著作名稱: | 徐作聖、賴賢哲 (2005),科技政策理論與實務,全華科技圖書,台灣台北。 |
年度: | 2005 |
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著作名稱: | Innovation capacity comparison of China’s information technology industrial clusters: the case of Shanghai, Kunshan, Shenzhen and Dongguan |
年度: | 2005 |
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Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
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著作名稱: | How Taiwanese contract manufacturers initiate supply chain integration: The effects of bricolage, improvisation, and environmental uncertainty |
年度: | 2023 |
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Journal of Organizational Change Management
摘要: | This study investigates how bricolage and improvisation increase opportunities for the supply chain integration of contract manufacturers. Connecting bricolage/improvisation with resource dependence theory offers an appropriate theoretical lens to understand the increasing focus on the view that bricolage and improvisation are feasible ways to create desired resources for contract manufacturers. Such resources can enhance the autonomy of contract manufacturers in the supply chain by building contract manufacturer–supply chain partner relationship interdependencies. Hypotheses are tested using 158 contract manufacturers in the Taiwanese fastener industry. Results show that bricolage can lead contract manufacturers to initiate supplier and buyer integration. The moderating effect of environmental uncertainty further strengthens the aforementioned positive relationships. Without the moderating effect of environmental uncertainty, improvisation leads contract manufacturers to initiate only supplier but not buyer integration. However, when the moderating effect of environmental uncertainty is included, improvisation leads contract manufacturers to initiate only buyer integration. This finding highlights the importance of environmental uncertainty when contract manufacturers adopt bricolage/improvisation to initiate supply chain integration. |
關鍵字: | contract manufacturer, supply chain integration, bricolage, improvisation, environmental uncertainty. |
著作名稱: | Exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation in the phase of technological discontinuity: the perspective on patent data for two IC foundries |
年度: | 2016 |
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Asian Journal of Technology Innovation
摘要: | This study investigates how firms manage different innovation modes in the context of technological discontinuities. Using the aluminium-to-copper transition process, we collected patent data from the time period 1997 to 2001 for the top two firms in the IC foundry industry, the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company and the United Microelectronic Corporation. We suggest that environmental responsiveness to technological uncertainty can provide a background for understanding how incumbent firms respond to managerial challenges associated with the exploratory–exploitative innovation tension. The statistical results indicate that incumbent firms simultaneously conduct exploratory and exploitative innovation and, furthermore, engage in significantly more exploratory innovation than exploitative innovation when faced with technological discontinuities. |
關鍵字: | exploratory innovation, exploitative innovation, technological discontinuities, IC foundry, IC process technology |
著作名稱: | When is betweenness centrality useful to firms pursuing technological diversity? an Internal-resources view |
年度: | 2016 |
類別: |
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
摘要: | This study examines situations in which betweenness centrality (BC) is useful for firms pursuing technological diversity. Given the role of BC in firms’ access to external technological knowledge, the study explores the extent to which R&D and manufacturing resources, technological strength, and financial slack moderate the relationship between BC and technological diversity. The results show that BC alone does not exert a positive effect on technological diversity. Furthermore, R&D resources, technological strength, and financial slack each positively moderate the relationship between BC and technological diversity, whereas manufacturing resources do not. Identifying the influential moderators of internal resources should enable firms to harness the benefits of BC. Thus, firms should possess such internal resources to further their technological diversity through BC. |
關鍵字: | technology alliances, technological diversity, external technological knowledge, betweenness centrality, internal resources |
著作名稱: | Accessing external technological knowledge for technological development: when technological knowledge distance meets slack resources |
年度: | 2014 |
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IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
