美國伊利諾大學香檳分校勞工關係研究所Fulbright Scholar2005-2006
美國康乃爾大學Mario Einaudi Center for International StudiesVisiting Scholar2018.01-2018.07
著作名稱: A Research Agenda for Family Business: A Way Ahead for the Field
類別: 學術專書
摘要:Chiung-Wen Tsao*& Shyh-jer Chen (2020) In A. CALABRÒ edited (2020). , Cheltenham, UK/ Northampton, MA, USA., Chapter 6, pp.87-100.
關鍵字:Family governance, HR mental models, Employees
類別: 學術專書
類別: 學術專書
著作名稱:Firing managers: The benefits of family ownership and costs of family management
類別: 期刊論文 Journal of Family Business Strategy
摘要:We investigate how family ownership versus family management moderates the relationship between involuntary managerial turnover (IMT) and organizational performance in public firms. We postulate extended socioemotional priorities for family owners versus more restricted socioemotional priorities for family managers, thus arguing that family ownership versus management have contrasting effects on the performance implications of IMT, the former more positive than the latter. By combining hand collected survey and archival data from 299 Taiwanese listed family firms, we find that IMT is associated with better subsequent financial performance, but more so under family ownership than family management.
關鍵字:Family ownership; Family management; Involuntary managerial turnover; Socioemotional wealth (SEW)
著作名稱:Family influences in the internationalization of the top 1,000 Taiwanese enterprises: Enduring relationships with stakeholders do count.
類別: 期刊論文 Chinese Management Studies
摘要:Purpose This paper aims to investigate the moderating effects of employee commitment, customer loyalty and corporate reputation on the relationship between family influence and international expansion. Design/methodology/approach A cross-national research design was conducted using both survey and secondary data of 119 firms taken from the top 1,000 Taiwanese enterprises. Findings This study found moderating effects in the positive impact of family influence on international expansion. Specifically, the study found the relationship between family influence and international expansion stronger for companies with greater relational support from employees, customers and the public. Research limitations/implications Multi-level data collection and a longitudinal research design in future research could help in further understanding the relationships between the variables in this study. Practical implications This paper suggests that family business should establish enduring relationship with their employees and customers and have a plan to improve family reputation that will benefit international market expansion. Originality/value This study draws on the relational perspective to investigate how family influence results in different international expansion.
關鍵字: Customer loyalty, Internationalization, Employee commitment, Family ownership, Corporate reputation, Relational support
著作名稱:Organizational antecedents of firms’ adoption of strategic human resource practices: Toward a reconciliation of CEO perceptions and family influence
類別: 期刊論文 German Journal of Human Resource Management. 1-26.
摘要:There is lively debate in the literature about the effects of family influence on employment practices. Particularly, little empirical research explores the role of family influence in driving a firm’s adoption of specific strategic human resource practices such as high-performance work systems. Drawing from the tenets of the resource-based and stewardship theories, this study examines the relationship between chief executive officers’ perceived human resource capability and firm adoption of high-performance work systems in family business, and the joint moderating effect of family management and ownership on the above linkage. Our analysis uses chief executive officer–human resource manager matched samples of 145 Taiwanese publicly listed firms, the results show that chief executive officers perceived human resource capability is significantly and positively associated with the adoption of high-performance work systems. Moreover, this relationship is found to be the strongest when the family assumes leadership in management (i.e. the firm has a family chief executive officer) and family ownership is high.
關鍵字:CEOs’ perceived human resource capability, family management, family ownership, high performance work systems, family-controlled public firms
著作名稱:HRM Retrenchment Practices and Firm Performance in Times of Economic Downturn: Exploring the Moderating Effects of Family Involvement in Management.
類別: 期刊論文 The International Journal of Human Resource Management
摘要:A substantial number of studies have indicated a significant negative relationship between human resource management (HRM) retrenchment practices such as downsizing, and firm performance. However, a consideration of the potential effects of business family involvement in management is largely absent from the general employment restructuring literature. Using a sample of 218 Taiwanese publicly listed firms, this study seeks to further our understanding in this area by examining the moderating effects of family involvement in management on the relationship between the adoption of HRM retrenchment practices and firm performance during the period of global economic downturn that erupted in the middle of 2008. Data analysis reveals that HRM retrenchment practices had a negative influence on firm performance, and that the relationship between HRM retrenchment practices and firm performance was negatively and significantly moderated by family involvement in management.
