著作名稱: | Higher Education Governance in East Asia- Transformations under Neoliberalism |
年度: | 2018 |
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摘要: | When the changing governance for responding to the neoliberal agenda is put into a context for examination, critical space is created for re-thinking the role and meaning of higher education beyond being economized, marketized, and privatized, especially views from institutional practices in those unconventional cases. This belief supports this study by examining the National University of Tainan (NUTN), transforming from a century-old family-like teacher-education status to a comprehensive university, to show how neoliberal agenda affects its institutional practices. The governance in the NUTN case reflects the collegiality-bound bureaucracy with greater accountability over the managerial practices. Thus, being forced to move out of the government monopoly, it is high time for NUTN to use the external neoliberal agenda wisely and strategically to make collegiality-bound bureaucracy governance model responsive to increasing external demands and changes. |
關鍵字: | governance of higher education, neoliberal agenda, National University of Tainan (NUTN), Taiwan |
著作名稱: | Internationalisation and quality of life: A Taiwanese perspective. In M. Henning, C. Krägeloh & G. Wong-Toi (eds), Student Motivation and Quality of Life in Higher Education |
年度: | 2015 |
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著作名稱: | 蘇錦麗(主編),高等教育機構品質保證制度與實踐:國際觀與本土觀 |
年度: | 2015 |
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著作名稱: | Trading on the West’s Strength: The Dilemmas of Transnational Higher Education in East Asia. |
年度: | 2014 |
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摘要: | Book chapter from the Book:
In K-H Mok & K-M Yu (eds.) (2014) Internationalization of Higher Education in East Asia: Trends of student mobility and impact on education governance (pp. 208-225). Abingdon: Routledge. |
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著作名稱: | The critical study on the internationalization of higher education in Taiwan. In A. Kwan, E. Wong, T. Kwong, P. Lau & A. Goody (Eds.), Research and Development in Higher Education: Higher Education in a Globalized World, 37 (pp 94 - 104). |
年度: | 2014 |
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摘要: | When internationalization changed from experiencing the growth of outward mobility in the 1980s and 1990s to implementing particular practices on campus, Taiwan became an interesting case study for the critical examination of the key question about whose interests are served during the process of internationalization of higher education. This study aimed to explore the views of faculty and students about the internationalization of higher education in Taiwan to fill the gap between the policy rhetoric and realties. Providing empirical evidence to identify the perceptual gap between what is being said and what is actually happening is a promising step forward for higher education stakeholders as they consider what internationalization is for and for whom it is intended. The study began by interviewing 52 academics from various disciplines. Secondly, 14 focus groups with 122 students were undertaken. The results revealed that faculty critically questioned the idea of internationalization and students felt disengaged with internationalization. These views challenge the taken-for-granted assumption that institutional practices of internationalization benefit students’ learning. Based on the results, conclusions and suggestions are proposed. |
