著作名稱: | 2021年兩岸三地溝通障礙學術研討會論文集 |
年度: | 2021 |
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關鍵字: | 老年性聽損、助聽器、棄用、健康服務行為模式 |
著作名稱: | 2020年兩岸三地溝通障礙學術研討會論文集 |
年度: | 2020 |
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關鍵字: | 聾成人、功能性閱讀素養、電腦化測驗 |
著作名稱: | 聽能復健理論與實務 |
年度: | 2022 |
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關鍵字: | 聽力損失、心理社會、諮商 |
著作名稱: | 人人都是神佛的化身:身心障礙者的自我實現 |
年度: | 2023 |
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摘要: | 習慣領域提供建立光明信念、擴展習慣領域、以及深化智慧三個工具箱。「人人都是無價之寶,你是我也是佛或上帝的化身」(本文簡稱人人都是神佛的化身)便是七項光明信念的第一項(游伯龍,1998,頁250)。有了這個光明信念,不僅對自己有很高的自愛心與自尊心,對別人也會有很高的尊敬心、愛心,更能珍惜、接納、欣賞自己與他人。身心障礙者無論是生理障礙或心理障礙,無論障礙輕重,也是無價之寶,也是神佛的化身。 |
關鍵字: | 習慣領域、光明信念、身心障礙 |
著作名稱: | Predicting literacy development of orally-trained deaf and hard of hearing children from Taiwan: A two-year longitudinal study |
年度: | 2021 |
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American Annals of the Deaf
摘要: | Twenty-eight deaf and hard of hearing Chinese-speaking public school children in Taiwan were tested on literacy achievement tasks at the end of kindergarten (T1), first grade (T2), and second grade (T3) over 2 years. After nonverbal IQ and hearing threshold were controlled for, the results revealed that early oral vocabulary and print awareness tested in kindergarten were related to word recognition in first grade. Moreover, receptive oral vocabulary (T1) was related to reading achievement in first and second grade. Phoneme (onset-rime) blending (T1) was associated with reading achievement in first grade, but not second grade. While onset-rime blending made more unique contributions to picture-book reading comprehension (T2), oral receptive vocabulary contributed uniquely to reading comprehension in T3 more than onset-rime blending. The time (in minutes) per week parents spent in shared book reading with their child was moderately related to reading comprehension at T3. |
關鍵字: | deaf, early reading, phonological awareness, oral vocabulary, word recognition, reading comprehension |
著作名稱: | 聽力損失者的聆聽負擔:理論架構與測量方法 |
年度: | 2022 |
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摘要: | 現今聽覺障礙的定義強調活動參與的限制,而隨著聽覺輔助科技進步,純音聽檢、語詞辨識等傳統檢測工具已難以評估聽覺障礙的影響。聆聽負擔綜合評估受測者在生理、心理、社會環境等因素下,為達成聆聽目標所投入的認知資源。評估結果能反應出聽損兒童為達到與聽常同儕相同的語音辨識表現而承受更多聆聽負擔的真實情況。聆聽負擔以認知能量理論為理論基礎,多種因素影響聆聽者認知資源的分配,目前測量方法包括主觀測量、行為測量與生理測量,具有實務與學術的應用價值。 |
關鍵字: | 聽覺障礙、聆聽負擔、測量 |
著作名稱: | 習慣領域學說光明信念與師資培育生潛能的關聯性:應用在教學實習的先期研究 |
年度: | 2020 |
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摘要: | 本研究目的在探討習慣領域學說光明信念與師資培育生潛能的關聯性,及其在師資生教學實習課程的成效評估。研究對象為南部某大學22位修習身心障礙教學實習的學生,使用的評估工具包括光明信念成熟度問卷,以及教師情境判斷測驗、教師工作價值觀測驗、教師人格測驗所組成的師資生潛能測驗。光明信念成熟度問卷於教學實習課程結束後施測,而師資生潛能測驗則在教學實習課程之前、之後進行兩次測驗,以探討光明信念與潛能測驗之間的關係,並以教師情境判斷測驗的差異分數觀察教學實習課程的成效。研究結果顯示,工作價值觀、人格特質具穩定性,在教學實習前、後測的分數並沒有顯著改變,而教師情境判斷測驗在教學實習後的分數高於教學實習前;光明信念當中的使命樂園與勤勉謹慎的人格特質有顯著相關,其餘各信念與其他師資生潛能測驗之間的相關未達顯著;各個光明信念與教師情境判斷測驗的前、後測差異分數也沒有顯著相關。研究中探討可能的原因,並對未來實務與研究提出建議。 |
關鍵字: | 人格特質 ; 工作價值觀 ; 光明信念 ; 情境判斷 ; 習慣領域 |
著作名稱: | 臺灣手語雙語繪本閱讀教學在聽覺障礙融合班級之實施成效 |
年度: | 2017 |
