博士國立彰化師範大學中華民國特殊教育2000.09 - 2005.08
類別: 學術專書
類別: 學術專書
類別: 學術專書
著作名稱:Predicting literacy development of orally-trained deaf and hard of hearing children from Taiwan: A two-year longitudinal study
類別: 期刊論文 American Annals of the Deaf
摘要:Twenty-eight deaf and hard of hearing Chinese-speaking public school children in Taiwan were tested on literacy achievement tasks at the end of kindergarten (T1), first grade (T2), and second grade (T3) over 2 years. After nonverbal IQ and hearing threshold were controlled for, the results revealed that early oral vocabulary and print awareness tested in kindergarten were related to word recognition in first grade. Moreover, receptive oral vocabulary (T1) was related to reading achievement in first and second grade. Phoneme (onset-rime) blending (T1) was associated with reading achievement in first grade, but not second grade. While onset-rime blending made more unique contributions to picture-book reading comprehension (T2), oral receptive vocabulary contributed uniquely to reading comprehension in T3 more than onset-rime blending. The time (in minutes) per week parents spent in shared book reading with their child was moderately related to reading comprehension at T3.
關鍵字:deaf, early reading, phonological awareness, oral vocabulary, word recognition, reading comprehension
類別: 期刊論文 特殊教育季刊
類別: 期刊論文 習慣領域期刊
關鍵字:人格特質 ; 工作價值觀 ; 光明信念 ; 情境判斷 ; 習慣領域
類別: 期刊論文 北京聯合大學學報
類別: 期刊論文 障礙者理解學刊
摘要:本研究目的在編製普通高中職學校聽覺障礙學生與聽常學生均適用的學校適應問卷,以探究聽障學生學校適應情形,並與其同班聽常同儕進行比較。研究對象含括教育部中部辦公室轄屬的所有普通學校高中職聽障學生,並從其同班聽常同儕進行取樣。扣除沒有繳回問卷、缺失值過多、以及未通過測謊題者,有效樣本聽障學生335名、聽常同儕959名。 本研究學校適應問卷的編製與發展,除了大樣本、測謊題設計的優點外,還包括聽常學生雙隨機樣本多群體驗證性因素分析,以及聽障與聽常學生的跨群體測量恆等性分析。問卷根據理論並參考現有測驗工具,初步編製40道五點量表的自陳報告題目。探索性因素分析結果支持學校適應為多層面的因素結構,分屬師生關係、同儕關係、勤學適應、常規適應、情緒適應五個因素。研究者根據題目因素負荷量提出24題版與17題版兩個競爭模式。建模樣本之驗證性因素分析結果顯示:兩版本因素結構模式均通過基本適配指標的評鑑,但在整體適配指標、內在品質適配指標上,17題版在多項指標的表現優於24題版。問卷信效度良好,包括內部一致性信度、組合信度、建構效度、聚斂效度、區辨效度,而複核樣本能複製建模樣本在問卷的表現,顯示問卷具有跨樣本穩定性的複核效度。聽障學生與聽常學生在問卷表現的測量恆等性分析結果,也通過限制最嚴格的測量誤差恆等模式之檢驗,應可接受兩群學生在問卷的表現,具有相等的因素型態與負荷量、測量截距、結構平均數、結構共變數、以及測量誤差。 本研究結果也支持聽障學生具有中上程度的學校適應,而根據測量恆等性分析的結果,顯示聽障學生與聽常同儕的適應並沒有顯著差異。在研究與實務上,本研究亦提供問卷常模與不同適應程度的區間人數比例,並且建立簡版的學校適應調查問卷,其調查結果與正式版有高度相關,卻更精省填答時間。此皆能提供研究與實務工作者的參考,以盡早進行教學、輔導與支援等相關工作,促進學生適應學校生活。
著作名稱:Articulatory suppression effects on short-term memory of signed digits and lexical items in hearing bimodal-bilingual adults
類別: 期刊論文 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
摘要:We can gain a better understanding of short-term memory processes by studying different language codes and modalities. Three experiments were conducted to investigate: (a) Taiwanese Sign Language (TSL) digit spans in Chinese/TSL hearing bilinguals ( n 32); (b) American Sign Language (ASL) digit spans in English/ASL hearing bilinguals ( n 15); and (c) TSL lexical sign spans in Chinese/TSL hearing bilinguals ( n 22). Articulatory suppression conditions were manipulated to determine if participants would use a speech- or sign-based code to rehearse lists of signed items. Results from all 3 experiments showed that oral suppression significantly reduced spans while manual suppression had no effect, revealing that participants were using speech-based rehearsal to retain lists of signed items in short-term memory. In addition, sub-vocal rehearsal using Chinese facilitated higher digit spans than English even though stimuli were perceived and recalled using signs. This difference was not found for lexical sign spans.