關鍵字: | internationalization; higher education; Taiwan |
著作名稱: | 姜麗娟(2011)。大學國際化評鑑。台北:財團法人高等教育評鑑中心基金會。 |
年度: | 2011 |
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著作名稱: | Internationalizing the curriculum in Taiwan: what department heads think. Proceedings of the 32nd HERDSA Annual Conference (pp. 64-72) |
年度: | 2009 |
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著作名稱: | 全球化、知識經濟與高等教育:重新檢視與省思
年度: | 2004 |
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著作名稱: | 「 從理念到實務 : 高等教育教學之國際化經驗與限制」。載於淡江大學高等教育中心, 21 世紀高等教育的挑戰與回應:趨勢、課程、治理 。
年度: | 2004 |
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著作名稱: | Chiang, Li-chuan (2000). The Relationship between University Autonomy and Funding in England and in Taiwan . PhD Thesis, Institute of Education , University of London . ( 獲國科會八十九年甲種獎勵。 ) |
年度: | 2000 |
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著作名稱: | Higher Education in Taiwan: Global, Political and Social Challenges and Future Trends |
年度: | 2020 |
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摘要: | To fill the literature gap on academic profession in Taiwan, the study aims to reveal whose doctorate graduates hold a stronger network among academics in Taiwan. The sample includes 29,469 individuals from 157 higher education institutions. The main findings include: (1) The dominant faculty hiring practice pattern is that the majority of the Taiwanese HEIs (111 institutions; 71%) have more hometrained than overseas-trained faculty. (2) The limited range of host countries shows clear. Taiwan-trained faculty hold the strongest network, and US-trained faculty hold the second. Faculty trained from the UK, Canada, Australia, and Japan, represent an extremely minor proportion. (3) Among the top ten host institutions, there are nine institutions from Taiwan but only one from the US. The only US institution
in the top ten is the University of California. (4) The first institution in other host countries is, respectively, the University of London UK, the University of Queensland Australia, the University of Toronto Canada, the University of Tokyo Japan, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Germany, and the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne France. The implications for those overseas host countries and institutions, and for the younger generation to make a decision about where to pursue their doctoral education at home or overseas were discussed and proposed. |
關鍵字: | Academic profession · Home-trained faculty · Overseas-trained faculty · Taiwan |
著作名稱: | 學生學習成果導向之大學國際化評鑑設計與探討。我國高等教育評鑑發展與實務(頁181-206) |
年度: | 2012 |
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著作名稱: | 越南。高等教育國際學生市場新趨勢(頁225-246) |
年度: | 2012 |
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著作名稱: | 印尼。高等教育國際學生市場新趨勢(頁269-296) |
年度: | 2012 |
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著作名稱: | Trading on the West’s Strength: The Dilemmas of Transnational Higher Education in East Asia. |
年度: | 2012 |
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Higher Education Policy
摘要: | Responding to the impacts of globalization and the knowledge economy, the increasing demand for higher education in East Asia is not only met by domestic