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摘要: | 閱讀是聽障教學亟待突破的瓶頸。目的:探索融合情境下,手語雙語繪本閱讀教學的成效,並比較聽障學生與其同班同學在識字、閱讀理解方面的表現。方法:實驗組採用平衡取向的臺灣手語/中文雙語繪本閱讀教學,以另一聽常班級學生為對照組,由學生自由進行繪本的持續性默讀,時間為14周。結果:無論是手語雙語繪本閱讀教學或持續性默讀都能提升學生的識字與閱讀理解表現,兩種方法的成效差異沒有達到統計上的顯著性。結果說明:加入手語的雙語教學方案,可以讓學生在不妨礙閱讀學習的情況下,多學一種語言。一年級的聽障學生識字進步量比同班聽常同學的平均成績高。另一名三年級聽障學生在識字、閱讀理解的進步量方面也高於同班聽常同學。 |
關鍵字: | 手語;閱讀教學;聽覺障礙;融合 |
著作名稱: | 聽覺障礙學童雙語繪本共讀的效果:1-2-3繪本共讀法與對話式繪本共讀法的比較 |
年度: | 2017 |
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摘要: | 本研究目的在編製普通高中職學校聽覺障礙學生與聽常學生均適用的學校適應問卷,以探究聽障學生學校適應情形,並與其同班聽常同儕進行比較。研究對象含括教育部中部辦公室轄屬的所有普通學校高中職聽障學生,並從其同班聽常同儕進行取樣。扣除沒有繳回問卷、缺失值過多、以及未通過測謊題者,有效樣本聽障學生335名、聽常同儕959名。
關鍵字: | 關鍵詞:學校適應、聽覺障礙、複核效度、測量恆等性、常模 |
著作名稱: | Articulatory suppression effects on short-term memory of signed digits and lexical items in hearing bimodal-bilingual adults |
年度: | 2016 |
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Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
摘要: | We can gain a better understanding of short-term memory processes by studying different language codes and modalities. Three experiments were conducted to investigate: (a) Taiwanese Sign Language (TSL) digit spans in Chinese/TSL hearing bilinguals ( n 32); (b) American Sign Language (ASL) digit spans in English/ASL hearing bilinguals ( n 15); and (c) TSL lexical sign spans in Chinese/TSL hearing bilinguals ( n 22). Articulatory suppression conditions were manipulated to determine if participants would use a speech- or sign-based code to rehearse lists of signed items. Results from all 3 experiments showed that oral suppression significantly reduced spans while manual suppression had no effect, revealing that participants were using speech-based rehearsal to retain lists of signed items in short-term memory. In addition, sub-vocal rehearsal using Chinese facilitated higher digit spans than English even though stimuli were perceived and recalled using signs. This difference was not found for lexical sign spans. |
關鍵字: | Articulatory suppression effects, short-term memory, signed digits, signed lexical items |
著作名稱: | Sign language support in an inclusive environment educational sign language interpreting services in Taiwan |
年度: | 2024 |
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Deafness & Education International
摘要: | Educational sign language interpreting services (SLIS) are vital for ensuring equal access to classroom information for mainstreamed deaf students. This study conducted interviews with 12 stakeholders, including deaf students and their parents, sign language interpreters, and resource room teachers, to comprehensively explore the status of educational SLIS in Taiwan, utilizing the ecological systems theory as the framework.
The findings underscore the critical importance of deaf students sign language proficiency in the personal system. Sign language interpreters play a crucial role in enhancing their skills through additional time and support, leading to improved learning, motivation, and attitudes.