摘要: | This study elucidates how a firm accesses external technological knowledge (TK) and utilizes such TK, facilitated by
slack resources, to determine the scope of technological development. We examine data from 947 cooperative technology agreements among 248 electronics and information technology firms in Taiwan. The results demonstrate that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between TK distance and the scope of technological development. Furthermore, we find that the moderating effect of unabsorbed slack can extend the inverted U-shaped relationship in the direction of higher levels of technological diversification and greaterTKdistance. Additionally, unabsorbed and absorbed slack, respectively, moderate the linear relationship between TK distance and a firm’s scope of technological development toward two striking favorable contrasts: technological diversification and specialization. Unabsorbed slack plays a positive catalytic role in the creation of technological diversification; however, absorbed slack does not serve such a role. |
關鍵字: | external technological knowledge, slack resources, technological diversification, technological knowledge distance, technology alliances. |
著作名稱: | Do technology alliances benefit technological diversification? the effects of technological knowledge distance, betweenness centrality and complementary assets |
年度: | 2013 |
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Asian Journal of Technology Innovation
摘要: | This study suggests that decisions regarding the scope of a technology base can be traced to factors (technological knowledge (TK) distance, network centrality and complementary assets) that govern the extent of technological specialization and diversification. Based on data from 2000–2007, for 248 electronics and information technology firms in Taiwan, we indicate that technology alliances do not encourage firms to diversify a technology base over time. Decisions in regards to the utilization of external TK can also be traced to TK distance, network centrality and complementary assets. First, TK distance has an inverted Ushaped relationship with the technology base scope. Second, the mere consideration of network centrality and TK distance cannot determine the technology base scope. Third, a firm converges its technology base through combined complementary assets with TK distance and network centrality. |
關鍵字: | technology alliance; technological diversification; technological knowledge distance; network centrality; complementary assets |
著作名稱: | Technological scope: diversified or specialized |
年度: | 2010 |
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著作名稱: | Can external corporate venturing broaden firm’s technological scope? the role of complementary assets |
年度: | 2010 |
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Journal of Engineering and Technology Management
摘要: | This study applies two theoretical perspectives—resource-based view (RBV) and organizational learning—to explore how a firm’s external corporate venturing (CV) influences its technological scope. Using data from 583 electronics and information technology firms in Taiwan for the period from 1997 to 2006, the results indicate that external CVs facilitate an established firm’s broadening of its technological scope. Moreover, this study calls into question the idea that a firm’s decisions regarding technological scope may be due to a specific factor that governs the extent of technological specialization and diversification. We identify this factor as the complementary assets of established firms. This study, thus, investigates whether complementary assets moderate the relationship between external CV in established firms and those firms’ technological scope. The analytical results also support the idea that increasing investments in specialized complementary assets will urge firms engaged in external CV to concentrate on their technological scope. Therefore, this study addresses the notion that concentrated technological scope is the conjunction of technological capabilities and complementary assets, not determined by either individually. |
關鍵字: | external corporate venturing, technological scope, complementary assets, resource-based view, organizational learning, electronics and information technology firms in Taiwan. |
著作名稱: | Technological diversification and organizational divisionalization: the moderating role of complementary assets |
年度: | 2010 |
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British Journal of Management