higher education, but also by importing transnational higher education (TNHE). Importing TNHE becomes an export strategy to attract international students to contribute to capacity building for the importing countries. While trading on the strength of west-dominated TNHE in East Asia is well received, its underlying dilemmas are under-represented. The paper aims to offer an alternative analysis to identify possible hurtful aspects that might be treated as ‘the Trojan Horse’ hidden in the import–export model that might aggravate rather than minimize student mobility and brain drain and deepen rather than alleviate the influence of western culture on East Asian countries. Hence, the overwhelming discourse of capacity
building in importing TNHE should be critically re-visited by paying attention to foreign providers’ motives, the nature and characteristics of TNHE programmes,
and the reality of the partnership process and arrangement. |
關鍵字: | transnational higher education; East Asia; import–export model; |
著作名稱: | The Relationship between University Autonomy and Funding in England and Taiwan '
年度: | 2004 |
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著作名稱: | 臺灣的學術近親繁殖現況探討及其對大學教師聘用制度的啟示 |
年度: | 2020 |
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摘要: | 客觀的現況分析與掌握,應是對學術近親繁殖議論與批判前的基礎與依據。本研究主要目的為:以事實數據與文件分析,透過教師學歷背景的檢視,瞭解臺灣各大學聘用本校博士畢業生及系所教師學歷同質程度的學術近親繁殖現況及現有教師聘用制度的規範。本研究分析樣本來自80所設有博士班的大學、1,998個系所,共23,159筆教師學歷資料,以及72所大學教師聘用辦法文件。研究結果顯示:一、全國聘用本校博士畢業生的學術近親繁殖比例為6%,各校的比例差異極大,可從0%到32%之間,排序前三高的學校分別為高雄醫學大學、中山醫學大學及國立臺灣大學。二、在所有系所中,教師全數畢業自不同學校的異質學歷背景系所共有393個(占20%),但全數教師畢業自同校的系所卻僅有一個,顯見系所教師同質學歷的學術近親繁殖現況並不普遍。三、教師聘用辦法中,無論是對聘用本校博士畢業生或對各系所教師學歷背景上有規範的,只有少數學校,前者只有四所,後者只有二所,且規範內容與作為顯得較為不足。本研究對於臺灣的大學教師聘用制度具有深刻的啟示;最後,依據研究結果,針對教師聘用制度提出實務建議。 |
關鍵字: | 大學教師聘用制度、臺灣、學術近親繁殖 |
著作名稱: | CPTPP區域經貿協定對國內高等教育市場開放的影響及其對人才培育意涵之探討 |
年度: | 2022 |
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摘要: | 面對區域經貿整合的快速發展,國內有關CPTPP區域經貿協定的討論,多聚焦在其對國內產業發展的衝擊,鮮少將高等教育服務作為產業開放納入分析或諮詢報告之中。《CPTPP問答集》政府說帖的「教育篇」更定調「沒有衝擊」,也缺乏說明其評估衝擊的資料來源與依據。為補足現有討論及評估的不足,本研究旨在透過應扮演經貿協定洽簽中重要諮詢角色的高等教育學者觀點,瞭解CPTPP對高等教育服務市場開放的影響及其對人才培育的意涵。本研究採用訪談作為資料蒐集的策略,訪談專家學者共17位,主要研究發現,包括:一、正面肯定高等教育服務市場的開放及對人才培育的益處,但國內政府態度相對保守也不夠積極;二、CPTPP雖不會造成高等教育服務市場更開放,但貿易自由化帶來的人才流動對高等教育人才培育具有意涵;三、CPTPP不會威脅各會員國在高等教育治理的主權,且高等教育的發展取決於國家的作為而非任何的經貿協定;四、政府必須善用加入CPTPP的衝擊與壓力氛圍,強化高等教育產業競爭力及人才培育的作為;五、即使沒有加入CPTPP,各大學校院也應積極回應區域經貿整合下產業所需人才的培育工作。最後,依據研究結果的討論提出結論及對政府與高等教育機構的建議。 |
關鍵字: | 市場開放、高等教育服務、區域經濟整合、跨太平洋夥伴全面進步協定 |
著作名稱: | 「公版式」防疫規劃模式之探討與意涵:以國內大專校院新冠肺炎防疫應變計畫為例 |
年度: | 2022 |
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摘要: | 研究目的:瞭解各地高等教育機構如何因應目前新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情的發展,將可為不可知的未來預作準備。面對全球疫情大流行,高等教育機構防疫規劃模式反映出怎樣的危機管理呢?是被動地(reactive)只依外部規定而提的應變計畫呢?還是主動地(proactive)依疫情對機構的風險評估後而有的應變規劃呢?為此,本研究以國內大專校院新冠肺炎防疫應變計畫為例,檢視防疫規劃模式的現況與缺口,並依據研究結果提出校園完整性防疫應變計畫參考架構,提供學校未來防疫應變計畫的規劃參考。
這是臺灣第一份系統性檢視全國 160 所大專校院的防疫應變計畫,並獲得重要的實證研究發現。依據實證資料的分析,具體指出國內存在著「公版式」防疫規劃模式,偏向被動而非主動的應變規劃模式。據此,提出校園完整性防疫應變計畫參考架構,提供學校自我檢視防疫應變計畫完整性,以為未來預作準備。
英國首相邱吉爾曾說:「不要浪費任何一次的危機」! 高等教育機構不僅要為當前新冠肺炎疫情進行完善的危機管理,從中學習方能為未來類似流行疫情的威脅預作準備。危機總是伴隨著機會,若大學能主動利用疫情對機構的風險評估,檢視學校相關的危機管理,將能提升機構的韌性與敏捷力,以面對其它或類似危機的處理及未來不可知的挑戰。 |
關鍵字: | 新冠肺炎、全球疫情大流行、風險管理、防疫應變計畫、 高等教育機構 |
著作名稱: | 華人地區大學教師博士學歷特性現況之 比較研究 |
年度: | 2023 |
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摘要: | 目前有關各國大學教師博士學歷特性的研究,仍鮮少揭露其事實性的現況。因此,本研究目的在於,以事實性的數據檢視並比較華人地區大學教師博士學歷特性中洋土博士、系出國外名門及學術近親繁殖的現況。本研究資料範圍限定在香港、澳門、新加坡及中國具有博士學位的大學專任教師,樣本數共有香港3,809位、澳門795位、新加坡3,086位及中國23,116位專任教師的資料。資料編碼分析後,獲得以下主要研究結果:一、香港、澳門、新加坡學術人力特性中,洋博士比例高於本土博士,且香港、新加坡不僅有高達七成以上為洋博士外,其中的洋博士又分別有45.0%與54.0%畢業自國外百大名校;澳門雖是華人地區洋博士比例最高的地區(高達90.3%),但其中只有28.5%的洋博士畢業自國外百大名校。二、學術近親繁殖在香港、澳門、新加坡的比例極低,皆在10%以下。三、不同於其他國家,中國學術人力特性則是高比例的本土博士(78.7%)、低比例的洋博士(21.3%)、系出名門(10.6%)及高比例的學術近親繁殖(45%)。依據研究結果與討論提出主要論點,即是有關學歷特性現況的研究,應以事實數據提出「證據為本」的結果,才有助相關迷思的釐清並提升跨國比較的可行性,也讓各國透過比較瞭解其學術人力特性與條件在國際及區域間的相對位置。 |
