專長/研究領域情感運算, 數位藝術, 數位內容, 人工智慧, 網路行銷, 自然語言, 電子商務
著作名稱:Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, Koong H.C. Lin, & Chad Lin, "Visit Duration and Consumer Preference Towards a Web Portal Content”, a Book Chapter in Encyclopaedia of Portal Technology and Applications, published by Idea Group Inc,, March, 2007.
類別: 學術專書
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, Chad Lin, & Huei Leu, "Decision Analysis for Business to Adopt RFID”, a Book Chapter in Encyclopedia of Mobile Computing & Commerce, Volume 2, published by Idea Group Inc,, Spring/Summer Catalog., 2007.
類別: 學術專書
著作名稱:Chad Lin & Koong H.C. Lin,, "A Study of Information Requirement Determination Process of an Executive Information System”, a Book Chapter in Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies, Volume 1, published by Idea Group Inc., March., 2007.
類別: 學術專書
著作名稱:Chad Lin & Koong H.C. Lin,, "IT Outsourcing Practices in Australia and Taiwan”, a Book Chapter in Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 2nd ed., published by Idea Group Inc., April, 2007.
類別: 學術專書
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, Chad Lin, & Chi-Lin Sheng, "Evaluation of Interactive Digital TV Commerce Using the AHP Approach”, a Book Chapter in Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking, published by Idea Group Inc., April, 2007.
類別: 學術專書
著作名稱:Constructing Emotional Machines: A Case of a Smartphone-Based Emotion System
類別: 期刊論文 Electronics
摘要:In this study, an emotion system was developed and installed on smartphones to enable them to exhibit emotions. The objective of this study was to explore factors that developers should focus on when developing emotional machines. This study also examined user attitudes and emotions toward emotional messages sent by machines and the effects of emotion systems on user behavior. According to the results of this study, the degree of attention paid to emotional messages determines the quality of the emotion system, and an emotion system triggers certain behaviors in users. This study recruited 124 individuals with more than one year of smartphone use experience. The experiment lasted for two weeks, during which time participants were allowed to operate the system freely and interact with the system agent. The majority of the participants took interest in emotional messages, were influenced by emotional messages and were convinced that the developed system enabled their smartphone to exhibit emotions. The smartphones generated 11,264 crucial notifications in total, among which 76% were viewed by the participants and 68.1% enabled the participants to resolve unfavorable smartphone conditions in a timely manner and allowed the system agent to provide users with positive emotional feedback.
關鍵字:effective computing; emotion system; emotional machine; agent; human–machine interface 1.
著作名稱:Effects of Kinect exergames on balance training among community older adults: A randomized controlled trial
類別: 期刊論文 Medicine
摘要:Background: Recent years have witnessed wide applications of exergames to balance training among the older adults. However, research concerning balance training with the use of Kinect for Xbox has remained scarce. While previous studies have shown the positive effects of exergames on improving balance and preventing falling among the older adults, there has been a paucity of empirical evidence supporting the superiority of Kinect exercise to conventional exercise over balance training among the older adults. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of Kinect exercise against conventional exercise over balance training among the community older adults. Method: A total of 20 participants were randomly assigned to the Kinect Exercise Group (N10) or the Conventional Exercise Group (N10) for a 5-week balance training (45 minutes a time, 2 times a week). Assessor blinding was employed to assess the participants’ performance before and after the treatment, including 30-Second Chair Stand Test (30-sec CST), Timed Up and Go (TUG), Functional Reach Test (FRT), and One-Leg Stance Test (OLST) respectively with eyes open and closed. Subjective feeling of the intensity of pain and side effects were recorded throughout the investigation period. Nonparametric statistics was used for data analysis. Results: Within-group comparison between the pre-test and post-test indicated that significant differences existed in all of the 5 tests (30-sec CST, TUG, FRT, OLST with eyes open, and OLST with eyes closed) in the Kinect exercise group. To the Conventional exercise group, however, significant differences were only observed in 30-sec CST, FRT and OLST with eyes open. With regard to between-group comparison, significant differences were only found in FRT. Conclusion: Such results indicated that both treatments were helpful in improving the participants’ balance performance, that Kinect exercise was more effective in terms of overall balance ability, and that Kinect exercise was particularly beneficial to functional reach enhancement in comparison with traditional exercise. Kinect exercise could be a feasible, safe, and effective alternative for dynamic balance training among older adults. Abbreviations: 30-sec CST 30-second Chair Stand Test, FRT Functional Reach Test, MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination, OLST One-Leg Stance Test, PAR-Q Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire, TUG timed up and go, VR virtual reality.
關鍵字:Keywords: balance training, exergames, Kinect, older adults
著作名稱:Applying Sentiment Analysis to Automatically Classify Consumer Comments Concerning Marketing 4Cs Aspects
類別: 期刊論文 Applied Soft Computing
摘要:With the rapid development of science and technology, consumers are used to searching online for evaluations before purchasing products. Manufacturers can also utilize such information like users’ usage habits, browsed websites, comments, messages, etc. to formulate marketing strategies suitable for their products. Several researches developed opinion mining on predicting the polarity of consumers’ comments, but few of them were from marketing point of view. In this regards, this study looks to establish an automated way to collect and analyze consumers’ comments in social networks, automatically classify them into marketing 4Cs and non-marketing categories from a large number of consumer comments, and divide the category of marketing 4Cs articles into four types of attribute dimensions to analyze emotional polarity. Based on the marketing theory of 4Cs and LDA topic analysis, this study extracted the characteristic keywords from the collected consumer reviews for corpus classification and sentiment polarity analysis. This study further establishes a feature keyword library for specific fields, hoping to improve the accuracy of sentiment analysis through these keywords, simplify the process of consumers’ searches for product evaluations, and facilitate consumers to search for helpful target information.
關鍵字:Sentiment analysis, Opinion mining, LDA, 4Cs of marketing
著作名稱:Effects of Incorporating AR into a Board Game on Learning Outcomes and Emotions in Health Education
類別: 期刊論文 Electronics
摘要:In traditional school education, the content of health education courses cannot be easily linked to daily life experiences. This results in the low application of acquired knowledge and hinders students from gaining hands-on experience and a sense of accomplishment through courses, thereby lowering the learners’ engagement and willingness to learn. This study designed a board game integrated with augmented reality (AR) for health education; incorporated the card-game, slides, and learning-sheets (CSLS) gamification teaching model into the learning process; and discussed the e ectiveness of board games with augmented reality in improving learning outcomes and emotions. The research participants were 52 senior high school students, who were assigned to the experimental (AR health education board game) or control (health education board game) group in the teaching experiment. The research findings reveal the following. The two groups were significantly di erent in terms of (1) learning outcomes, (2) negative emotions, (3) flow state in the game.