摘要: | This study uses data on 582 electronics and information technology firms in Taiwan for the period 1997–2005 to investigate the hypothesis that technological diversification increases the extent of organizational divisionalization under firm growth. This study applies competence-based theory to argue that firms spread the technological competence base to achieve firm growth. However, in the face of firm growth, managers of multi-technology firms often utilize a multi-division structure to manage their various technologies based on their operating characteristics or needs. Furthermore, the findings of this study indicate that complementary assets moderate the negative relationship between technological diversification and organizational divisionalization. For firms with specialized complementary assets, multi-technology firms may be observed to consolidate related-technology activities into fewer divisions, facilitating the utilization of these complementary assets in conjunction with other divisions. |
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著作名稱: | Technological diversification, complementary assets, and performance |
年度: | 2008 |
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Technological Forecasting & Social Change
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著作名稱: | Production forecasting of Taiwan’s technology industrial cluster: a Bayesian autoregression approach |
年度: | 2005 |
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Canadian Journal of Administrative Science
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著作名稱: | A variable p-value rolling grey forecasting model for Taiwan semiconductor industry production |
年度: | 2005 |
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Technological Forecasting & Social Change
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著作名稱: | A comparison of innovation capacity at science parks across the Taiwan Strait: the case of Zhangjiang High-Tech Park and the Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park |
年度: | 2005 |
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著作名稱: | Evaluating effects of innovation policies on Taiwan’s IC design industry: a fuzzy integral MCDM approach |
年度: | 2007 |
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International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management
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著作名稱: | 上智食品:乾拌麵代工的整合者 |
年度: | 2023 |
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摘要: | 本個案主要探討身為傳統製麵廠的上智食品,如何善用乾拌麵產業供應鏈上、下游成員之關係,以代工整合者之姿,傳遞較高的交易價值給品牌客戶,因而建立競爭優勢。本個案始分析台灣乾拌麵產業的高度分工型態,並採用資源基礎觀點為主軸,瞭解上智自創業以來所累積的資源特質與競爭優勢之關係。資源基礎觀點亦能進一步洞悉上智如何經營供應鏈成員之合作過程,藉此建構了代工整合者的資源、能力。最後,本個案更藉由觀察近年直接、潛在競爭者亦積極投入供應鏈整合,個案主角因此感受到新的競爭威脅,希冀提出以下議題:上智是否該跟進競爭者的整合行動?上智現有的資源、能力延伸與更新如何推動下一波企業成長的動能?因此,本個案的尾聲提出擴大代工範圍、自建醬料廠、自創乾拌麵品牌、開設餐飲通路四種選項供上智評估未來成長的可行路徑。 |
關鍵字: | 乾拌麵; 代工整合; 資源基礎觀點; 企業成長 |
著作名稱: | 傳統車燈廠如何在LED浪潮中求生:自主開發求轉型 vs. 入股結盟控風險 |
年度: | 2024 |
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摘要: | 楊至浩深知能否擁有製造LED模組的能力,將決定迅光未來是否能接單。他一心想要振興子公司,承擔起母公司賦予迅光成為原廠車燈代工火車頭的任務,但此時的他毫無頭緒,不知下一步該怎麼走。 |
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著作名稱: | 老字號品牌低價市場拼翻身:成立年輕副牌 vs. 隱姓埋名代工 |
年度: | 2023 |
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摘要: | 美家窗簾是經營近50年的龍頭品牌,但近年來多家門店歇業,急需擴大營收。生產部門建議成為窗簾代工的整合者;門市總店長則主張創建副牌吸引年輕消費者。二代接班的陳信昇決策左右老品牌的未來,他如何抉擇? |
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著作名稱: | 顧客如何利用網路社群互動促進行為意願:從品牌認同到共同創新 |
年度: | 2019 |
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摘要: | 近年來廠商都開始重視自行建構網路社群與顧客進行互動,並透過以上互動來促進顧客之行為意願。本研究主要探討:「由顧客對網路社群所屬的廠商品牌認同往上延伸到顧客-廠商的共同創新如何強化上述網路社群互動與行為意願之關係」。本研究以35 家台灣數位內容廠商所屬的網路社群為例,2018 年4 月將各廠商所屬之872 位網路社群顧客填答問卷作為跨層次迴歸分析之資料來源。本研究之發現與貢獻如下:1、網路社群互動會促進顧客之行為意願;2、顧客對網路社群所屬的廠商品牌認同會正向強化網路社群互動與行為意願之關係;3、顧客-廠商共同創新的跨層次效果會促進顧客之行為意願;4、顧客-廠商共同創新的跨層次效果會正向強化網路社群互動與行為意願之關係。對提高顧客行為意願而言,數位內容廠商除了加強與網路社群顧客之互動外,重視品牌認同感的提升以及與顧客共同進行創新亦是不容忽視的解決方案。 |
關鍵字: | 網路社群、行為意願、品牌認同、共同創新、跨層次分析 |
著作名稱: | 大鯨魚來了怎麼辦!在地健身房如何對抗全國連鎖健身房?強化服務體驗 vs. 快速增加分館 |
年度: | 2022 |
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摘要: | 從台北返回家鄉嘉義定居的李瑞凡,發現在地缺少有規模的健身中心,於是與健身同好一起創辦「雷戰神健身會館」,以專業、高品質的教練課程,及多元化的收費形式,漸漸站穩腳跟。未料此時,全國連鎖的大型健身品牌BIG WHALE進攻嘉義市場,迅速侵蝕雷戰神的業績。李瑞凡該如何挑戰這隻「大鯨魚」? |
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著作名稱: | How Cross-Industry Knowledge Fosters Exploratory Innovation of Taiwanese Small Business Enterprises: Moderating E®ects of Incubator Assistance |
年度: | 2024 |
類別: |
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management
摘要: | This study investigates how incubators provide feasible solutions to increase the opportunities
for exploratory innovation (EI) of small business enterprises (SBEs). Participation in crossindustry
collaborations (CICs) bridged by incubators provides the foundation for the view that
SBEs access cross-industry knowledge (CIK) to increase their potential for EI. Hypotheses are
tested using CICs of 489 SBEs of Taiwanese university-based incubators. Results show that
accessing CIK has a signi¯cant and positive in°uence on the EI of SBEs. Business assistance,
technological assistance, and coaching service also strengthen the bene¯ts of CIK for EI.
Business assistance and coaching service allow SBEs to increase EI regardless of access to CIK.