關鍵字: | 洋土博士、系出國外名門、華人地區、學術近親繁殖、學歷特性 |
著作名稱: | 澳洲TEQSA品質保證與規範對跨國高等教育的影響:追求精進或打安全牌? |
年度: | 2018 |
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摘要: | 為整頓並重建國際市場對澳洲教育服務品質的信心,澳洲政府設立了一個全國性的品保機構「高等教育品質與標準署」(TEQSA),取代原「大學品質局」(AUQA)。TEQSA統一過去由各省及領地政府自行認證課程的事權,採用「標準」及「風險」導向的規範模式。本研究旨在透過跨國高等教育利益關係人的訪談,瞭解TEQSA品質保證與規範對其跨國高等教育的影響。本文主要發現:(一)TEQSA標準規範並未給澳洲大學及其境外夥伴在品保上太大的壓力或困難;(二)TEQSA風險控管強化了與有經驗且品質的跨國高等教育夥伴合作的重要性;(三)無論在怎樣品保架構下跨國高等教育兩難議題仍持續著;及(四)期待TEQSA多與他國品保機構對話以消弭跨國雙邊在品保規範上的不一致。最後,依據研究結果與討論,提出本文主要論點為:澳洲大學已習於澳洲政府在品質保證上的所有規範,且TEQSA標準規範仍採最低門檻的標準,對於向來在品質保證上較自律的大學或跨國高等教育夥伴而言,並不認為TEQSA的規範過高或過強,也認為跨國高等教育品質的精進在於跨國雙邊機構的自我要求,而非只為符合外部品保機構的規範;惟為了控管風險,澳洲大學勢必打起安全牌,漸漸採用「高度澳洲化」的境外課程,這勢必加深跨國高等教育的兩難議題。 |
關鍵字: | 澳洲、高等教育品質與標準署、跨國高等教育、品質保證、標準及風險導向規範模式 |
著作名稱: | 國內大學專任教師人才特性現況之研究:以洋土博士之進用、系出國外大學名校、及學術近親繁殖為例 |
年度: | 2017 |
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摘要: | 為回應國內學術專業文獻的缺口,本研究旨在以全國數據,並以洋土博士、系出國外大學名校、及學術近親繁殖為例,呈現國內大學專任教師人才特性之現況,及其在機構與領域間的差異。本研究共以28,839位作為分析樣本(占全國具博士學位專任教師的81%),主要研究結果包括:(1)全國洋博士與本土博士教師的比例各占50%,24%的教師為系出國外名校,4%的教師有學術近親繁殖背景,25%的教師取有國內特定頂大博士學位。(2)在前述各項特性中,機構間有很大的差異,但領域間則無太大差異。(3)較其他機構群,特定頂大群與全體國立群聘有較高比例的洋博士、系出國外名校、及有「學術近親繁殖」背景的教師;及(4)再與現有文獻及國際數據比較,國內知覺學術近親繁殖為「嚴重」的現象恐是一種誇大的說法。最後依據研究結果,提出討論及後續研究建議。 |
關鍵字: | 大學專任教師、系出國外大學名校、浮土博士之進舟、學術近 親繁殖、學術專業 |
著作名稱: | 跨國高等教育的研究現況與發展:以英國為例 |
年度: | 2016 |
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摘要: | 在全球高等教育市場中,跨國高等教育的發展,讓高等教育更具移動性,且預估未來仍會有大幅度的成長,但跨國高等教育卻因沒有畫一的定義與範圍,也缺乏具體的統計資料與數據,導致跨國高等教育在研究面向上,面臨諸多的瓶頸與挑戰。如今,身為跨國高等教育主要提供者之一的英國,在各方條件齊備下,改變過去跨國高等教育的研究現況,提供了實證研究與數據以助瞭解跨國高等教育的面貌,也釐清跨國高等教育在國際學生流動市場的角色。本研究旨以英國跨國高等教育發展的現況為例回答過去的研究缺口,包括:(1)預估全球對英國跨國高等教育的需求規模;(2)瞭解英國留學市場與該國跨國高等教育市場兩者的關係;(3)分析在英格蘭國際學生透過該國跨國高等教育途徑而前來英國留學的比例;及(4)提出英國跨國高等教育未來發展所需面對的課題。 |
關鍵字: | 全球高等教育市場、英國、跨國高等教育 |
著作名稱: | Beyond survival paradigm for sustainability: moving TNHE in the Asia-Pacific region into the public sphere |
年度: | 2013 |
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Asia Pacific Journal of Educational Development
摘要: | Further development of transnational higher education (TNHE) has the potential to profoundly change our basic understanding of the role of the university when higher education, like other commodities, is bought and sold across borders. Without a larger social purpose that underpins its existence, the survival of TNHE is no longer certain, particularly faced with the challenges of the massive notfor- profit open online courses (MOOCs) movement across the globe. The survival paradigm is dominant but volatile when market needs shift or higher education capacity in importer countries is mature. This study aims to empirically examine whether the current TNHE development in the Asia-pacific region reflects the survival paradigm, and whether a dominant scenario with the entrenched image of TNHE intertwined with profit-making is diminishing the traditional prestige given to university as an idea to serve the broad public good. A qualitative research approach is adopted to collect data. The main findings include (1) contextual factors in understanding the current development of TNHE; (2) TNHE offering greater choices but for fees; (3) positive but limited impacts on local higher education;(4) playing the role as sub-contract manufacturer or OEM for Western knowledge; and (5) business-oriented over educational considerations. Thus, the paper argues that the issues that moving TNHE in the Asia-Pacific region beyond survival paradigm into public sphere should be further put into the debate arguing for TNHE sustainability.