關鍵字:economic downturn; family involvement; firm performance; HRM retrenchment practices; Taiwanese publicly listed firms
著作名稱:Family Governance Oversight, Performance, and High Performance Work Systems.
類別: 期刊論文 Journal of Business Research
摘要:Recent analyses of U.S. public family firms (PFFs) showthat family firms outperformother forms of organization. However, scholars call for more studies to determine why PFFs outperform themarket. High performance work systems (HPWSs) reflect the extent to which an organization adopts and implements a strategic approach in HRM practices and could be why PFFs outperform. Using the stewardship perspective, agency theory, and the resource-based view of the firm, this study empirically examines the relationship among family governance oversight, HPWS, and performance at PFFs. Using a sample of 159 Taiwanese public firms, the empirical results indicate that independent directors on the board and the level of family member board participation associate with HPWS adoption. Adopting HPWS also mediates the effect of independent directors and subjective firm performance.This finding has both theoretical and practical implications.
關鍵字:Family governance oversight, High performance work systems (HPWSs), Firm performance, Public family firms (PFFs)
著作名稱:Founding-Family Ownership and Firm Performance: The Role of High Performance Work Systems.
類別: 期刊論文 Family Business Review
著作名稱:Family CEO duality and research and development intensity in public family enterprises: Temporality as a model boundary
類別: 期刊論文 Journal of Business Research
摘要:Surprisingly, despite the continuing interest in family firm innovation, few studies have articulated the critical role of family CEO duality (i.e., when the family CEO serves as the chairman of the board of directors). Drawing on the restricted socioemotional wealth perspective, we posit that family CEO duality is negatively associated with a family firm’s research and development (R&D) intensity. We further propose that such a relationship is affected by two temporal conditions: firm age and CEO succession. We tested our model with a longitudinal dataset (2008–2016) comprising 528 public family firms and found a negative relationship between duality and R&D intensity. Additionally, firm age mitigates such a negative relationship. Specifically, duality in a younger family enterprise lessens R&D investment more so than in an older firm. However, the act of CEO succession has the opposite effect, with the negative relationship between duality and R&D investment intensity becoming stronger post-CEO succession than pre-CEO succession.
關鍵字:Family CEO duality, R&D intensity, Temporality, Family governance, Restricted socioemotional wealth.
著作名稱:CEO gender and social versus economic value creation of social enterprises: an attention-based view
類別: 期刊論文 Gender in Management: An International Journal
摘要:Purpose This study aims to investigate the effects of CEO gender on social enterprise (SE) value creation and the moderating effect of selective attention on SEs’ dual goals (i.e. relative attention to social versus economic goals). Design/methodology/approach The authors surveyed 596 active Taiwanese SEs to rate independent and moderating variables and received 191 responses (109 female and 82 male CEOs). The authors used external SE experts to evaluate each SE’s economic and social value creation, lowering the threat of common method bias and enhancing data quality. Findings Social value creation is higher with female chief executive officer (CEOs) (than with male CEOs), whereas economic value creation tends to be lower. But, attentional selection (i.e. changes in attention) to economic goals by female CEOs mitigates the negative relationship between female CEOs and economic value creation. Practical implications Gender diversity in the top management team is critical for dual-goal attainment. Decision-makers’ attention focus could vary along with the situation to achieve the desired outcomes. Thus, creating an attention structure under a given situation may help guide the decision-making process toward the desired performance for SEs. Originality/value Little research brings the attention-based view to investigate the effects of managerial gender roles on the dual-goal performance (i.e. social versus economic value creation) of SEs and test its contingency, and to the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to do so. This study also adopted a unique research design asking outside SE experts to provide the performance data.