關鍵字:game-based learning; augmented reality; board game; health education
著作名稱:The Research of Relationship among Smile Developing Software, Internet Addiction and Attachment Style
類別: 期刊論文 Electronics
摘要:By developing a software tool that helps students cultivate the habit of smiling, this study aims to enhance students’ interpersonal relationships and ability to interact with others and therefore e ectively decrease their Internet addiction. The study participants were students from a vocational high school in Tainan, Taiwan. To begin with, it examined the choices of attachment styles and levels of Internet addiction among high school students enrolled in a practical skills program. The students used the software tool for fourteen consecutive days and completed their smile task, which was followed by a post-test questionnaire. The result shows that for interpersonal interactions, changes in the mean values for three types of attachment styles decrease (namely anxious–preoccupied, dismissive–avoidant, and fearful–avoidant styles). In particular, the dismissive–avoidant style was reported with the most prominent change of 􀀀1.267, and it was the only variable with a higher average value. This study also applied Bartholomew and Horowitz’s two-dimensional internal working model and found that the participants had demonstrated positive developments in their own self-internal modes and, in particular, others’ internal modes.
關鍵字:attachment styles; Internet addiction; smile; face recognition; Agent
著作名稱:Development and Research of an Affective Learning System Combined with Motion-Sensing Interaction, Augmented Reality, and Mid-Air Projection
類別: 期刊論文 JIT, Journal of Internet Technology
摘要:The present study developed a novel learning system by using a combination of motion-sensing interaction, augmented reality, and mid-air projection technologies. To measure the system usability, user satisfaction of system interactions, and the relationship between users’ operation behaviors and their emotions for users of different learning styles, the present study used the VAK learning styles questionnaire, the system usability scale (SUS), the questionnaire for user interaction satisfaction (QUIS), and sequence analysis. A total of 43 users from Tainan, Taiwan participated in this study. The experiment results showed that the SUS had a mean score of 73.8 (indicating favorable system usability) and that the user satisfaction scale had a mean score of 5.46 (which was higher than the mean of 4 on the 7-point scale, indicating that the users were subjectively satisfied with the system’s human-computer interactions). The present study obtained the following results: On the whole, the users were more likely to change from courses to games when they experienced negative emotions; users with a visual learning style were likely to switch between courses and games when they experienced negative emotions; the vast majority of the operation behaviors of users with an auditory learning style were categorized as “no emotions” because the teaching materials that were favorable to such a learning style were insufficient; and that the operation behaviors of users with a kinesthetic learning style were relatively more diversified, in which none of the operation behaviors accounted for a high percentage.
關鍵字:Motion-sensing interaction technology, Augmented reality, Mid-air projection, Affective learning system
著作名稱:The Design and Evaluation of an Affective Tutoring System
類別: 期刊論文 JIT, Journal of Internet Technology
摘要:Emotion recognition techniques in an affective tutoring system enhance the affective interface of an intelligent tutoring system. This study attempts to improve interest in learning by recognizing the emotional states of students during their learning processes and providing adequate feedback. Both the emotional recognition system and the tutoring strategy module are developed. The digital arts learning content module is then designed, along with the emotional feedback mechanism via the HCI design of interactive avatars. Next, the entire system is integrated and assessed via a two-stage evaluation. Analysis results indicate that the proposed affective interaction design can enhance learner motivation and interest, thus improving their learning performance. System satisfaction and student performance are evaluated first by prototype evaluation, in which experts combine a system usability scale (SUS) questionnaire and heuristic evaluation. Triangulation evaluation is then performed, including qualitative and quantitative approaches involving observations, questionnaires, and interviews. The following questions are raised using the above methods: Is the usability of ATS effective?; Are ATS users satisfied with the learning system?; Is the interactivity of ATS attractive to users?; Does ATS increase the learning motivation of digital art students?; and Does ATS vary in its impact on self-conscious learning achievement for users from different domains? Evaluation results demonstrate a high satisfaction among users with respect to system usability. Furthermore, in addition to its attractiveness to users, ATS increases learning motivation and self-conscious learning achievement.
關鍵字:Affective computing, Affective tutoring system, Intelligent tutoring systems, Emotional intelligence, Digital art, Interaction design.
著作名稱:14. Koong H.C. Lin, "Employing Universal Grammatical Theory to Parse Chinese Abstract Nominalization Constructions", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, (Conditional Accepted).
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:MindMe: An AI-Powered Personality Assessment Tool, Multimedia Tools and Applications,
類別: 期刊論文 Multimedia Tools and Applications
摘要:Personality assessment plays a crucial role in various domains, such as clinical diagnosis, organizational settings, and academic achievement. While most existing assessment models rely on questionnaires or scales, this manuscript proposes an AI-based assessment application that utilizes physiological signals as input. The underlying model is developed in our previous research work and was built upon the big five personality model, encompassing extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience. The manuscript presents the development of a user-friendly GUI application that simplifies the usage of this assessment model. The application supports real-time personality assessment by automatically connecting to physiological sensors and providing real-time signal visualization. It also generates comprehensive reports for offline analysis. The manuscript further discusses the related works on personality trait models and assessment methods, as well as the system analysis, design, and implementation. The proposed tool shows promise in simplifying the assessment process and enabling real-time personality assessment.
關鍵字:AI-based assessment, physiological signals, big five personality model, real-time signal visualization, comprehensive reports
著作名稱:Effects of Incorporating Augmented Reality into a Board Game for High School Students’ Learning Motivation and Acceptance in Health Education
類別: 期刊論文 Sustainability
摘要:In traditional schools, where education and teaching tend to be subject-oriented, the standardization of the teaching materials of health education courses would be obscurely related to knowhow of daily life. This frustrates the learners from developing the awareness of engagement, thereby decreasing their willingness to acquire new information or skill. Therefore, in this study, a board game assimilating augmented reality (AR) into health education is presented. It associates the card game, slides, and learning sheets gamification teaching model with the learning experience; and proposes the efficacy of the board games mingled with augmented reality to enhance the motivation in learning and confidence in technology. In this experiment for a health education board game, 52 high school students participated in this experiment. There were 25 in the experimental group (with AR) and 27 in the control group (without AR). The IMMS (instructional material motivation survey) and the TAM (technology acceptance model) are applied to acquire quantitative data for examination. The findings are as follows: (1) The acceptance was significantly affected by the integration of AR into the health education board game and (2) the learning motivation was significantly affected by the integration of AR into the health education board game.