關鍵字: | transnational higher education (TNHE); Asia-Pacific region; survival paradigm; sustainability; public sphere |
著作名稱: | 姜麗娟(2012)。大學國際化評鑑:實例介紹及其對國內的啟示。評鑑雙月刊,35, 27-32。 |
年度: | 2012 |
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著作名稱: | 姜麗娟(2010)。重新檢視澳洲貿易取向的國際化發展及其對國內高等教育輸出之啟示。高等教育,5(2),1-33。 |
年度: | 2010 |
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著作名稱: | 姜麗娟(2010)。亞太國家國際學生流動與跨國高等教育發展之探討與啟示。教育資料與研究雙月刊,94,113-138。 |
年度: | 2010 |
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著作名稱: | 姜麗娟(2009)。重新檢視高等教育國際化與競爭力之關係-以領域學者觀點為例。高等教育,4(2),39-72。 |
年度: | 2009 |
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著作名稱: | 姜麗娟(2009)。國內高等教育課程國際化現況之調查研究。55,5,1-40。 |
年度: | 2009 |
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著作名稱: | 姜麗娟(2008)。在全球化時代裡高等教育課程國際化的課題探討。研習資訊,25(6),11-20。 |
年度: | 2008 |
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著作名稱: | 從策略本質及執行力反思台灣高等教育國際化之現況 |
年度: | 2008 |
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著作名稱: | 貿易取向的國際化發展對高等教育的影響:以澳洲為例。教育經營與管理研究集刊,4,1-25。 |
年度: | 2008 |
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著作名稱: | 夥伴關係在跨國高等教育運作中之應用探討。高等教育,2(2),37-66。 |
年度: | 2007 |
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著作名稱: | WTO-GATS與跨國高等教育:以香港非本地高等教育之管理與運作為例。教育經營與管理研究輯刊,3,23-49。 |
年度: | 2007 |
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著作名稱: | 跨國高等教育與高等教育國際化:以香港為例。比較教育,63,156-191。 |
年度: | 2007 |
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著作名稱: | 五專升格改制學院之個案研究 |
年度: | 2006 |
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著作名稱: | 從WTO-GATS規範論跨國高等教育的品質議題 |
年度: | 2005 |
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著作名稱: | 論全球化與跨國高等教育對高等教育國際化的新啟示 |
年度: | 2005 |
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著作名稱: | 再論WTO-GATS對高等教育國際化發展的意涵 |
年度: | 2005 |
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著作名稱: | 「 WTO 會員國教育市場開放之考量及國內高等教育 WTO 效應之研究」
年度: | 2004 |
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著作名稱: | 「從全球化與比較高等教育談其對台灣高等教育研究之啟示」
年度: | 2004 |
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著作名稱: | 「以 Porter 的『鑽石模式』及 Clark 的『大學轉型路徑』論國內高等教育競爭優勢之啟示」。
年度: | 2003 |
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著作名稱: | Extension of the Idea of University Autonomy to Contractual Autonomy and Its Implications for Universities' Transformation'
年度: | 2003 |
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著作名稱: | 「知識經濟時代的大學角色與功能兼對國內『研究型大學』迷思之反省」
年度: | 2002 |
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著作名稱: | University autonomy is no longer an issue? The need to re-define university autonomy for universities' transformation.