At the microsystem level, parents of deaf students are key persons in advocating for the SLIS of primary school, while resource room teachers assist at the university level during the application process.
In the mesosystem, interpreter stability is crucial for parents and students. Close collaboration between sign language interpreters and teachers is essential for adjusting teaching methods and seating arrangements, and interpreters should possess qualities like enthusiasm, patience, and an understanding of students psychological development.
At the exosystem level, higher education institutions offer established systems for educational SLIS, but primary schools lack clear regulations. Budget constraints limit comprehensive provision, making it challenging to attract qualified professionals. Increased funding and improved incentives are necessary.
In the macrosystem, deaf parents expect early intervention with sign language learning resources to create a conducive environment for early sign language acquisition. |
關鍵字: | educational sign language interpreting services (SLIS), mainstream setting, deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH), ecological systems theory |
著作名稱: | Easy-to-read Text with Illustrations: Generative AI Innovations for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals |
年度: | 2025 |
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摘要: | Individuals with deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) significant challenges in understanding written text, often leading to limitations in social participation. In alignment with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), Taiwan enacted the Act to Implement the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, with the aim of fostering an inclusive society and ensuring the human rights of individuals with disabilities. "Easy-to-read text" (ERT) plays a crucial role in achieving these objectives by enhancing information accessibility and supporting individuals with disabilities in living independently and participating in society. However, existing ERTs are predominantly in print, requiring extensive preparation, lacking real-time capabilities, incurring high costs, and having limited applications. Moreover, current ERTs do not adequately consider readability issues for DHH individuals, reducing their effectiveness in ensuring information accessibility.
This study focuses on the development of the Easy-to-Read Text with Illustrations Application (ERTIA) using Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) technology. The application generates easy-to-read texts and illustrations by limiting the number of words, paragraphs, and word frequency. The readability of the generated text is targeted at a fourth-grade level, which aligns with the average reading comprehension of individuals with hearing loss, and the text is reviewed by special education teachers to ensure the core ideas of the original text are maintained. ERTIA allows users to input text in various formats. The development process included interviews and usability tests with focus groups of individuals with hearing impairments, gathering feedback on the app’s interface design, text-image layout, fonts, and illustration styles. The results indicated that participants found the app practical and expressed a willingness to recommend it to friends and family. Future versions of the app will include a web-based format and expand its use to individuals with low literacy, further promoting information accessibility and equity. |
關鍵字: | asy-to-Read Text, Application, Generative AI, Reading, Hard-of-Hearing and Deaf |
著作名稱: | Do Children with Hearing Loss Still Lag Behind Their Hearing Peers in Theory of Mind Development? A Three-Year Longitudinal Study |
年度: | 2024 |
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著作名稱: | The Impact of Cochlear Implants on Depression, Anxiety, and Insomnia in Patients with Hearing Loss: A Two-Year Retrospective Cohort Analysis of 7,898 Patients |
年度: | 2024 |
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摘要: | Background: Hearing loss is often associated with various mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and insomnia. This study investigates the impact of cochlear implants on these mental health outcomes in patients with hearing loss.
Methods: Patients aged 18 to 64 years old, diagnosed with hearing loss at least three years ago were included in the study using the TriNetX network. Propensity score matching is used to create two comparable cohorts: one group of patients who received cochlear implants and another group who did not. The matching is done on a 1:1 basis considering factors such as age at index, race, gender, adverse socioeconomic determinants of health, and comorbid medical conditions. The main outcomes measured were the incidences of depression, anxiety, and insomnia within one to three years after the cochlear implant for the implanted group and one to three years after the hearing loss diagnosis for the control group.
Results: Propensity score matching yielded two cohorts of 3,949 patients each. Depression was significantly lower in the cochlear implant group, with 17 cases versus 97 in the non-implant group (hazard ratio 0.183, 95% CI: 0.110 - 0.307). The insomnia trend mirrored this, with 11 cases in the implant group compared to 35 in the non-implant group (hazard ratio 0.332, 95% CI: 0.169 - 0.653). Anxiety was also less prevalent in the implant group, with 35 cases against 163 in the non-implant group (hazard ratio 0.222, 95% CI: 0.154 - 0.320). In summary, cochlear implants may reduce incidences of depression, insomnia, and anxiety, hinting at their broader mental health benefits.