關鍵字:CEO gender, social value creation, social enterprise, attention-based view
著作名稱:看不見的資本:經營者之妻對家族 核心價值觀發展的影響
類別: 期刊論文 中山管理評論
摘要:女性經常是家族企業研究中被忽略的價值創造角色,為了彌補此研究缺 口,本研究以創辦「國際牌」電器的洪建全家族兩代經營者之妻為研究對象, 分析她們的人力資本與其在家族中被賦予的正式與非正式角色,如何影響家族 價值觀的發展。本研究發現,家族的核心價值理念起源自第一代創業家夫婦共 有的價值觀,但兩代經營者之妻在適切的角色分工下,扮演倡導、示範、傳承 與實踐價值精神的角色,推動家族價值觀融入組織文化的一部分。在理論上, 本研究解釋經營者之妻對家族價值觀發展的影響,點出賦予責任和信任能加速 外來的家族新成員建立較高的家族情感連結,並透過符合其專長、志趣的職務 安排使妻子的角色發揮對家族與事業的影響。
著作名稱:高績效工作系統對工作績效之影響:人力資本及員工創 意自我效能之調節式中介模型檢測
類別: 期刊論文 人力資源管理學報
摘要:從資源基礎理論(resource-based view, RBV)及能力—動機—機會(ability–motivation–opportunity, AMO)理論的觀點,跨層次分析鑲嵌於員工本身之人力資本在高績效工作系統(high performance work system, HPWS)與工作績效關係間之中介效果,並檢視員工創意自我效能(creative selfeffi cacy, CSE)對上述中介機制的調節影響。從120 家獨立及連鎖美容/美髮店,以一位店長對三位 美容師/美髮設計師,共360 組配對的有效樣本分析發現,員工人力資本中介HPWS 與個人工作績 效的正向關係,以及員工的CSE 高低將影響人力資本中介效果顯著與否。研究結果顯示在跨層次的 HPWS 研究中,納入員工人力資本及CSE 解釋員工績效的適切性,除嘗試釐清HPWS 與工作績效間 關係之疑義,亦提供相關管理與實務意涵。
類別: 期刊論文 管理評論
著作名稱:The Moderating Impact of TMT Behavioral Integration on the Relationship between TMT Perceptions of HR Value and Firm Adoption of High-Performance Work Systems
類別: 期刊論文 人力資源管理學報/Journal of Human Resource Management
摘要:A substantial number of studies have indicated a significant positive relationship between high performance work system (HPWS) and firm performance. However, a consideration of the potential effects of top management teams (TMT) in firm adoption of HPWS is largely absent from the literature studying antecedents of HPWS adoption. Using a sample of 111 Taiwanese publicly-listed firms, we draw on upper echelons theory to investigate the linkages between TMT?s perceptions of HR value, team behavioral integration, and firm adoption of HPWS. We found that TMT?s perceptions of HR value positively affects the firm?s adoption of HPWS. Additionally, when the level of TMT behavioral integration was accounted for, the results show that the relationship between TMT?s perceptions of HR value and HPWS is significantly positive for TMT with higher degree of team behavioral integration. The contributions and implications of this study are also discussed.
關鍵字:upper-echelons (UE) theory, top management team (TMT), high performance work system
著作名稱:適才適所, 敲破玻璃天花板
類別: 期刊論文 哈佛商業評論,全球繁體中文版
關鍵字:台灣上市櫃, 女性企業家, 企業績效
類別: 期刊論文 哈佛商業評論,全球繁體中文版
摘要:績優領導人的特質有哪些?從本屆《哈佛商業評論》繁體中文版評選出的「台灣企業領袖100強」,可以得到哪些發現? 本次評選共考慮三大領導人的財務績效。包括任內市值成長金額、任內總股東報酬率,與任內平均每季EPS。本文選擇以三項指標中的EPS為標準,從一百位上榜名單中,進一步分析企業領導人的所有權、領導雙元性(董事長兼任總經理)及人力資本特質,對於經營績效,產生哪些實質影響?
著作名稱:台灣家族企業有走向 「去家族化」之路嗎?
類別: 期刊論文 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版
摘要:近來,關於台灣的家族企業是否存在「去家族化」的現象,始終是管理界的熱門話題。各家觀點不一,也各有支持說法。本文兩位作者專注研究家族企業,他們援用經濟新報資料庫二十年來的數據,發現了什麼趨勢? —來源:https://www.hbrtaiwan.com 版權所有,請勿複製使用。
關鍵字:公司治理, 家族企業
著作名稱:Internationalization Propensity in Family-Controlled Public Firms in Emerging Markets: The Effects of Family Ownership, Governance, and Top Management Team Heterogeneity.