年度: | 2001 |
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著作名稱: | 從『狄林報告書』( Dearing Report )看九0年代英國高等教育政策的發展趨勢與大學關係
年度: | 1999 |
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著作名稱: | 「從英國大學經費分配方式的轉變談大學自主的新模式
年度: | 1998 |
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著作名稱: | 從大學法的修正沿革看我國大學自主的發展
年度: | 1996 |
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著作名稱: | 澳洲高等教育品質與標準署(TEQSA)之品質保證與規範 |
年度: | 2014 |
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摘要: | 澳洲政府將高等教育輸出以增加國家收入視為重要的優先政策,目前每年國際教育服務產值仍維持在上百億澳元的規模,其中高等教育在國際教育服務中扮演重要的角色,這也促使澳洲政府亟圖高等教育規範與品質保證的強化,提升澳洲高等教育在國際上的競爭力。 |
關鍵字: | 澳洲、高等教育品質與標準署 |
著作名稱: | 在全球化時代裡高等教育課程國際化的課題探討 |
年度: | 2008 |
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著作名稱: | 由視導與評鑑異同的探討兼談中小學校長於教學視導中的角色與任務
年度: | 1993 |
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著作名稱: | 韓飛的「統御哲學」在國民中學教室管理上之運用
年度: | 1992 |
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著作名稱: | Doctoral qualifications matter? The perspectives of the university senior executives and their implications for current and prospective doctoral Students |
年度: | 2024 |
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著作名稱: | Faculty hiring patterns: Institutional comparison of doctoral qualification profiles in the Chinese societies |
年度: | 2024 |
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著作名稱: | After dreams came true: the narrative inquiry of young faculty’s academic career development facing globalization in Taiwan |
年度: | 2023 |
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摘要: | Research purpose:
What does it mean for young academics to enter their early academic careers in the twenty-first century? Facing with more high-performance culture of neoliberal academia now than the past in changing academic profession (CAP), it will be interesting and meaningful to know what expectations, requirements, and tasks, as well as challenges and prospects, young faculty experience, and how they deal with, act and respond to these. In Taiwan, the extent of difficulty and competition to be successfully appointed as a formal full-time assistant professor is facing by those who obtained their doctoral degrees, and even with several-year experiences in post-doctoral and contract-based assistant professors. Thus, this study aims to take Taiwan as an example to investigate the experience regarding the development of academic career of young faculty, particularly when their dreams come true after being successfully appointed as a full-time assistant professor in national universities.
Research methods:
In order to enrich the current results derived from the changing academic profession surveys and ex-pand the research horizon, this study employed the narrative inquiry to tell young faculty’s career de-velopment stories, meaningfully, contextually, and understandably, in their pursuit of academic career. Narrative inquiry is an appropriate research approach to let the young faculty to tell us their stories which might strengthen and empower the young faculty to go on their academic dreams. This study conducted semi-structured interview as data collection strategies to collect stories through the dialogue and interaction. Seventy-nine young academics accepted the interview invitations and 22 out of them also were willing to give time for second interview. Finally, this study finished 111 online interviews dur-ing the period between May 2021 to July 2023.
Research Findings:
Based on more than 111 narrative interviews with young faculty from various research fields, we identified at least 2 main findings, including: (1) The agency-structure perspective is useful to explore the possibilities beyond the limitations to assist young academics with a prospective view to live along with the difficulties and challenges of being an academic who are trying to make their job more interesting. They also try to find the leeway for interpretation and for the selection of various directions of action. And (2) even facing with increasing job demands and pressures, the young faculty still feels interested and would like to stay in academy since being academic has granted them something beyond they can obtain from non-academic jobs.
Recruiting and retaining the talented young faculty will be a key to well-being of higher education and the competitiveness of a nation. This study concludes that the high-performance culture of academic environment is creating an academic identity crisis in which it could weaken their ambitions to do excellent academic work and might contribute to attrition or leave academic work. We must listen to their stories. The government, higher education institutions and we should pay more attention to young faculty who are facing with difficulties and challenges in their early academic career. For institutional senior faculty and managers, there is also an urgent need to understand young faculty’s need in terms of the resources, training and opportunities available to their career advancement.
關鍵字: | changing academic profession (CAP); young faculty; academic career; narrative inquiry; Taiwan |
著作名稱: | The comparative study on the qualification profile of academic profession in the Chinese societies |
年度: | 2022 |
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摘要: | Academic profession always keeps its importance for study while higher education institutions, nationally and globally, adjust themselves to the radical changes. The study on the qualification profiles of academic profession in the Chinese societies should move beyond personal speculation and perception is wanted.
Research objective:
This study aims to systematically employ the facts and figures to understand the qualification profiles of faculty members in the Chinese societies. The qualification profiles refer to faulty with foreign/local PhD degrees, graduates of prestige foreign university, and academic inbreeding. This study collected the qualification profiles of 3,809 faculty members from HK, 795 from Macau, 3,086 from Singapore, and 23,116 from China.
The key findings of the research:
Faculty qualification profiles in HK, Macau, and Singapore, present more foreign PhD holders than local ones, most of them were graduate of prestige foreign university, and low academic inbreeding. In contrast, there is a high percentage of local PhD holders and academic inbreeding in China. Furthermore, this study compares them with Taiwan, studied by Chiang (2017; 2020), and, again, it supports Chiang’s argument that the extent of academic inbreeding in Taiwan is relatively low and the perception of ‘high’ academic inbreeding is a myth.