關鍵字:health education; game-based learning; board game; augmented reality; ARGBL; CSLS
著作名稱:User acceptance in a computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment with social network awareness (SNA) support
類別: 期刊論文 AJET, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
摘要:Although many e-learning studies have applied the unified theory of acceptance and usage of technology (UTAUT) to investigate user acceptance, their findings have been inconsistent. One of reasons is that the user acceptance model of an e-learning system can be determined by the new information technologies (or mechanisms) the e-learning system utilises. Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) with social network awareness (SNA) mechanisms has been widely adopted because it can enhance online collaborative learning effectiveness. Since new SNA mechanisms are expected to have a huge impact on user acceptance in CSCL environments, this study extends UTAUT to investigate user acceptance of an SNA CSCL environment. This study empirically evaluated the extended model by surveying 186 undergraduates, who had completed a 5-week electric commerce course in an SNA CSCL environment. The findings indicated that the SNA mechanism substantially strengthened the effect of social influence on behavioural intention to use the SNA CSCL system. Compared with other CSCL studies, the predictive power of social influence in this study was higher, while that of other determinants (i.e., performance expectancy and effort expectancy) in this study were lower. The extended model demonstrated higher explanatory power compared to models used in other CSCL studies.
關鍵字:User acceptance; Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology; computer-supported collaborative learning; social network awareness
著作名稱:Classroom interaction and learning anxiety in the IRS-integrated flipped language classrooms
類別: 期刊論文 TAPER, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
摘要:Flipped learning practices face increasing pressure on the effectiveness of the implementation, as it has significantly transformed pedagogical practices. Although this pedagogical approach has become increasingly popular over the last 10 years, certain challenges to implementation have inevitably arisen. In this study, a learning activity based on the interactive response system (IRS) using a pair-and-share (PS-IRS) strategy is proposed for helping students achieve optimal use of target language, thus bridging the pre-class and in-class contexts in flipped learning. A sequence of PS-IRS activities was created for the study, and the activities were delivered in a collaborative manner in each of the lessons in order to assist students in English language-learning. An experiment was conducted to assess the effectiveness of this approach in the context of English as a foreign language course at a university. A total of 85 university students participated in the experiment, 45 assigned to the experimental group and learned with the PS-IRS approach and 40 in the control group and learned with a teacher-led (TL-IRS) learning method. Results indicate that the PS-IRS approach provides effective interactive learning opportunities that promote students’ willingness to communicate and reduce their learning anxiety. This study builds on existing discussion of integrated-IRS teaching strategies in the literature and extends it into the context of the flipped language classrooms.
關鍵字:Interactive response system  Learning anxiety  Flipped language-learning classrooms
著作名稱:Effects of a Mobile-Based Peer-Assessment Approach on Enhancing Language-learners’ Oral Proficiency
類別: 期刊論文 IETI, Innovations in Education and Teaching International
摘要:Peer assessment (PA) has transformed traditional teacher-only assessment into the student-centred assessment. While this pedagogical approach has been adopted online in recent years, incorporating PA into classrooms has proven to be challenging. In this study, mobile-supported PA (M-PA) activities using Instant Response System (IRS) mechanisms to enhance oral proficiency are proposed for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. A quasi-experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach in the context of an English language course at a university. A total of 60 university students participated, 30 of whom were in the experimental group using the M-PA method and 30 of whom were in the control group using the conventional teacher-only assessment method. The results show that the M-PA method can effectively promote students’ oral proficiency, facilitate personal reflection, and foster positive perceptions of learning.
關鍵字:Mobile-supported peer assessment; instant response system; English oral project
著作名稱:Constructing an Affective Tutoring System for Designing Course Learning and Evaluation
類別: 期刊論文 JECR, Journal of Educational Computing Research
摘要:Computers and the Internet are indispensable in modern life. Increasingly useful digital environments and technological developments have reshaped models of knowledge acquisition. Studies on the development of online learning have yielded valuable insights. In the design of online teaching systems that can replicate face-to-face teaching, user-friendly design is a key factor determining whether a system is immediately accepted by users. In this study, we designed an affective tutoring system (ATS) for curriculum teaching. Participants’ learning processes were recorded during ATS teaching sessions. Negative emotions in the participants were recognized in real time and recorded in a learning state database. We determined the learning outcomes of students who were taught using the ATS or normal online learning. The experimental results indicated that the ATS is an effective tool and significantly improves learning outcomes.
關鍵字:online learning, affective tutoring system, affective computing, teaching system
著作名稱:Construction of a Multi-mode Affective Learning System: Using Affective Design as an Example
類別: 期刊論文 ET&S, Journal of Educational Technology & Society
摘要:This study aims to design a non-simultaneous distance instruction system with affective computing, which integrates interactive agent technology with the curricular instruction of affective design. The research subjects were 78 students, and prototype assessment and final assessment were adopted to assess the interface and usability of the system. Prototype assessment consisted of heuristic assessment and the system usability scale, while final assessment adopted the triangular cross-validation method: where the questionnaire for user interaction satisfaction, observation, and interviews were used to explore the effect of learning and obtain qualitative and quantitative information for analysis. According to the experimental results, the usability of the non-simultaneous distance instruction system with affective computing was high; the respondents showed high-level satisfaction regarding interaction with the affective learning system; the training game response mechanism of the system could effectively improve the emotion of learning; there was a significant improvement in the effect of learning based on the affective learning system.
關鍵字:Affective computing, Affective tutoring system, Text emotion, Facial expression, Skin potential
著作名稱:From a Perspective on Foreign Language Learning Anxiety to Develop an Affective Tutoring System.
類別: 期刊論文 ETRD, Educational Technology Research & Development
摘要:According to Krashen’s affective filter hypothesis, students who are highly motivated have their self-consciousness. When they enter a learning context with a low level of anxiety, they are much more likely to become successful language acquirers than those who do not. Affective factors such as motivation, attitude, and anxiety, have a direct impact on foreign language acquisition. Horwitz et al. (1986) mentioned that many language learners feel anxious when learning foreign languages. Thus, this study recruits 100 college students to fill out the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale to investigate language learning anxiety. Then, this study designs and develops an affective tutoring system to conduct an empirical study. The study aimed to improve students’ learning interest and provide adequate feedback by recognizing their emotional states during their learning processes. It is expected to enhance learners’ motivation and interest via affective instructional design. Improve their learning performance by doing so.
關鍵字:Affective filter hypothesis  Affective tutoring system  Foreign language learning anxiety  Facial expression recognition
著作名稱:The Influence of Using Affective Tutoring System in Accounting Remedial Instruction on Learning Performance and Usability, CHB, Computers in Human Behavior, 41(2014), 2014., pp.
類別: 期刊論文 CHB, Computers in Human Behavior
摘要:Current research on computerized learning has steered toward combining personalized e-learning with an affective tutoring system (ATS) to enable assisted teaching and strengthen students’ learning effectiveness. This study develops a novel ATS which includes four modules: affective recognition (combines facial emotion recognition and semantic emotion recognition), tutor agent, content, and instruction strategies for examining the influence of ATS in Accounting remedial instruction on learning effectiveness and usability. Triangulation research methods—quantitative data (questionnaire survey and score) and qualitative data (participant observation and interview) have adopted in this study to evaluate the students’ learning performance and system usability. This study recruited 80 students (40 students for traditional teaching group, 40 students for ATS group) from a technology university in Southern Taiwan who attained low academic achievements in Accounting and possess business backgrounds. The research results revealed that the benefits of using the ATS for Account remedial curriculum are good usability of system and high learning performance. Finally, we proposed several prospects for future study.