Conclusion: The study demonstrates a significant reduction in the incidence of depression, anxiety, and insomnia in patients with cochlear implants compared to those without. The findings suggest that cochlear implants may have a beneficial effect on certain mental health outcomes in patients with hearing loss. |
關鍵字: | Cochlear Implants, Hearing Loss, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Mental Health, Retrospective Cohort Study |
著作名稱: | Cultural-specific or cross-cultural? the sequence of Theory-of-Mind in Taiwanese Children |
年度: | 2023 |
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著作名稱: | The effect of hearing aids on depressive symptoms: Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials |
年度: | 2023 |
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著作名稱: | The relationship between Taiwanese Sign Language (TSL) and Chinese reading comprehension |
年度: | 2022 |
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摘要: | Collective results provide a developmental picture of the end process of TSL learning and Chinese reading comprehension with deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) older and younger signer/readers. Globally, studies report positive relationships between signed languages and reading skills in the Europe, and North America, but not studied extensively in Asian Deaf communities.
This study explores the relationship between TSL and Chinese reading comprehension and identifies predictive and background variables with 65 bilingual DHH adults/youth and 27 DHH bilingual children using linear regression analyses. Results showed that DHH adults/youth/children with early and consistent TSL exposure scored at higher levels on the TSL tasks than those with later and limited TSL exposure. Furthermore, performance on the TSL tasks highly correlated with scores on the Chinese reading comprehension tests for both groups independent of age. That the performance on the TSL tasks positively correlated with the Chinese reading comprehension tests for the entire participant sample further supports the hypothesis that TSL knowledge is related to Chinese reading development. Similar results are shown in other studies that demonstrate positive relationships between sign language skills and reading skills with deaf children and youth. Results are interpreted in light of Cummins Linguistic Interdependence theory. |
關鍵字: | Taiwanese Sign Language, Chinese reading comprehension, deaf and hard-of-hearing |
著作名稱: | The Phonological Awareness And Rapid Automatic Naming Of Chinese-speaking Children With Hearing Loss And The Predictive Relationship With Reading |
年度: | 2021 |
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摘要: | The double-deficit hypothesis proposes that phonological awareness (PA) and rapid automatic naming (RAN) are two critical sources of reading disability. Previous literature suggests that PA is an important predictive factor for English-speaking children with hearing loss and Chinese-speaking children with typical hearing. The purpose of this study is to investigate performance in PA, RAN, and early reading, and further understand how these factors predict subsequent reading ability of a previously unstudied group: Chinese-speaking children with hearing loss. This longitudinal study included 33 children with hearing loss and 45 children with typical hearing. In first grade, all children were administered predictor variables in the fall (measures of PA, RAN and non-verbal intelligence) and outcome variables in the spring (word recognition and reading comprehension of picture books). Chinese character recognition was tested in the spring of second grade and a test of reading comprehension in the spring of third grade.
1. The PA-blending and PA-onset deletion skills of the children with hearing loss were lower than the children with typical hearing; however, the RAN skills between the two groups were not significantly different.
2. The reading comprehension of children with hearing loss was lower than that of children with typical hearing, but the performance in word/character recognition was comparable to that of children with typical hearing.
3. After controlling for the influence of intelligence factors, the PA of the children with hearing loss at first grade had significant predictive correlations with the subsequent word/character recognition and reading comprehension. For example, PA-phonetic reading, PA-onset deleting, and PA-tone awareness were significantly correlated with Chinese word/character recognition in second grade. PA-blending and PA-onset deleting were significantly correlated with reading comprehension in third grade.
4. After controlling for the influence of intelligence factors, the RAN at first grade of children with hearing loss was significantly related to picture-book reading comprehension half a year later. RAN was significantly related with Chinese word/character recognition in second grade, but was not significantly related to reading comprehension in third grade.
5. The greatest predictive variables for Chinese word/character recognition and reading comprehension were nonverbal intelligence and PA-onset deletion.
