專長/研究領域英語教學 應用語言學
著作名稱:英語學習自我效能,閱讀焦慮,與閱讀能力: 以非英語系主修的EFL學生為例
類別: 期刊論文 Language and International Studies
摘要:這項研究主要調查台灣非英語系主修的大學生英語閱讀焦慮,英語自我效能以及閱讀能力等三者之間的關係。本研究對象為 209 名非英語系的大三學生。此次研究採用兩份問卷,外語閱讀焦慮問卷和英語學習自我效能問卷,以及多益閱讀測驗來了解這三項變數之間的關係。研究者在兩份問卷各加入開放式問題,以了解學習者對自身英語學習自我效能和英語閱讀焦慮的認知。結果顯示,學生英語學習自我效能與閱讀能力之間的關係呈正相關,但與英語閱讀焦慮之間則是負相關。另外,學生英語閱讀自我效能和英語學習自我效能呈現高度相關。然而,英語閱讀焦慮與不同程度的閱讀能力並無任何關聯。就閱讀焦慮的因素而言,大多數學生在閱讀陌生的詞彙和句子結構時都會經歷閱讀焦慮。學生英語學習自我效能越高者,在閱讀理解上的表現則愈佳。而閱讀能力在中間的學生,其英語學習自我效能和閱讀焦慮則呈現顯著差異的負相關。總而言之,這項研究增加對於非英語系主修學生在英語學習自我效能以及閱讀焦慮認知上的了解,以及這些因素在英語閱讀能力上產生的影響,同時提供語言教師非英語系主修學生的閱讀焦慮來源。教學建議則提供教師未來於課堂參考,以有效提升學生的英語學習自我效能及降低閱讀焦慮。
關鍵字:非英文主修、英語閱讀、英語閱讀焦慮、英語學習自我效能、 英語閱讀程度
著作名稱: Noticing, Contrastive Analysis, and EFL Learners’ Speech Production.
類別: 期刊論文 The Linguistics Journal
摘要: The weak version of Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH) addresses the comparison between learners’ interlanguage (IL) and their mother language. It is assumed that by identifying the similarities and the differences between the two languages EFL students can notice the holes in their current oral ability. This study aims to first investigate whether there is any enhancement in EFL students’ speech production concerning complexity, accuracy, and fluency by comparing EFL learners’ speech production in English with its Chinese counterparts along with teachers’ explicit error correction of their utterances in addition to teacher-student conferences. It is expected to find how students’ mother tongue (MT) affects their speech production in English through comparison and error correction. Twenty-four students participate in this study. A pre-, post-test, three treatments including students’ transcripts of their audio-recordings, the teacher’s explicit error correction, and teacher-student conferences are conducted to understand whether students make progress in their speech production and whether they are able to notice the hole in their oral ability after the treatments. During each treatment, students describe a picture story and transcribe their utterances as well as the Chinese translation of the utterances afterwards. The teacher’s explicit error correction and teacher-student conferences are to help students be more aware of the errors in their utterances and notice the likely impact of their MT on the production. The results show that students’ accuracy and fluency improve though the complexity is not significantly different. Students make fewer errors and utter more words along with more error-free clauses, which is probably due to the teacher’s error instruction and the conferences. The qualitative data suggest that the comparisons enable students to notice how their MT has affected their speech production and the discrepancies between their IL and the target language. Pedagogical implications are proposed for language teachers’ references in the future.
關鍵字:Noticing, contrastive analysis, EFL, speech
著作名稱: Self-assessment, Noticing, and EFL Oral Ability
類別: 期刊論文 Providence Forum: Language and Humanities
摘要:One line of research claims that second language acquisition is explicit or conscious and hence students’ noticing of the gap between the target language and their utterances has been central to the field of studies. Though research findings are mixed, it is suggested that noticing is facilitative of language learning. Given a variety of methods or measures to assess students’ noticing of difference respects regarding language learning such as errors, input and teachers’ corrective feedback, little research was explored whether students’ self-assessment along with reading-to-speaking activities in language classrooms enabled EFL students to speak more complete utterances and thus enhance their overall speaking ability. This study aimed to investigate whether the application of a self-assessment tool and that of the reading-to-speaking activities fostered students’ noticing of errors in their spoken English and hence made a contribution to their overall oral English ability. Twenty English majors in a university in Taiwan participated in this study. A pre-test, four treatments of reading-to-speaking activities, four self-assessment checklists, and a post-test were conducted to measure students’ progress in spoken English as well as their noticing of problems in utterances. The reading passages employed for the two tests were different to avoid the instructional effects of regular class sessions. During each treatment, students were divided into small groups and were assigned a reading passage along with questions based on the text to discuss about. The teacher explained to students about the passage and made sure that all of the students understood the questions. Each group’s discussion was audio-taped for students’ self-assessment after class. Three open-ended questions at the end of the self-assessment checklist were aimed to obtain students’ perceptions of their noticing of their utterances and what errors they noticed when listening to the audio-recordings. The results suggested that Self-assessment, Noticing, and EFL Oral Ability 211 students’ oral ability was significantly fostered despite that the reading passage for the post-test was more difficult than the one in the pre-test. Likewise, students’ self-assessment during the four treatments indicated that their self-assessment gradually matched with teachers’ evaluation of their post-tests, which entails that students were more able to self-assess their performances in discussions after a period of training on self-assessment. Furthermore, students’ modified output and complete sentences were ostensibly increased throughout the treatments. An analysis of students’ responses to the open-ended questions of self-assessment checklists revealed that students’ self-assessment of their overall performances, their awareness of grammatical problems, and that of the lack of lexis in spoken English were enhanced. Another important finding of the study was that students’ erroneous utterances could be partly traced back to the impact of their native language. Four pedagogical implications were provided for language teachers’ future references.