關鍵字:Affective tutoring system (ATS) Accounting remedial instruction Learning effectiveness Affective computing
著作名稱:Elucidating the Role of IT/IS Assessment and Resource Evaluation Allocation in the IT/IS Performance of Hospitals
類別: 期刊論文 I & M, Information & Management
摘要:Although similar to firms in other industries that strive to increase their operational efficiency by implementing IT/IS, hospitals face difficulties in obtaining the corresponding benefits of investing in IT/ IS. This study investigates the relations among IT/IS performance, IT maturity, IT/IS assessment, IT/IS resource allocation, and user satisfaction in hospitals. IT/IS performance in hospitals is evaluated using a designed questionnaire, along with a case study undertaken to discuss IT/IS assessment and the effect of IT/IS on hospital procedures. The analysis results indicate that hospitals have a higher IT maturity, stronger intention to implement IT/IS assessment, and better IT/IS resource allocation capabilities than firms in other industries. Moreover, both IT/IS assessment and user satisfaction affect IT/IS performance in hospitals.
關鍵字:IT/IS assessment, IT maturity, IT/IS resource allocation, IT/IS performances, Organizational characteristics, Hospitals
著作名稱:Assessing the effectiveness of learning solid geometry by using an augmented reality-assisted learning system
類別: 期刊論文 Interactive Learning Environments
摘要:This study integrates augmented reality (AR) technology into teaching activities to design a learning system that assists junior high-school students in learning solid geometry. The following issues are addressed: (1) the relationship between achievements in mathematics and performance in spatial perception; (2) whether system-assisted learning can improve the spatial perceptions of students; (3) whether students with high, average and low academic achievement learn effectively after taught with system assistance; (4) system usability; (5) system task load; and (6) the relationship among various factors. Study participants were 76 students from Tainan City, Taiwan. Qualitative and quantitative data are obtained using pre- and postsystem- assisted learning paper–pencil tests, a system usability scale, National Aeronautics & Space Administration Task Load indeX, and observations and focus group interviews. Analysis results indicate that students’ math scores and spatial perception during the test closely correspond to each other. Additionally, systemassisted can improve the spatial perceptions of student. Regarding group differences related to the significance of impact, students with average and low academic achievements exhibit small and medium levels of effectiveness, but are insignificant in high academic achievement students. As for system usability, students with low academic achievements demonstrate a positive attitude toward the intensive programs provided by the system. However, the correlation between students’ learning effectiveness and system usability/task load is low.
關鍵字:augmented reality (AR); solid geometry; usability evaluation; learning
著作名稱:Employing Textual and Facial Emotion Recognition to Design an Affective Tutoring System
類別: 期刊論文 The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
摘要:Emotional expression in Artificial Intelligence has gained lots of attention in recent years, people applied its affective computing not only in enhancing and realizing the interaction between computers and human, it also makes computer more humane. In this study, emotional expressions were applied into intelligent tutoring system, where learners’ emotional expression in learning process was observed in order to give an appropriate feedback. Emotional intelligent not only gives high flexibility to the interaction of tutoring system, it also to deepen its level of human interaction. This study uses dual-mode operation: facial expression recognition, and text semantics as the main elements in affective computing to understand users’ emotions. Text semantics are used to understand learner’s learning status, and the results would contribute to course management agents in order to choose the most appropriate teaching strategies and feedback to the users. Facial expression recognition allows interactive agents to provide users a complete sound and animation feedback..
關鍵字:affective computing, emotion detection, facial expression
類別: 期刊論文 The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
摘要:In this study, an AR-based digital artwork called ‘Mind Log’ was designed and evaluated. The Augmented Reality (AR) technique was employed to create digital artwork that would present interactive poems. A digital poem was generated via the interplay between a video film and a text-based poem. This artwork was created following a rigorous design flow, including: (1) conceptual formation, (2) prototype design, (3) expert-based evaluation that consisted of both a cognitive walkthrough and a heuristic evaluation, (4) the final artwork design combining a visual poem generator and an AR system, and (5) a series of evaluations from an audiences perspective. The System Usability Scale (SUS) evaluation results show that this work achieved positive usability, audiences enjoyed the interaction with the artwork, and most people accepted AR-based digital poemsgenerated via the interplay between a video film and a text-based poem. This artwork was created following a rigorous design flow, including: (1) conceptual formation, (2) prototype design, (3) expert-based evaluation that consisted of both a cognitive walkthrough and a heuristic evaluation, (4) the final artwork design combining a visual poem generator and an AR system, and (5) a series of evaluations from an audiences perspective. The system usability scale evaluation results show that this work achieved positive usability, audiences enjoyed the interaction with the artwork, and most people accepted AR-based digital poems.
關鍵字:augmented reality technique, digital artwork, digital poem, virtual poem, system usability scale
著作名稱:Usability of affective interfaces for a digital arts tutoring system
類別: 期刊論文 Behaviour & Information Technology
摘要:In this study, an Affective Tutoring System on Digital Arts (ATSDA) was designed and evaluated. In this system, we will look into inferring emotions from text. By semantically analyzing a text piece with ontological reference, we seek to perceive the kind of emotions that would be induced in the text inputted by the user. Inference of the emotions is done by use of OMCSNet and WordNet, two engines well used in the research of computational linguistics. The system also incorporates a visual agent that provides text feedback based on the results of inferred emotions from analyzing the text. The establishment of this system followed a conscientious design flow, including: (1) concept modeling, (2) prototype design, (3) expert-based evaluation which consists of cognitive walkthrough and heuristic evaluation, (4) the design of the final system, and (5) a series of evaluations from the learners’ points of view. The SUS (System Usability Scale) evaluation results show that this system achieves positive usability and the learners enjoy the interaction with the system.
關鍵字:affective tutoring system, interaction design, usability evaluation, emotions, affective computing, OMCSNet
著作名稱:(SSCI)Chad Lin, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-An Huang, & Geoffrey Jalleh, "The Fit between Organizational B2B E-Commerce Policy, IT Maturity, and Evaluation Practices on B2B E-Commerce Performance in Australian Healthcare Organizations”, AJBM; African Journal of Business Management, Volume 37, Issue 1, March. 2011. SSCI Journal Impact factor: 1.105 (JCR)
類別: 期刊論文
摘要:Healthcare organizations have started to make use of B2B e-commerce technologies in overcoming many of the challenges they face. However, healthcare executives have found it increasingly difficult to justify rising IT expenditures and are often under pressure to find a way to evaluate the contribution of their B2B e-commerce investments to business performance, as well as to find reliable ways to ensure that the business benefits from the investments are actually realized. Despite high expectations for the value of IT in healthcare, its adoption remains poorly understood and is also a relatively under-researched area. Hence, a case study approach was conducted: (1) to examine the relationships between organizational B2B e-commerce policy and strategy, organizational IT maturity, and evaluation practices and their effects on B2B e-commerce performance among Australian healthcare organizations; and (2) to develop a framework which can assist healthcare organizations in realizing B2B e-commerce benefits and satisfaction within the Australian healthcare organizations. A key contribution of this study is the development of a B2B e-commerce benefits and satisfaction framework which can be used by healthcare executives in examining the relationships between organizational B2B e-commerce policy and strategy, organizational IT maturity, IT evaluation practices, and e-commerce benefits and satisfaction.