Findings from the present study confirm that the Chinese reading comprehension of children with hearing loss lags behind that of children with typical hearing whereas the RAN and word/character recognition ability was similar for the two groups. This study supports previous research showing that reading comprehension challenges of children with hearing loss is related to phonological awareness skills in English and extends findings to Chinese. The double-deficit hypothesis was not supported for the children with hearing loss in the present study. It is recommended that phonological awareness and reading comprehension abilities be promoted as early as possible for Chinese-speaking children with hearing loss. |
關鍵字: | Phonological Awareness, Rapid Automatic Naming, Children With Hearing Loss |
著作名稱: | Predicting Taiwan Deaf Children’s Literacy Development from Kindergarten to Second Grade |
年度: | 2020 |
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摘要: | Thirty-three deaf Taiwanese children who use spoken Chinese were followed over three-years. Participants were assessed in kindergarten on a battery of literacy, cognitive and language-based tasks, and literacy achievement tasks at the end of first and second grade respectively. Early oral vocabulary and print awareness predicted word knowledge in first grade; and phonological awareness predicted reading achievements in both first and second grades. The theoretical implications of the findings with deaf children are discussed. |
關鍵字: | deaf children, literacy development, Chinese, longitudinal |
著作名稱: | A longitudinal study: Parent-child book reading experience, emerging reading and reading ability at school aged in children with and without hearing loss |
年度: | 2019 |
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著作名稱: | Role of parent-child reading in preshool emergent literacy and reading skill: A Longitudinal Study |
年度: | 2019 |
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著作名稱: | Parent-children reading, emergent literacy skills and reading ability in children with and without hearing loss: A longitudinal study |
年度: | 2018 |
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著作名稱: | 手語電子繪本促進師資培育學生手語能力及聾文化傳承的行動研究 |
年度: | 2024 |
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摘要: | 灣手語面臨傳承危機,大多數聽障生在普通學校接受以口語為主的教學,使得自然手語使用者銳減。本研究透過手語電子繪本的製作,旨在提升師培生的手語能力,並促進聾文化的傳承。研究方法採用協同行動研究,由聾人教師與師培生合作製作手語電子繪本,並進行手語能力的前後測評估。研究結果顯示,師培生在手語詞彙、句法能力上有顯著進步,但在手語故事理解上進步不顯著。此外,共製作了八本手語電子繪本,這不僅提升了學生的手語能力,也有助於聾文化的復振與傳承。 |
關鍵字: | 臺灣手語、電子繪本、聾文化、師資培育學生 |
著作名稱: | 聽覺障礙者易讀圖文應用程式的研製:生成式AI的運用 |
年度: | 2024 |
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摘要: | 聽障者往往會因為聽覺障礙而影響閱讀與學習,採用適合閱讀的易讀文本尤為重要。然而易讀本的製作及時間成本高,因此,為減少聽障者閱讀與學習的障礙,本研究透過訪談了解聽障者對於易讀圖文的需求,並提出一款結合GPT及Stable Diffusion的「聽覺障礙者易讀圖文App」,其主要功能有「長文簡化」、「重點標記」、「簡化標記」及「易讀圖文」四項,旨在將長文本轉換成易讀文本,並生成適合情境示意圖的應用程式。最終,本團隊透過團體訪談了解聽障者給予系統的綜合評分為7.6分,這顯示本研究開發之系統確實能讓聽障者更加輕鬆的學習。 |