However, this positive e®ect cannot be achieved through technological assistance alone but
rather in combination with access to CIK. |
關鍵字: | Cross-industry collaboration; exploratory innovation; incubator; incubator assistance; small business enterprise |
著作名稱: | Relying on Partners or Itself? How a Centrally Positioned Firm Can Pursue Technological Diversity: The Use of Network Density or R&D Resources |
年度: | 2024 |
類別: |
International Journal of Innovation Management
摘要: | This study examines the benefits of network centrality (NC) in creating technological diversity. Given the role of NC in access to external technological knowledge (TK), this study uses network density and R&D resources as moderators to explore the consequences of using TK for technological diversity. The results show that NC alone does not have a positive effect on technological diversity. However, network density and R&D resources, respectively, moderate the positive relationship between NC and technological diversity. Additionally, when influenced by these two moderators simultaneously, the creation of technological diversity heavily depends on the extent to which centrally positioned firms invest in R&D resources. In this study, R&D resources play a stronger complementary role in NC than network density does. |
關鍵字: | Technology alliance, technological diversity, network centrality, network density, R&D resources. |
著作名稱: | How imitating sources’ R&D practices influences the recipients’ innovation consequences of technology transfer: the moderating effect of source–recipient interactions |
年度: | 2023 |
類別: |
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management
摘要: | This study investigates whether managing the relationship between the imitation of sources R&D practices and source–recipient interactions is critical for the recipients innovation of technology transfer because the choice of source–recipient interactions dominates the e±cacy of recipients imitation. This study tests its hypotheses by using a sample of technology transfer experiences from among 86 electronics ¯rms from 2003 to 2012 in Taiwan, with data collected from the responses to a mailed survey. For a focal ¯rm acting as a recipient during technology transfer, results show that the imitation of a sources R&D practices has a signi¯cant and positive in°uence on a recipients innovation. Relational embeddedness is the only appropriate source–recipient interaction that complements the imitation of a sources R&D practices and then e®ectively promotes a recipients innovation. However, the source–recipient interactions of both the technology source lead and the technology recipient lead cannot moderate the positive relationship between the imitation of the sources R&D practices and the recipients innovation. Identifying these three source–recipient interactions can harness a recipients innovation benefits from technology transfer. |
關鍵字: | imitation, technology transfer, source–recipient interaction, relational embeddedness, technology alliance. |
著作名稱: | The innovation policy priorities in industry evolution: the case of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry |
年度: | 2004 |
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International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy
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著作名稱: | How contract manufacturers initiate supply chain integration: The effects of bricolage, improvisation and environmental uncertainty |
年度: | 2022 |
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著作名稱: | How to form subsidiary relationship network? business relationship complexity, autonomy and headquarters resource allocation |
年度: | 2018 |
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著作名稱: | Is imitating partners’ R&D practices a complement to firm interactions for technology transfer? |
年度: | 2017 |
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著作名稱: | MNE Headquarters Role in Subsidiary Influence: The Perspectives of Rationality and Radical Uncertainty |
年度: | 2016 |
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著作名稱: | Relying on Partners or Itself? How Network Centrality Pursues Technological Diversity |
年度: | 2014 |
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著作名稱: | Competitive environment, business relationships and subsidiary importance |
年度: | 2014 |
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著作名稱: | Innovation intermediary of technological alliance Kanazawa, Japan, July 27-31. |
年度: | 2014 |
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著作名稱: | When Is Network Centrality Necessary for Firms’ Creation of Technological Diversification? A View of Internal Resources |
年度: | 2013 |
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著作名稱: | The Impacts of Technological Knowledge Distance, Network Position, and Complementary Assets on Technological Diversification: An Asia Case |
年度: | 2011 |
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著作名稱: | How to manage organizational ambidexterity in the phase of technological discontinuity? |
年度: | 2010 |
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著作名稱: | Exploration and exploitation in technological discontinuities: evidences from patent data of IC foundry industry |
年度: | 2009 |
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著作名稱: | Corporate venturing and technological scope |
年度: | 2008 |
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著作名稱: | Technological scope: diversification or specialized? |
年度: | 2007 |
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著作名稱: | Technological diversification, complementary assets, and performance |
年度: | 2007 |
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著作名稱: | The impacts of technological diversification and complementary assets on divisionalization |
年度: | 2007 |
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著作名稱: | Exploring the different effects on science parks between the Taiwan Strait |
年度: | 2004 |
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著作名稱: | Fuzzy integral MCDM approach for evaluating the effects of innovation policies: an empirical study of Taiwan IC design industry |
年度: | 2003 |
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