類別: 期刊論文 Journal of Small Business Strategy
摘要:Internationalization propensity is a growing issue faced by family firms. This study contributes to the family business literature by developing a conceptual framework that can identify the family and managerial determinants that affect the extensiveness of internationalization. Drawing on the socioemotional wealth and upper echelon perspectives, it empirically examines the association among family heterogeneity (i.e., family participation is heterogeneous in terms of ownership and governance oversight), top management team (TMT) heterogeneity (i.e., the TMT’s background is heterogeneous in terms of its overseas education and industry experience), and internationalization propensity in publicly traded enterprises. The analysis of data collected from 105 public firms in Taiwan shows that active family participation in ownership and governance oversight and TMT overseas industry experience heterogeneity are significantly and positively associated with internationalization propensity. However, family ownership is found to be significantly but negatively associated with internationalization propensity. We finally discuss the implications of the presented findings for practitioners and organizational theorists.
關鍵字:Family governance, TMT heterogeneity, Internationalization propensity
著作名稱:The Effects of Person-Environment Fit and External Locus of Control on Organizational Affective Commitment: a Study of Immigrant Wives in Taiwan.
類別: 期刊論文 Journal of International Migration and Integration
摘要:The National Immigration Agency of Taiwan reported that, by 2014, more than 498,000 immigrant spouses were registered in Taiwanese households, 91%of which was female. Immigrant wives are now a significant part of Taiwanese society, and they are an important aspect of the labor force in Taiwan’s economy. However, they face major challenges in the workplace, which influences their work outcomes, results in a reduced labor force for enterprises, and increases societal costs. This pioneering study employed the person-environment fit and locus of control concepts from the organizational behavior field to address this issue. A sample of 130 immigrant wives from Indonesia and Vietnam living in Taiwan was surveyed. The results of a hierarchical regression analysis found that immigrant wives’ person-job fit and person-supervisor fit significantly influenced their affective commitments to their workplaces. An external locus of control significantly weakened the relationship between person-environment fit and affective commitment. The contributions and implications of the study results were discussed.
關鍵字:Immigrant wives . Person-environment fit . External locus of control . Affective commitment . Taiwan
類別: 期刊論文 企業管理學報,第102期:1-22
著作名稱:Exploring Effects of Team Behavioral Integration on Top Management Team International Experience Heterogeneity –Firm Performance Relationship
類別: 期刊論文 International Journal of Science and Engineering
摘要:This study examines the relationship between top management team (TMT) demographic heterogeneity (i.e., team diversity in terms of TMT international experience), firm performance (i.e., ROA, ROE, and perceived performance), and the moderation effect of team members’ behavioral integration among the relationships. Results from surveyed and public data of 112 chief executives in Taiwanese publicly listed firms revealed that TMT international experience heterogeneity was positively related to firm performance, and team members’ behavioral integration positively and significantly moderated the association between TMT international experience heterogeneity and firm performance, such that the association is stronger when the degree of team behavior integration is higher than when the degree is lower.
關鍵字:Firm performance; team behavioral integration; top management team (TMT) ; TMT international experience heterogeneity; upper-echelon theory..
類別: 期刊論文 遠見雜誌
摘要:台灣的家族企業,占台股家數超過74%,因此,家族企業的接班轉型是否成功,不僅影響著企業自身競爭力,更緊緊牽動台灣的產業、經濟發展與脈動。 在歷經1950年代依賴美援、1960至1970年代經濟起飛後,戰後創一代的台灣企業家們,拚搏至今,已超過半世紀。隨著創一代年歲漸長,企業也進入大規模接班傳承、世代交替。 令人好奇的是,有多少比例的台灣上市櫃家族企業,已經歷過接班傳承?模式為何?繼承者傾向選賢與能,還是血濃於水?為何同樣是家族企業,有些難敵產業景氣循環,一步步衰敗;有些卻能克服危機,再創企業第二成長曲線與產業高峰?
關鍵字:長青家族企業, 領導接班,經營績效
著作名稱: Family CEO duality, temporal conditions and research and development investment intensity in family.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Effects of family involvement on succession planning: Mediating role of socioemotional wealth.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Whether Family Business Matters? Effects of Vertical Pay Gap on Organizational Turnover and Firm Performance.
類別: 會議論文
類別: 研究計畫成果報告
關鍵字:家族治理, 人力資源管理