscale in the multiple-choice format and the simile sentence completion in the non-multiple-choice format could significantly explain the variance of creative thinking, independent of analytical thinking. All analogy subscales, be it in the multiple-choice or non-multiple-choice formats, could significantly explain the variance of analytical thinking, independent of creative thinking. It was thus suggested that analogical thinking straddled both the fields of analytical and creative thinking. The educational implication for these findings is that the traditional analogical-verbal subscale in the multiple-choice format and the simile sentence completion in the non-multiple-choice format can be employed to enhance both analytical and creative thinking.
關鍵字:analogy, simile, creative thinking, analytical thinking, intelligence
類別: 會議論文
摘要:本文旨在探討反向整合思考(Janusian Thinking)的內涵,說明其與中國哲學太極圖的關係,並且將此理論融入到思考訓練的技法以提升受訓人員的創造力。作者根據自己教學經驗與研究成果,融入反向整合思考的理論要點,提出三階段的反向整合思考訓練活動(Three-Stage Janusian Thinking Training Activities, TSJTT),訓練過程中讓受訓者逐步進階,最後達成自己完全獨立創作的目標。希望本文對反向整合思考之論述以及三階段的反向整合思考訓練活動之介紹能對管理教育有所助益,同時以藉此揭示表面看起來不相關的領域其實在本質上是具有許多相通的道理。
類別: 會議論文
摘要:創造思考(creative thinking)和類比(analogy)兩者關係密切,因為兩者都牽涉到不同事物的比較與結合。儘管它們兩者間的關聯性,卻很少有研究檢視此有趣的關聯性;因此,此次的發表將對此題目進行探討,盼能在此領域有所貢獻。發表過程中先提及檢索(retrieval)、映射(mapping)、比較(comparison)、評估(evaluation)與抽象化(abstraction)五個主要的類比特徵,接著說明類比在傳統智力測驗中所佔有的地位;然後進入到主旨,其中包括類比與各種創造力理論、類比與反向整合思考、類比與創造力測驗、置換法則等。在闡明時,並會介紹作者所進行的相關實證研究,以支持以下的論述:類比不僅是分析思考的重要成分,也是創造思考的基石,它其實橫跨了分析與創造兩大領域。
著作名稱:Investigating the Relations between Analogical, Analytical, and Creative Thinking
類別: 會議論文
摘要:This empirical study aims to investigate the relations between analogical, analytical, and creative thinking. The researcher recruited 287 sixth-graders from two elementary schools located in an urban area of Taiwan. The instrument, taking approximately 80 minutes to complete, included two types of traditional analytical items in the multiple-choice format, two types of traditional analogical items in the multiple-choice format, two types of novel analogical items in the multiple-choice format borrowed from Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test, and four types of creativity test items in the non-multiple-choice (performance) format. As indicated by the research results, the two types of novel analogies were significantly and negatively correlated with each other. In addition, traditional and novel analogies (four analogy subscales) were all significantly correlated with analytical and creative thinking, with their correlations with analytical thinking being higher than those with creative thinking. Of the four analogy subscales, the traditional analogical-verbal section had the highest correlation with both analytical and creative thinking. Furthermore, the analogical-verbal subscale score could significantly explain the variance of creative thinking, independent of analytical thinking. All the four analogy subscale scores could significantly explain the variance of analytical thinking, independent of creative thinking. It was thus suggested that analogical thinking straddled both the fields of analytical and creative thinking.
關鍵字:analogical thinking, creative thinking, the g factor, intelligence
著作名稱:Using Analogy to Develop Gifted Students’ Analytical and Creative Thinking
類別: 會議論文
摘要:Paper presented at Hobart, Australia.