關鍵字: | 聽障者、易讀文本、長文簡化、情境示意圖、應用程式 |
著作名稱: | Articulate GAN:構音生成對抗網路 |
年度: | 2024 |
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著作名稱: | 國小教育階段智能障礙學生從隔離至融合安置轉銜計畫:教學實務現場的觀察與省思 |
年度: | 2024 |
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著作名稱: | 生成式人工智慧建置「易讀圖文」應用程式:以聽覺障礙者為目標群體 |
年度: | 2024 |
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摘要: | 聯合國呼籲身心障礙者權利公約(The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, CRPD),提倡永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs),均強調建立包容社會,確保身心障礙者的人權。「易讀文本」為達成此目的之重要工具,可提升資訊可及性(accessibility),協助障礙者獨立生活、參與社會。然而,目前易讀紙張文本的製作欠缺即時性、成本高昂,應用場域有限,也未替障礙者考慮適讀性(readability)的問題,無法保障資訊可及性。為了解決目前易讀文本的問題,本研究開發「易讀圖文App」,在限定字數、段落數、字頻後,生成易讀圖文,其文本難度以聽障者平均閱讀能力四年級高原為目標,並經資源班教師審核,確定能保留原始文本的重點。最終,易讀圖文App具備三種文字或圖片的文本輸入方式,生成「長文摘要」、「長文簡化」、「重點標記」、「簡化標記」及「四格圖文」五類易讀文本。開發過程以聽障者進行焦點團體的訪談與試用,以收集聽障者的使用意見,結果顯示受訪者認為此App具有實用性,也願意推薦給親友使用,未來將開發網頁易讀圖文版本以試用更多閱讀場域,並推廣到低閱讀能力的群體。 |
關鍵字: | 易讀文本、易讀圖文App、生成式人工智慧、聽覺障礙、閱讀 |
著作名稱: | 國民小學普通教師對單側聽損兒童的認識、融合態度及教學效能之調查 |
年度: | 2024 |
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摘要: | 單側聽損對於聽能、語言發展、課業學習、社會技巧的影響,因為優耳聽力正常的緣故而被忽略(Fitzpatrick et al., 2019; Kumpik & King, 2019; Nassrallah, et al., 2020),但由於實務證據的大量出現,世界衛生組織已將單側聽損納入聽覺障礙的等級當中(World Health Organization, 2021),各方開始重視單側聽損兒童的服務需求,教育部也於113年4月29日發布特殊教育學生及幼兒鑑定辦法,將單側聽損納入聽覺障礙當中。單側聽損學生納入特殊教育服務對象後,大多進入普通班就讀,因此實務現場教師對單側聽損學童處境的理解,並給予所需要的支持就會變得非常重要。
研究對象以台南市國民小學7526名現職教師為母群,在調查結果95%信賴水準、誤差範圍 0.10 的條件下,所需的樣本人數約100名,因受限於研究時間、經費、人力等問題,採用分層叢集取樣。分層依據為學校所在地(分為一般地區、其他地區,各有87所、131所,比例為2:3),一般地區及其他地區各50名,叢集取樣20所,依比例,一般地區8所,每校約6到7名老師;其他地區12所,每校約4到5名老師。
問卷編製程序,由於目前研究上缺乏針對單側聽損學生所編製的問卷,因此本研究參照Eriks-Brophy及Whittingham(2013)「教師對聽障學生融入普通教育知覺量表(Teachers Perceptions of the Inclusion of Children With Hearing Loss)」、Milovanovic(2015)「教師效能量表(Teachers Sense of Efficacy Scale, TSES)」、Gregory及Noto「教導所有學生態度問卷(Attitudes Towards Teaching All Students, ATTAS)」等,翻譯整合題目60題,再加自編12題,後經三名現職教師審視刪修為30題五點量表的問卷,以及4題情境題。問卷分為教師對融合教育的態度、對單側聽障學生的教學效能、團隊合作與服務三個層面,經七名教育年資三年以上教師、學者,採五點量表檢核評定每道題目的適切性,計算Aiken內容效度係數介於0.86到1.00之間,平均為0.93。
本研究根據問卷調查的層面,詳細說明國小現職教師對於單側聽障學生的融合態度、教學信心、知識與促進教學的策略、融合對聽障學生的影響、融合對一般學生的影響、融合對教師工作量的影響、教師與聽障巡迴輔導老師的關係、教師與專業團隊的角色與責任、聽障巡迴輔導老師的作用、以及聽障學生父母等向度的調查結果,並就未來政策與教學實務做出建議。 |
關鍵字: | 單側聽損、普通班教師、融合態度、教學效能 |
著作名稱: | 青少年噪音防護知識、信念及行為意象量表編製 |
年度: | 2022 |
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關鍵字: | 青少年、噪音防護、量表編製 |
著作名稱: | 老年性聽損族群不使用助聽器之相關因素:健康服務行為模式的觀點 |
年度: | 2021 |
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關鍵字: | 老年性聽損、助聽器、相關因素、健康服務行為模式 |
著作名稱: | 聾成人功能性閱讀素養電腦化測驗的編製及其效度 |
年度: | 2020 |
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關鍵字: | 聾成人、功能性閱讀素養、電腦化測驗 |
著作名稱: | 促進聽障者多面向溝通的新科技 |
年度: | 2024 |
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