關鍵字:B2B E-Commerce Policy, IT Maturity, Evaluation Practice, Healthcare Organizations
著作名稱:12. Yu-An Huang, Ian Phua, Chad Lin, Hsien-Jui Chung, & Koong H.C. Lin, "Allocentrism and Consumer Ethnocentrism: Social Identity on Purchase Intention”, SBP; Social Behavior and Personality, Volume 37, Issue 1, Feb. 2009.
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Chad Lin, Graham Pervan, Hsiu-Yuan Tsao, & Koong H.C. Lin, "IT Maturity and the Use of IT Investment Evaluation and Benefits Realization Methodologies in B2BEC Organizations”, JRPIT; Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, Volume 40, Number 1, Feb. 2008. SCI-E Journal Impact factor: 0.465 (2006)
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Affective Mobile Language Tutoring System for Supporting Language Learning
類別: 期刊論文 Frontiers in Psychology
摘要:Students often face difficulties and experience negative emotions toward second language learning. The affective tutoring system (ATS) is a next-generation learning approach that can detect the affective status of learning to increase performance. Therefore, for the purposes of this study, an innovative affective mobile language tutoring system (AMLTS) was designed to support Japanese language learning. The effects of AMLTS, along with asynchronous discussion, that were intended to improve performance, were examined using a triangulation method. To investigate the effect on emotion, the proposed AMLTS provides a virtual emotion agent that can interact with users and record emotional events, learning assessments, and the results of the interaction into a database. Learning effectiveness evaluations were conducted via two experiments: prototype evaluation and final evaluation. Sixty-three students, all beginners, were invited to use the AMLTS to learn Japanese. The research results show that the proposed AMLTS affective interaction design significantly improves learner engagement and performance. In the emotion feedback analysis and learning process, AMLTS helped students deepen their understanding of the content, enabled them to clearly understand the content, and to engage in peer interaction and experience positive emotions. In the evaluation of system usability, AMLTS reveals good usability for foreign language acquisition.
關鍵字:mobile affective tutoring system, asynchronous discussion forum, emotion, collaborative learning, learning performance, usability
著作名稱:Developing an E-learning Platform Capable of Being Aware of Self-Regulated Learning Behaviors of Role Models
類別: 期刊論文 IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies
摘要:Conventional e-learning platforms require a high self-regulatory learning (SRL) ability to ensure learning effectiveness. However, because not everyone has high autonomy and a high SRL ability, many students quit during the online learning period. To enhance the SRL ability, many studies have developed e-learning platforms based on Zimmermans SRL training model. However, these platforms still require learners to complete a series of provided learning tasks independently and autonomously. This article developed an e-learning platform based on Zimmermans SRL training model by using role-model group awareness tools to visualize the learning context and activities of the group of role models in each SRL training phase for learners’ observation, self-reflection, and emulation. To test the model, the learning outcomes of the two groups of students enrolled in the same course were measured experimentally. The experimental class consisted of 36 students using the proposed system, whereas the control class consisted of 35 students using a traditional e-learning platform. The experimental class spent more learning time on the platform and achieved better learning results than did the control class. Moreover, the experimental class had gradually improved assessment scores and SRL-related behaviors. The final section presents explanations, discussion, and implications derived from analytical results.
關鍵字:Training , Task analysis , Electronic learning , Behavioral sciences , Context modeling , Adaptation models , Collaboration
著作名稱:The impact of culinary virtual reality curriculum on students’ learning outcomes and acceptance,
類別: 期刊論文 Innovations in Education and Teaching International
摘要:Technical culinary skills are fundamental competencies for professional chefs. Consequently, demonstrating and enhancing these skills pose significant challenges within culinary education. This study aims to develop a virtual reality (VR) system for culinary skill development and assess its effectiveness when integrated into a hospitality internship curriculum. The participants comprised 82 undergraduate hospitality management majors. This study collected students’ learning scores and performance data before and after the culinary VR course. Statistical methods were employed to analyse the collected data, aiming to assess the effectiveness of the culinary VR course and differences in students’ technical acceptance. Using t-tests to compare differences in technical acceptance between the two groups, and potentially employing paired-sample t-tests or correlation analyses to evaluate students’ progress in learning. The findings indicate that the two groups did not significantly differ in their acceptance of technology. However, the culinary VR curriculum exhibited a positive impact on students’ learning outcomes.
關鍵字:Technical culinary skills; virtual reality; curriculum development; learning performance
著作名稱:Flipped Classroom Combined with WPAQ Learning Mode on Student Learning Effect - An Example of Programming Design Course
類別: 期刊論文 Innovations in Education and Teaching International
摘要:Flipped classroom is one of the important teaching modes among many novel teaching methods in recent years, students watch the video in the pre-class. However, if students cannot focus on the pre-class video learning or have problems with the learning content, the learning effect will be less than expected. Therefore, this research proposes a flipped classroom combined with the WPAQ learning model extended by the WSQ learning model to carry out programming courses, allowing students to perform flipped classroom learning with peers online before class and jointly complete the tasks of flipped classroom learning lists, and share with them a summary of learning content to enhance learning effectiveness. The research results show that the use of flipped classrooms combined with the WPAQ learning model of the learning system can help students improve learning effectiveness, learning motivation, self-efficacy, reflective ability, programming learning attitudes, and reduce students’ cognitive load.
關鍵字:WSQ learning mode; flipped learning; programming learning
著作名稱:Eye Movement Analysis and Usability Assessment on Affective Computing Combined with Intelligent Tutoring System
類別: 期刊論文 Sustainability
摘要:Education is the key to achieving sustainable development goals in the future, and quality education is the basis for improving the quality of human life and achieving sustainable development. In addition to quality education, emotions are an important factor to knowledge acquisition and skill training. Affective computing makes computers more humane and intelligent, and good emotional performance can create successful learning. In this study, affective computing is combined with an intelligent tutoring system to achieve relevant and effective learning results through affective intelligent learning. The system aims to change negative emotions into positive ones of learning to improve students’ interest in learning. With a total of 30 participants, this study adopts quantitative research design to explore the learning situations. We adopt the System Usability Scale (SUS) to evaluate overall availability of the system and use the Scan Path to explore if the subject stays longer in learning the course. This study found that both availability and satisfaction of affective tutoring system are high. The emotional feedback mechanism of the system can help users in transforming negative emotions into positive ones. In addition, the system is able to increase the learning duration the user spends on learning the course as well.