著作名稱:Examining the Differences between Mathematically Gifted Students and Their Non-Identified Age Peers through the Perspective of Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
類別: 會議論文
摘要:Despite be ing controversial, Sternbergs triarchic theory of intelligence is undisputedly one of the most frequently cited theory in the past two decades. Criticizing the IQ score for its overly narrow representation of intellectual abilities, Sternber suggests that there are three aspects of human intelligence, analitical, creative and practical intelligences. This research study compared four theoretically based models of the factorial structure of a revised Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test (STAT) through a confirmatory factor analysis. The differences between mathematically gifted students and their non-identified peers in the three aspects of intelligence proposed by the triarchic theory were also examined. Spanning two years, this research consisted of two pilot studies and one formal large-scale study. In the formal study, 851 eighth graders were recruited from nine junior high schools located across Taiwan. Of these participants, 178 were mathematically gifted students identified by traditional mathematical aptitude tests. The results of comparing alternative models based on the g factor, the triarchic theory of intelligence, a traditional factorial theory, and previous research findings demonstrated that the model based on the triarchic theory showed a slightly better fit to the empirical data than the other three models. Moreover, mathematically gifted students significantly outperformed their non-identified age peers in all the 12 subscales. Male students had significantly higher scores than female students on analytical and practical quantitative subscales, while female students had significantly higher scores on the essay and creative figural subscales.
關鍵字:the g factor, triarchic theory of successful intelligence, analytical intelligence, practical intelligence, creative intelligence
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2011). Going into the Colorful World of Janusian Thinking, an Omnipresent but Neglected Creative Thinking Process. Paper presented at the Tasmanian Association for the Gifted: Conference 2011, Launceston, Australia.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2011). Theory and Application of Janusian Thinking. Paper presented at the 19th Biennial World Conference on Gifted and Talented Children, Prague, Czech Republic.
類別: 會議論文
類別: 會議論文
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2010). The psychosocial problems encountered by musically gifted Asian male adolescents. The 11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Giftedness. Sydney, Australia.
類別: 會議論文
摘要:There has been a paucity of research on musical giftedness, much less on musically gifted male students. Male students have long been under-represented in gifted music programs in Asian societies. There is a serious leakage of male talents in music pipelines. Notwithstanding, little attention has been paid to this problem. On the other hand, the under-representation of female students in the math-and-science-gifted programs is regarded as a warning signal calling for the attention of educational practitioners. Through examining the psychosocial problems encountered by of 6 musically gifted high school male students living in Taiwan, this proposal intends to add to the limited information in this area. The study’s research design was a qualitative multi-case study involving document review, observation, and in-depth interviews with students and their teacher. The following research questions guided the inquiry: What are the characteristics of musically gifted high school male students in Taiwan? What are the challenges encountered by these adolescent males regarding their psychosocial development? How do these challenges affect these adolescent males? How do they cope with these challenges? Data collection of this study took place over a period of one and half years. After analyzing rich data, five major themes emerged, namely, narrow social circle, gender discrimination, non-self-serving and effort-oriented attribution, more pressure from academics than from music learning, and worry about their music career. The presentation of this proposal will help audience better understand musically gifted Asian adolescent males social and emotional problems and how they face these problems. With this understanding, the educational practitioners and researchers can help musically gifted Asian male adolescents fulfill their superior potential.
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2009). The Social and Emotional Issues of Mathematically Gifted Adolescent Females: Nine cases in Taiwan. The 18th Biennial World Conference on Gifted and Talented Children presented by the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children. Vancouver, Canada. (國科會補助計畫,NSC 97-2511-S-024-008)
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2007). Disentangling the intricacy of creativity: Four P’s of creativity. The International Conference of Play and Creativity, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2006). The Socio-emotional Issues Faced by Asian American Gifted Male Adolescents. The 9th Asian-Pacific Conference on Giftedness (APCG), Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2006). The Academic Issues Faced by Asian American Gifted Students. The Annual Conference of Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA), Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2006). The Issue of Ethnic Identity Faced by Asian American Gifted Male Adolescents. The Annual Conference of Georgia Association for Gifted Children, Athens, Georgia, USA.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2006). Learning Vocabulary through Creative Thinking Processes. The Annual Conference of Georgia Association for Gifted Children, Athens, Georgia, USA.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2005). Multiculturalism and Creativity. The 16th Biennial World Conference for Gifted Children, New Orleans, Lousiana, USA.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2000). Socio-emotional Problems of Gifted Asian American Male Adolescents. The Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Kao, C. (2008). Exploring the Relationships between Creativity and Mathematical Giftedness. 2008 特殊教育與科技整合學術研討會, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC.
類別: 會議論文