專長/研究領域服務業行銷, 品牌管理, 社群行銷
著作名稱:They support, so we talk: the effects of other users on self-disclosure on social networking sites
類別: 期刊論文 Information Technology & People
摘要:Purpose – Social networking sites (SNSs) have significantly influenced people’s lives and changed their behavior. Although previous research has explored self-disclosure in virtual communities, little is known about the impact of other users, particularly their online social support, on self-disclosure. The aim of this study is to explore how online social support dimensions (i.e., emotional, informational, esteem, instrumental and network support) influence people’s self-disclosure, which in turn affects their commitment to SNSs. Design/methodology/approach – Based on social exchange theory, this study proposes a research model that explores the role of other users on self-disclosure. This study collects data from a sample of 558 respondents and applies the structural equation modeling technique to test the research model. Findings – The findings show that users are motivated to disclose information and commit to a specific SNS because of the supportive climate. Results also show that self-disclosure mediates the effect of online social support on users’ commitment to SNSs. Originality/value – This study focuses on the influence of other users’ roles on self-disclosure on SNSs, extending the application of social exchange theory.
關鍵字:s Social networking sites, Online social support, Self-disclosure, Social exchange theory
著作名稱:Building a social media community around your brand: the moderating role of frm engagement tactics
類別: 期刊論文 Journal of Marketing Management
摘要:Firms can leverage social media brand communities (SMBCs) to manage consumer relationships. This study investigated frm engagement tactics using a mixed-methods approach with qualitative (Study one) and quantitative (Study two) analyses. Building on uses and gratifcations theory and the qualitative results, we identify brand-specifc consumer education, reputation enhancement, incentives provision, interaction support, and entertainment support as frm engagement tactics. Next, we explore the moderating effect of frm engagement tactics on the SMBC identifcation/ SMBC engagement and SMBC engagement/brand loyalty relationships using the partial least squares method. The results confrm that consumer engagement mediates the link between SMBC identifcation and brand loyalty. In addition, frm engagement tactics positively moderate the aforementioned relationships. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
關鍵字:Firm-hosted social media brand communities; frm engagement tactics; consumer engagement; brand loyalty; uses and gratifcations theory; mixedmethods
著作名稱:Investigating the role of customer forgiveness following a double deviation
類別: 期刊論文 Journal of Services Marketing
摘要:Abstract Purpose – Despite double deviation being an acknowledged phenomenon in services marketing, less research has been devoted to the evaluation of the underlying relationships between cognitive appraisals, customer forgiveness and postrecovery actions following a double deviation. Therefore, this study aims to develop and empirically test a conceptual model to determine the role of customer forgiveness and its boundary conditions in double-deviation scenarios based on the stress and coping theory. Design/methodology/approach – This study aggregated 290 survey data by adopting the retrospective experience sampling method and examined the proposed model using structural equation modeling and bootstrapping analysis. Findings – The results confirm that customer forgiveness mediates the link between service recovery dissatisfaction and postrecovery customer complaints (i.e. online and third-party complaints). Additionally, attribution-based factors (i.e. stability and controllability attributions) positively moderated the service recovery dissatisfaction–customer forgiveness relationship. Finally, these findings exhibit that relationship-based factors (i.e. relationship duration and affective commitment) had negative moderating effects on the service recovery dissatisfaction–customer forgiveness link. Originality/value – Without ensuring customer forgiveness, customers who experience failure twice in a row may act more aggressively to damage service firms. Yet, knowledge of customer forgiveness in a double-deviation scenario is still lacking. The results make twofold contributions to the service recovery literature. First, this study emphasizes customer forgiveness as an integral coping response that has a mediating role in the relationship between service recovery dissatisfaction and postrecovery customer complaints. Second, this study shed insights into boundary conditions of customer forgiveness by identifying attribution- and relationship-based factors as moderators.
關鍵字:Service recovery dissatisfaction, Customer forgiveness, Postrecovery customer complaints, The stress and coping theory
著作名稱:Stepping up, stepping out: the elderly customer long-term health-care experience
類別: 期刊論文 Journal of Services Marketing
摘要:Abstract Purpose – Demand for long-term care services increases with population aging. This study aims to develop a conceptual model of elderly customers’ health-care experiences to explore the antecedents, mechanisms and outcomes of social participation in long-term care service organizations. Design/methodology/approach – Using a two-phase data collection approach, this study collects data from 238 elderly customers in a long-term care service organization. The final data are analyzed through structural equation modeling. Findings – The results show that care management efforts (i.e. customer education, perceived organization support, role modeling, perceived other customer support and diversity of activity) influence elderly customers’ psychological states (i.e. self-efficacy and sense of community), leading to increased social participation. In addition, high levels of social participation evoke positive service satisfaction and quality of life, both of which alleviate switching intention. Originality/value – This study is one of the first conclusive service studies focused on the role of elderly customers’ social participation in their longterm care experience. The findings contribute to health-care service marketing and transformative service research, and expand understanding of elderly customers’ health-care experience, especially in long-term care service settings.
關鍵字:Long-term care experience, Elderly customers, Social participation, Quality of life, Social cognitive theory, Social exchange theory
著作名稱:從資源基礎理論探究非營利 組織之社會責任活動 —以財團法人聯新文教基金會為例
類別: 期刊論文 產業與管理論壇
著作名稱:Exploring the Moderating Mechanism of Gratification Experience in Firm-Hosted Social Media Brand Community: A Perspective From Uses and Gratifications Theory
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Member lock-in and knowledge break-out in SNS groups: integrating the “pull-in”, “push-back”, and “mooring” effects
類別: 會議論文
摘要:Abstract Social networking site (SNS) group provides a new cyberspace for users to share knowledge. As competition intensifies and recruiting new members becomes more difficult, SNS groups need to devote their strategic efforts to encouraging members’ contributions. However, prior research has seldom touched this issue from the “online switching barrier” perspective. We develop and test a structural equation model incorporating pull-in (group-member and member-member relationship quality), push-back (alternative unattractiveness), and mooring (switching cost) effects, which subsequently affect members’ knowledge contribution behavior (knowledge sharing and knowledge co-creating) through the mediating role of self-development and pro-social motivation for engagement. Results based on 382-respondent survey data show that pull-in and push-back factors facilitate members’ contributing motivations, which in turn lead to contribution behavior. The mooring effect which is reflective of different levels of switching costs moderates the effects of pull-in/push-back on self-development and pro-social motivation. The findings provide academic insights for scholars and marketing implications for practitioners in leveraging lock-in effect in SNS groups.