關鍵字:affective computing; affective tutoring system; eye movement analysis; sentiment analysis; usability assessment
著作名稱:Sentiment Analysis of Brand Personality Positioning Through Text Mining
類別: 期刊論文 Journal of Information Technology Research (JITR)
著作名稱:Multi-modal Affective Computing technology design the interaction between computers and human of Intelligent Tutoring Systems - For example in digital arts
類別: 期刊論文 IJOPCD, International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design
摘要:In this paper, the authors are using emotion recognition in two ways: facial expression recognition and emotion recognition from text. Through this dual-mode operation, not only can strength the effects of recognition, but also increase the types of emotion recognition to handle the learning situation smoothly. Through the training of image processing to identify facial expression, the emotion from text is identifying by emotional keywords, syntax, semantics and calculus with logic. The system identify learns’ emotions and learning situations by analyzing, choosing the appropriate instructional strategies and curriculum content, and through agents to communicate between user and system, so that learners can get a well learning. This study uses triangular system evaluation methods, observation, questionnaires and interviews. Experimental design to the subjects by the level of awareness on art and non-art to explore the traditional teaching, affective tutoring system and no emotional factors learning course website these three kinds of ways to get results, analysis and evaluate the data.
關鍵字:Affective Computing, Affective Tutoring System, Digital Art, Facial Expression, Intelligent Tutoring System, Text Emotion
著作名稱:Influence of Cognitive Style and Cooperative Learning on Application of Augmented Reality to Natural Science Learning
類別: 期刊論文 International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction
摘要:With the constant progress of information technology, as long as computer software is connected with video equipment, augmented reality can be implemented. In teaching, augmented reality can provide specific images of learning objects and interact with them to enhance students’ learning interest and effectiveness. The main purpose of this study is to integrate unmarked augmented reality technology with natural science courses to develop a system that is suitable for learning. This system uses image objects and 3D animation to stimulate sensory learning and strengthen users’ learning effectiveness and memory. Moreover, this study also intends to investigate the system usability perception, learning motivation, and self-perceived learning effectiveness of users with different cognitive styles as they operate this system to engage in cooperative learning. Furthermore, this study used triangulation method to assess usability. In the end, this study analyzed and investigated the qualitative and quantitative data of the research questions.
關鍵字:Augmented Reality, Cognitive Style, Cooperative Learning, Learning Effectiveness, Natural Science Learning
著作名稱:Towards a B2B E-Commerce Evaluation Management Model to Assess Organizational Drivers in Hospitals
類別: 期刊論文 ITMR, The International Technology Management Review
摘要:Effective utilization of business-to-business (B2B) electronic commerce (e-commerce) in hospitals may lead to many benefits such as increased accessibility to healthcare providers, improved process efficiency, enhanced quality of healthcare services, increased responses to changes, decreased scheduling conflicts, and reduction in administrative costs. However, many hospitals have found that they have not yet fully reaped the expected benefits from their B2B e-commerce investments. Despite this, there has not been much discussion in the literature with respect to the relationship between the organizational drivers on B2B e-commerce benefits for hospitals. Hence, a mixed-method of case study and survey was conducted to examine the relationships between B2B e-commerce benefits, IT evaluation resources allocation, IT investment evaluation methodologies, IT maturity, and user information requirements determination process. A B2B e-commerce evaluation management model was developed to test these relationships. The results provided empirical evidence in support of our proposed model and revealed that hospitals’ IT evaluation resources allocation practices mediated the relationship of IT investment evaluation methodologies, IT maturity, and user information requirements determination process with B2B e-commerce benefits. The results also showed that the level of IT maturity had a significant impact on the adoption of IT investment evaluation methodologies.
關鍵字:hospital, information requirements determination, IT maturity, IT evaluation, B2B e-commerce
著作名稱:Implementing an Emotion Recognition System with an Affective Agent Based on Social Web Corpora and Semantic Clues
類別: 期刊論文 International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications
摘要:In this work, a visual agent that can provide affective response for user’s emotion is designed. The semantic clues are taken into account in the process of emotion recognition. Recently, the text-based emotion recognition becomes more and more highly-regarded. After exploring the related researches, we find that: (1) In the semantics-based solution, the newly-emerged compound words cannot be handled. (2) In the statistics-based solution, the emotion values are computed only via the linear text clues; it lacks of syntactic and semantic structural information. Therefore, for conquering the above two questions, in this system we construct an extensible lexicon, and use the semantic clues to analyze the sentences. The corpus is collected from sentences from some social web sites such as Plurk. The system also incorporates a visual agent that provides text feedback based on the results of inferred emotions from analyzing the text. The recognition rate is promoted from 40.3% to 68.15% after the emotion lexicon is improved and the semantic structural information is applied. Moreover, the SUS (System Usability Scale) evaluation results show that this system achieves positive usability and the users enjoy the interaction with the agent.
關鍵字:Affective Computing, Emotion Recognition, Mutual Information, Semantic Clues
著作名稱:An Automatic Mechanism to Recognize and Generate Emotional MIDI Sound Arts Based on Affective Computing Techniques
類別: 期刊論文 International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design
摘要:All kinds of arts have the chance to be represented in digital forms, and one of them is the sound art, including ballads by word of mouth, classical music, religious music, popular music and emerging computer music. Recently, affective computing has drowned a lot of attention in the academic field, and it has two parts: physiology and psychology. Through a variety of sensing devices, the authors can get behaviors which are represented by feelings and emotions. Therefore, the authors may not only identify but also understand human emotions. This work focuses on exploring and producing the MAX/MSP computer program which can generate the emotional music automatically. It can also recognize the emotion identified when users play MIDI instruments and create visual effects. The authors hope to achieve two major goals: (1) Producing the performance of art combined with dynamic vision and auditory tune. (2) Making computers understand human emotions and interact with music by affective computing. The results of this study are as follows:(1) The authors design a corresponding mechanism of music tone and human emotion recognition. (2) The authors develop a combination of affective computing and the auto music generator. (3) The authors design a music system which can be used with MIDI instrument and also be incorporated with other music effects to add the Musicality. (4) The authors Assess and complete the emotion discrimination mechanism of how mood music can feedback accurately. The authors make computers simulate (even have) human emotion, and obtain relevant basis for more accurate sound feedback. The authors use System Usability Scale to analyze and discuss about the usability of the system. Also, the average score of each item is obviously higher than the simple score (four points) for the overall response and the performance of music when we use “auto mood music generator”. There are average performance which is more than five points in each part of Interaction and Satisfaction Scale. Subjects are willing to accept this interactive work, so it proves that the work has the usability and the potential which the authors can keep developing on.