關鍵字: | academic profession in Chinese societies; qualification profiles of faulty members; foreign/local PhD holders; graduate of prestige foreign university; academic inbreeding |
著作名稱: | TNE mobility: a study of TNE & MOOCs for international student mobility in HE in East Asia |
年度: | 2016 |
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著作名稱: | 兩岸大學專任教師人力特性現況之分析與比較:以洋土博士、系出國外大學名校、及學術近親繁殖為例 |
年度: | 2016 |
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著作名稱: | Quality Assurance for Transnational Higher Education: Lessons Learned from the UK’s QAA and Australia’s TEQSA. |
年度: | 2014 |
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著作名稱: | MOOC and TNHE: Challenges but Opportunities for Student Mobility in the Asia-pacific Region. |
年度: | 2013 |
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著作名稱: | Chiang, Li-chuan (2012). The Study on the ‘Trojan Horse’ Hidden in the Western-dominated TNHE Development in East Asia. Presented at The Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities 2012 (OSAKA, JP). April 10-12, 2012. |
年度: | 2012 |
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著作名稱: | hiang, Li-chuan (2012, Feb). Quality Assurance of Transnational Higher Education: Issues and Challenges. Presented at Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong Annual Conference 2012. HKU. Feb 25, 2012. |
年度: | 2012 |
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著作名稱: | 5. Chiang, Li-chuan (2012, Feb). End Itself or Means to Achieve Educational Goals: Academics’ Perspectives on Internationalization of Higher Education in Taiwan. Presented at International Symposium on Internationalization of Higher Education: Ideas, Practices and Implications for Asia and Pacific. HKIED, Feb24, 2012. |
年度: | 2012 |
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著作名稱: | Chiang, Li-chuan (2011, Feb). From Educational Services Import towards Export via Transnational Higher Education: Does an Asian Model Exist? Presented at the 2011 Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong Annual Conference at Hong Kong Institute of Education. |
年度: | 2011 |
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著作名稱: | 7. Chiang, Li-chuan (2011, Feb). A Comparative Study on Current Situation and Development of Transnational Higher Education in Singapore, Malaysia and South Korea. Presented at the Symposium on Transnational Higher Education and Student Mobility in East Asia &Research Methods Forum for Postgraduate Students at Hong Kong Institute of Education. |
年度: | 2011 |
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著作名稱: | Chiang, Li-chuan (2009, Oct). Transnational higher education and internationalization of higher education: the case study of Hong Kong and its implications for Taiwan and the TNE providers. Presented at OBHE 2009 Global Forum on ‘Global Connections, Local Impacts’. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. |
年度: | 2009 |
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著作名稱: | Chiang, Li-chuan (2009, July). Internationalizing the curriculum in Taiwan: what department heads think. Presented at HERDSA 2009 Conference. Charles Darwin University, Australia. |
年度: | 2009 |
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著作名稱: | Understanding your partners more: taking the operation of non-local higher education as an example |
年度: | 2007 |
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著作名稱: | Globalization and Education Market Opening Policy:Characteristics and Barriers. |
年度: | 2001 |
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著作名稱: | University autonomy is no longer an issue?The need to re-define university autonomy for universitys' transformation. |