關鍵字:Articulatory suppression effects, short-term memory, signed digits, signed lexical items
著作名稱:The relationship between Taiwanese Sign Language (TSL) and Chinese reading comprehension
類別: 會議論文
摘要:Collective results provide a developmental picture of the end process of TSL learning and Chinese reading comprehension with deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) older and younger signer/readers. Globally, studies report positive relationships between signed languages and reading skills in the Europe, and North America, but not studied extensively in Asian Deaf communities. This study explores the relationship between TSL and Chinese reading comprehension and identifies predictive and background variables with 65 bilingual DHH adults/youth and 27 DHH bilingual children using linear regression analyses. Results showed that DHH adults/youth/children with early and consistent TSL exposure scored at higher levels on the TSL tasks than those with later and limited TSL exposure. Furthermore, performance on the TSL tasks highly correlated with scores on the Chinese reading comprehension tests for both groups independent of age. That the performance on the TSL tasks positively correlated with the Chinese reading comprehension tests for the entire participant sample further supports the hypothesis that TSL knowledge is related to Chinese reading development. Similar results are shown in other studies that demonstrate positive relationships between sign language skills and reading skills with deaf children and youth. Results are interpreted in light of Cummins Linguistic Interdependence theory.
關鍵字:Taiwanese Sign Language, Chinese reading comprehension, deaf and hard-of-hearing
著作名稱:The Phonological Awareness And Rapid Automatic Naming Of Chinese-speaking Children With Hearing Loss And The Predictive Relationship With Reading
類別: 會議論文
摘要:The double-deficit hypothesis proposes that phonological awareness (PA) and rapid automatic naming (RAN) are two critical sources of reading disability. Previous literature suggests that PA is an important predictive factor for English-speaking children with hearing loss and Chinese-speaking children with typical hearing. The purpose of this study is to investigate performance in PA, RAN, and early reading, and further understand how these factors predict subsequent reading ability of a previously unstudied group: Chinese-speaking children with hearing loss. This longitudinal study included 33 children with hearing loss and 45 children with typical hearing. In first grade, all children were administered predictor variables in the fall (measures of PA, RAN and non-verbal intelligence) and outcome variables in the spring (word recognition and reading comprehension of picture books). Chinese character recognition was tested in the spring of second grade and a test of reading comprehension in the spring of third grade. Results 1. The PA-blending and PA-onset deletion skills of the children with hearing loss were lower than the children with typical hearing; however, the RAN skills between the two groups were not significantly different. 2. The reading comprehension of children with hearing loss was lower than that of children with typical hearing, but the performance in word/character recognition was comparable to that of children with typical hearing. 3. After controlling for the influence of intelligence factors, the PA of the children with hearing loss at first grade had significant predictive correlations with the subsequent word/character recognition and reading comprehension. For example, PA-phonetic reading, PA-onset deleting, and PA-tone awareness were significantly correlated with Chinese word/character recognition in second grade. PA-blending and PA-onset deleting were significantly correlated with reading comprehension in third grade. 4. After controlling for the influence of intelligence factors, the RAN at first grade of children with hearing loss was significantly related to picture-book reading comprehension half a year later. RAN was significantly related with Chinese word/character recognition in second grade, but was not significantly related to reading comprehension in third grade. 5. The greatest predictive variables for Chinese word/character recognition and reading comprehension were nonverbal intelligence and PA-onset deletion. Conclusions Findings from the present study confirm that the Chinese reading comprehension of children with hearing loss lags behind that of children with typical hearing whereas the RAN and word/character recognition ability was similar for the two groups. This study supports previous research showing that reading comprehension challenges of children with hearing loss is related to phonological awareness skills in English and extends findings to Chinese. The double-deficit hypothesis was not supported for the children with hearing loss in the present study. It is recommended that phonological awareness and reading comprehension abilities be promoted as early as possible for Chinese-speaking children with hearing loss.
關鍵字:Phonological Awareness, Rapid Automatic Naming, Children With Hearing Loss
著作名稱:Predicting Taiwan Deaf Children’s Literacy Development from Kindergarten to Second Grade
類別: 會議論文
摘要:Thirty-three deaf Taiwanese children who use spoken Chinese were followed over three-years. Participants were assessed in kindergarten on a battery of literacy, cognitive and language-based tasks, and literacy achievement tasks at the end of first and second grade respectively. Early oral vocabulary and print awareness predicted word knowledge in first grade; and phonological awareness predicted reading achievements in both first and second grades. The theoretical implications of the findings with deaf children are discussed.
關鍵字:deaf children, literacy development, Chinese, longitudinal
著作名稱:A longitudinal study: Parent-child book reading experience, emerging reading and reading ability at school aged in children with and without hearing loss
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Role of parent-child reading in preshool emergent literacy and reading skill: A Longitudinal Study
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Parent-children reading, emergent literacy skills and reading ability in children with and without hearing loss: A longitudinal study
類別: 會議論文
類別: 會議論文
類別: 會議論文
類別: 會議論文