關鍵字:Affective Computing, Automatic Music Generation, Interactive Art, Performance, Sound Art
著作名稱:An Emotion Recognition Mechanism Based on the Combination of Mutual Information and Semantic Clues
類別: 期刊論文 Journal of Ambient Intelligence & Humanized Computing
摘要:Recently, text-based emotion recognition has become more and more highly-regarded. After exploring the related research, we find that: (1) In the semantics-based solution, the newly-emerging compound words cannot be handled. (2) In the statistics-based solution, the emotional values are computed only via the linear text clues; it lacks syntactic and semantic structural information. Therefore, in our effort to overcome the above two concerns, in the system presented here we construct an extensible lexicon, and use semantic clues to analyze the sentences. In this work, we collected the sentences posted to the Plurk website as our corpus. The emoticons are classified into four types based on Thayer’s 2-D Model which is composed of valence (positive/negative emotions) and arousal (the strength of emotions). The system will pre-process the sentence to eliminate the useless information, and then transform it to an emotion lexicon. Additionally, this research analyzes three kinds of semantic clues: negation, transition, and coordinating conjunctions. The final emotion is decided by SVM and the merging algorithm proposed in this work. The recognition rate is promoted from 40.3% to 68.15% after the emotion lexicon is improved and the semantic structural information is applied. The experimental results show this work is promising.
關鍵字:Emotion Recognition, SVM, Semantic Clues, Mutual Information
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin & Francis Li, “Employing Max/MSP/Jitter and Sobel Operations to Create Digital Art Works Based on the Interaction Among Images, Sounds, and MIDI Music”, JSTS, Journal of Scientific and Technological Studies, pp.15-28, Volume 42, Number 2, Oct. 2008.
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, & Chad Lin, "Evaluating the Decision to Adopt RFID Systems Using Analytic Hierarchy Process”, JAABC; The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp.72-78, March 2007. ABI Journal, Listing in PORQUEST (ABI/INFORM), EBSCO, CABELLS DIRECTORYS
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, Chad Lin, & Wen-Liang Kuo, "Adoption and Management of Interactive Digital TV Commerce”, IJM; International Journal of Management, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp.72-78, March 2007. ABI Journal, Listing in PORQUEST (ABI/INFORM), EBSCO, CABELLS DIRECTORYS
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Chad Lin, Koong H.C. Lin, Yu-An Huang, Ying-Chieh Liu, "A Comparative Study of IT Outsourcing Management in Australia and Taiwan”, JIMS; The Journal of International Management Studies, Volume 2, Number 2, August 2007.
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin & Hector Liu, "Using Hierarchical Analysis Method to Explore the Potential Demands of Internet Consumers for Digital TV Commerce”, Journal of Technology and Business, Vol. 1, Num. 1, Feb., 2006. ISBN: 986-150-300-5
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, Tzu-Chang Yeh, Yao-Yuan Liu, & Chad Lin, "Low-Cost RFID Identification Variation", Proc. of CSI 2006 (in conjunction with JCIS 2006) (The 9th International Conference on Computer Science and Informatics), pp.296-304, Kaohsiung City, October 8-11, 2006. EI Citation, JSIP/Compendex/ISI-Proceedings
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, Chi-Lin Sheng, & Hector Liu, "The Decision Analysis for Adopting Digital TV Commerce from Industries’ and Consumers’ Viewpoints”, Electronic Commerce Studies, Vol.4, No.4, Dec, 2006.
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Chad Lin, Koong H.C. Lin, Yu-An Huang, & Wen-Liang Kuo, "Evaluation of Electronic Customer Relationship Management: The Critical Success Factors”, BRC; Business Review, Cambridge, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.206-212, Dec., 2006. ABI Journal, Listing in PORQUEST (ABI/INFORM), EBSCO, CABELLS & ULRICH’S DIRECTORYS
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, & Chad Lin, "IS/IT Investment Evaluation and Benefit Realization Practices in Taiwanese SME”, JIST; Journal of Information Science and Technology, Special Issue on IT Investments in Emerging Economies, Vol. 4 No. 2, Dec., 2006.
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin & Huei Leu, "Using AHP Approach to Establish a Decision Analysis Mechanism for Adopting RFID Systems”, Communications of IICM (Institute of Information and Computing Machinery)”, Vol. 8, Num. 4, Dec., 2005.
類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱:Incorporating Affective Computing into an Interactive System with MakeyMakey
類別: 期刊論文 International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design
摘要:People’s emotions or behaviors often ensue from positive or negative emotions. Whether set off subconsciously or intentionally, these fragmentary responses also represent people’s emotional vacillations at different times, albeit rarely noted or discovered. This paper presents a system that incorporates affective computing into an interactive installation. While a user is performing a task, the system instantaneously and randomly generates corresponding musical-instrument sound effects and special effects. The system is intended to enable users to interact with emotions through the interactive installation to yield a personalized digital artwork while learning how emotions affect the causative factors of consciousness and personal behaviors. At the end of the process, three questionnaires are presented for users to fill in as a means to enhance the integrity and richness of the system and its stability and precision through progressive modifications aligned with user suggestions.
關鍵字:Affective Computing, Digital Art, Facial Recognition, Interactive Installation, MakeyMakey, Musical Art
著作名稱:Incorporating Affective Computing Into an Interactive System With MakeyMakey: An Emotional Human-Computer Interaction Design
類別: 期刊論文 International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD)
摘要:People’s emotions or behaviors often ensue from positive or negative emotions. Whether set off subconsciously or intentionally, these fragmentary responses also represent people’s emotional vacillations at different times, albeit rarely noted or discovered. This paper presents a system that incorporates affective computing into an interactive installation. While a user is performing a task, the system instantaneously and randomly generates corresponding musical-instrument sound effects and special effects. The system is intended to enable users to interact with emotions through the interactive installation to yield a personalized digital artwork while learning how emotions affect the causative factors of consciousness and personal behaviors. At the end of the process, three questionnaires are presented for users to fill in as a means to enhance the integrity and richness of the system and its stability and precision through progressive modifications aligned with user suggestions.
關鍵字:Affective Computing, Digital Art, Facial Recognition, Interactive Installation, MakeyMakey, Musical Art
著作名稱:Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-Chen Yang, Yi-Jen Tseng, Sheng-Tien Wang, “Evaluation and Design of a Context-Awareness Interactive Digital Artwork”, IETC2011, International Educational Technology Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, May 25-27, 2011.