年度: | 2001 |
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著作名稱: | 大學院校專任教師學歷初始特性對其學術職涯發展的影響與意涵:以臺灣為例 |
年度: | 2023 |
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摘要: | 在面對全球化與國際化變動脈絡之下,學術專業(academic profession)特性與條件的探討,包括學歷特性、工作條件、學術表現、升等、薪資、角色與認同等,以及這些在面對高等教育的大眾化與市場化發展後的變遷情形,皆是目前大型跨國高等教育研究的重要議題,且設法透過對學術專業現況與變遷(changing academic profession, CAP)的了解,將對高等教育整體發展具有深遠的意涵,惟較為可惜的是,臺灣向來在CAP大型跨國研究中是缺席的。
大學教師的人力需求,隨著高等教育大眾化發展而有數量上的成長外,對於大學師資的學歷條件或進入門檻,也普遍地要求應聘者需具備博士學位(如Altbach, 2000)。另為因應高等教育國際化的發展趨勢,應聘教師具有國外博士學位是否具有獲聘的起始條件上的優勢,以及是否出自國外名校與否,備受關注,尤其在亞洲地區常會出現對國外學歷愛好的趨向(如Byun & Kim, 2010; Chiang, 2012),也似乎持續地影響大學進用新進教師的考量之一。除了國內外土洋博士、系出名門之外,還有一項也會影響學者的學術職涯發展的,即是「學術近親」(Academic inbreeding)的特性,意指教師目前所任教的學校也是取得博士學位的學校。在這樣的背景下,為回應國內學術專業文獻的缺口、過去以「知覺」調查為研究結果的偏見,研究者(2017)就曾以28,839筆大學專任教師學歷資料作為樣本,瞭解國內洋土博士之進用、系出國外大學名校、及學術近親繁殖的現況。該研究清楚指出了,一般而言,國內在洋土博士聘用的比例各占50%,洋博士中有24%系出國外名校,有學術近親繁殖背景也只有4%,但若從機構來看,特定頂大群與全體國立大學群,有較高比例的洋博士、系出國外名校、及有學術近親繁殖背景的教師。這是國內第一個最有系統且規模最大的研究,以事實資料證據呈現大學教師人力現況,釐清大學教師人力特性的迷思,說明了國內整體大學院校並無偏愛洋博士,系出國外大學名門的洋博士也非多數,而學術近親繁殖現象也不普遍等。為擴充這樣研究的結果,本研究旨在進一步透過實證研究瞭解學者的初始學歷特性(洋/土博士、系出名門、有/無學術近親繁殖背景等)對其學術職涯發展(個人及大學機構面)的影響與意涵,以補足現有文獻的缺口。
關鍵字: | 學歷特性、洋/土博士、系出名門、學術近親繁殖、學術職涯發展 |
著作名稱: | 姜麗娟(2012)。學生學習議題在大學國際化評鑑中的定位。發表於淡江大學「大學品質保證機制—學生學習成效之提升」學術研討會。 |
年度: | 2012 |
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著作名稱: | 姜麗娟(2012,3月)。在全球化時代裡高等教育課程國際化的課題探討:學生觀點。發表於台南大學「2012教育高階論壇:全球化競爭力、社會正義與教育功能」(2012年3月29-30日)。 |
年度: | 2012 |
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著作名稱: | 夥伴關係但各有所思:以跨國高等教育運作為例 |
年度: | 2007 |
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著作名稱: | 貿易取向的國際化發展對高等教育機構的影響:以澳洲為例。發表於台南大學比較教育年會-「高等教育治理與發展之各國經驗分析與比較」學術研討會(2007.12.8-9)。 |
年度: | 2007 |
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著作名稱: | WTO-GATS與跨國高等教育:以香港的非本地高等教育之管理與運作為例 |
年度: | 2006 |
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著作名稱: | 論全球化與跨國高等教育對高等教育國際化之新啟示 |
年度: | 2004 |
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著作名稱: | 再論WTO的「服務貿易總協定」(GATS)對高等教育國際化的衝擊與意涵 |
年度: | 2004 |
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著作名稱: | 從理念到實務:高等教育教學之國際化經驗與限制 |
年度: | 2004 |
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著作名稱: | 全球化對話與比較高等教育研究:台灣的觀點 |
年度: | 2003 |
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著作名稱: | WTO會員國教育服務承諾現況之更新與加入WTO對台灣大學院校之重新評估 |
年度: | 2003 |
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著作名稱: | 以Porter的「鑽石模式」及Clark的「大學轉型路徑」論國內高等教育競爭優勢之提升 |
年度: | 2002 |
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著作名稱: | 大學各學群課程國際化應具備特徵之調查研究。發表於淡江大學-「高等教育國際化與卓越化」學術研討會(2008.3.28)。 |
年度: | 2008 |
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著作名稱: | 台灣高等教育課程國際化現況之調查研究。發表於致遠管理學院兩岸四第高等教育論壇-「多元化及大眾化發展歷程中的高等教育」學術研討會(2007.12.24-25)。 |
年度: | 2007 |
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著作名稱: | 英國高等教育評鑑發展近況:以QAA機構評鑑為例 |
年度: | 2006 |
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著作名稱: | 從學術趨向的脈絡分析談英國高等教育定位的爭議與挑戰 |
年度: | 2005 |
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著作名稱: | 從WTO-GATS規範論跨國高等教育的品質議題 |
年度: | 2005 |
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著作名稱: | 從全球專業人力與流動論國內高等教育進、退場機制之政策 |
年度: | 2005 |
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著作名稱: | WTO與跨國高等教育:以香港為例。國科會補助 計畫編號:NSC 93 - 2413 - H - 024 - 017 -。(執行期間 93.08-94.07 ) |
年度: | 2004 |
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著作名稱: | 五專升格改制學院之政策評估:個案研究 |
年度: | 2004 |
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著作名稱: | WTO會員國教育市場開放政策之比較研究及其對我國未來教育市場開放談判
之啟示 |
年度: | 2003 |
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著作名稱: | 「 WTO 會員國教育服務開放承諾之分析及其對我國未來教育服務談判之啟示」
年度: | 2003 |
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