類別: 會議論文
摘要:Digital art is regarded of more and more importance in various kinds of performance arts nowadays. Not only do the performers have more performing forms, but the audiences also receive the performing messages from the stage in completely different ways as compared to before. Moreover, the performers and the audiences can do the interaction with each others. In this paper, we try to establish an interactive system to control the lights of the stage. We wish the user can use the system to create their own stage by themselves. This study is aimed to explore the following concerns: (1)Which parameters will be set in the programming when the sensors read different music? (2)After finishing the programming and sending the instruction to the hardware, how to present the light effects? (3)Can the light effects in real time make the user truly feel that they create their own stage? (4)Does the system provide good interaction between the user and the system? (5)Does the user feel satisfied about the system? The experimental results show that the user can enjoy the interaction by his own way and create different light effect with the music. At the same time, the users believe the system can became more useful and expandable and feel satisfied. Through this research experience, we can understand the interpretation of "Interactive Artistic". The narrow sense refers to the audience’s personal participation shows the whole concept of art, a broad sense, we view the process of the audience who sees, identify the concept of mind, and convey the conception as an interactive act.
關鍵字:Human-Computer Interaction; Digital Art; Context Awareness; Interactive Art; Usability Evaluation; Interaction Design
著作名稱:(EI) Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, I-Hen Tsai, Rui-Ting Sun, “Ontology-based Affective Tutoring System on Digital Arts”, WACI 2011, SSCI 2011 Workshop on Affective Computational Intelligence (IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence), Paris, France, April 11-15, 2011.
類別: 會議論文
摘要:The aim of this paper is to introduce the design and evaluation of an ontology-based affective tutoring system on digital arts. The major clues for emotion recognition are the text pieces inputted by the learners. The semantic inference of the emotions is done by use of an ontology called OMCSNet. The system also incorporates an agent that provides feedback based on the inferred emotions. The SUS (System Usability Scale) evaluation results show that this system achieves positive usability so that the learners enjoy the interaction with the system.
關鍵字:affective computing, affective tutoring system, ontology, usability evaluation, emotions
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, "Applying Image Processing Information Technologies to Create Interactive Digital Art Works”, Proc. of 13th International Conference on Information Management Development Strategies over Greater China, Beijing, Aug. 18-20, 2007. ISBN: 988-99334-0-3
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Hsiu-Yuan Tsao, Ram Ramaseshan, & Koong H.C. Lin, "Developing a brand performance measure for Internet brands”, Proc. of IMB2006, 2nd International Conference on Information Management and Business, Sydney, Australia, February 13-16, 2006.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, & Chi-Lin Sheng, "Employing the Decision Analysis for Taiwan TV Industries to Conduct the Digital TV-Commerce”, Proc. of 12th International Conference on Information Management Development Strategies over Greater China, Hong Kong, Aug. 18-20, 2006. ISBN: 988-99334-0-3
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, S.-Y. Sun, J.-J. Gao, & Chad Lin, "The Inference of IEM/BRM Employment on the Success of Adopting Outsourced RFID Systems”, Proc. 1st Conference on RFID Technologies, Taipei, Taiwan, Feb. 1, 2008.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, S.-Y. Sun, W.-J. Hu, & Chad Lin, "An Empirical Study of Investment Evaluation and Benefits Realization Methodologies Adoption in B2B E-Commerce for the Digital TV Industry”, Proc. Of ICIM 2008, 19th International Conference on Information Management, Nantou, Taiwan, May 16-17, 2008.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Hsiu-Yuan Tsao, Pei-Chun Lin, & Koong H.C. Lin, “The Impact of Purchase Feedback and Nonfeedback Effects on Market Share ─ Based on the First Order Markov Brand Switching Model”, Proc. of CABMT2007: 2007 Annual Conference on Chinese Association of Business and Management Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 24, 2007.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin & Francis Li, "The Creation and Statement of Digital Content Art Works”, Proc. of Cyberspace2007: Cybersecurity, Cybercrime and Cyberlaw, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 23, 2007.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, “Revolving South Taiwan: One Temperature with Multiple Dimensions”, Media Infinity──Taiwan-Australia New Media Arts Forum, Taipei, Taiwan, May 28, 2007.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, “Employing Max/MSP/Jitter and Sobel Operations to Create Digital Art Works Based on the Interaction Among Images, Sounds, and MIDI Music”, Proc. of DCMA2007: The Second Conference on Digital Contents Management and Applications, Tainan, Taiwan, June 1, 2007.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Tzu-Chang Yeh, Koong H.C. Lin, & Hector Liu, "A Dynamic RFID Protection Protocol”, Proc. of 2006 Cyberspace2006: Cybersecurity, Cybercrime and Cyberlaw, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 20, 2006.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Kang, Chi-Feng, Koong H.C. Lin, & Kuei-Yu Yeh, "Employing Conjoint Analysis to Explore the Key Attribute of Museum Information Portals in Taiwan”, Proc. of 2006 Internet Application Conference, Tainan, Taiwan, June 9, 2006.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, Chi-Lin Sheng, & Hector Liu, "Explore the Attitudes of Cable TV Industries, Wireless TV Industries, and Network Consumers”, Proc. of IMPM2006, 2nd Conference on Information Management and Project Management, TaoYuan, Taiwan, May 5, 2006.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, Tzu-Chang Yeh, & Hector Liu, "A Low-Cost Dynamic RFID Security Protocol”, Proc. of ICIM’06, 17th International Conference on Information Management, Kaoshiung, Taiwan, May 27, 2006.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, Chi-Lin Sheng, & Hector Liu, "The Decision Analysis of Digital TV Commerce from Consumers’ and Executives’ Perspectives”, Proc. of IAC’06, 2006 Internet Application Conference, Tainan, Taiwan, June 9, 2006.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, C.T. Chen, J.C. Ke, Huei Leu, Y.C. Yen, & S.H. Yang, "Using AHP Technology to Design a RFID Adopting Decision Analysis System”, Proc. of ECDL2005, 2005 Conference of Electronic Commerce and Digital Life, March 25-26, 2005.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, Lector Liu, & H.-T. Lin, "Employing AHP to Explore the Impact of Digital TV Commerce on Consumers”, Proc. of ADMIS’05, 2005 Symposium on Application and Development of Management Information Systems, June 1, 2005.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin & Chi-Lin Sheng, "Employing the AHP Approach to Explore the Decision Analysis for the TV Industry to Conduct the TV-Commerce”, Proc. of DCMA’05, 2005 Conference on Digital Contents Management & Applications, June 18, 2005.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin & Lector Liu, "Explore the Inference of Digital TV Commerce on Consumers Based on the AHP Approach”, Proc. of ECRI’05, 2005 Conference on Electronic Commerce Research Institute, Taichung, Taiwan, Dec. 9, 2005.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin & Lector Liu, "On the Development of Digital TV Commerce Using the AHP Mechanism”, Proc. of Technology & Business Forum 2005, Hualien, Taiwan, Dec. 23, 2005.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Koong H.C. Lin, Charles Wen.-Chi Juang, Hsiu-Yuan Tsao, & Chad Lin, "An Investigation of Loyalty in Business IT/IS Outsourcing”, Proc. of IMP2005, 11th Conference on Information Management and Practice, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 10, 2005.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Explore the Inference of Digital TV Commerce on Consumers Based on the AHP Approach
類別: 會議論文