關鍵字:Self-assessment, noticing, oral ability
著作名稱:Relation between Instruction Explicitness and Effects of Metaphor Awareness Enhancement on Vocabulary Reception and Production by Taiwanese EFL Learners with Different Cognitive Processing Styles
類別: 期刊論文 Providence Forum: Language and Humanities
摘要:The present study investigates the roles of instruction explicitness and L2 learners cognitive processing style on the pedagogical effectiveness of the cognitive linguistics-based approach to teaching metaphorical usages of polysemous words to college EFL students in Taiwan. The experiment consists of a gap-fill test and a free writing test with a pre- and post-test design. It involves three groups of intermediate learners under the metaphor guidance with different degrees of explicitness, respectively being: HEG (High-explicitness Group, N 18) receiving imagery aids presenting both the source and target domains of the lexis, MEG (Mid-explicitness Group, N 18) with imagery aids presenting the source domain of the lexis, and LEG (Low-explicitness Group, N 17) with only the verbal elucidation of the key features shared by the literal and metaphorical senses of the lexis. The results suggest that the learners in general could gain immediate and perduring improvement in both their receptive and productive knowledge, after the enhancement of their metaphor awareness of the target lexis. However, the effect of the explicitness degree of the enhancement technique could only be observed in learners’ form recollection and the correct use of the target lexis in its metaphorical sense, with HEG tending to outperform MEG and LEG in the free writing test. Moreover, learners who tend to think and learn in imagery (i.e., imagers) could benefit for a longer period of time (i.e., two weeks after the treatment) and more fully in their gain productive knowledge, if they receive metaphor guidance of high explicitness. The findings are discussed in relation to the dual coding theory (Paivio, 1990), while the pedagogical implications are also drawn, in view of the above, for vocabulary instruction.
關鍵字:cognitive processing style, instruction explicitness, metaphor awareness
著作名稱:EFL Writer’s Noticing and Uptake: a Comparison between Models and Error Correction
類別: 期刊論文 Studies in English Language and Literature
摘要:Little research has been conducted regarding the comparison between the effects of models (i.e., sample articles) and error correction on EFL learners’ writing ability and what students noticed during the comparison activities. The goal of this study was to examine what students’ noticing of their writing issues may have contributed to their uptake after the two treatments. Twenty-four EFL college students participated in this study in which they completed a picture-cued first draft. Students then compared their compositions with a model written by a native speaker, along with the completion of writing logs, to identify what they noticed during the comparison following the immediate completion of their second drafts. Later, the same procedure was conducted with the provision of a different picture story, but using teacher’s error corrections for the comparison. Additionally, teacher-student conferences were administered for a further discussion of students’ writing issues. Then six students randomly selected from the class were interviewed for their perceptions of the two treatments. The results show that both treatments contributed to students’ progress. A further analysis of students’ writing logs and teacher-student conferences suggests that students noticed their lack of the ability to describe details the most frequently in writing logs in the model treatment, the lexical issue in error correction, and grammar issues in teacher-student conferences. The qualitative data revealed that students perceived error correction to be more conducive to their writing ability than models. Four pedagogical implications were provided for language teachers’ references in future writing instruction.
關鍵字:EFL writing, models, error correction, noticing
著作名稱:EFL Learner’s Noticing of Corrective Feedback: Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency
類別: 期刊論文 English Teaching and Learning
摘要:Corrective feedback is shown to facilitate language learning. Eight types of corrective feedback, including four types of recast classifed by Lyster (Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 20:51–81, 1998), clarifcation request, elicitation, repetition, and explicit correction, were chosen to examine the efect of English as a foreign language learners’ noticing of them on oral development of complexity, accuracy, and fuency. Fifty-four Taiwanese English majors who participated in this study were assigned to eight experimental groups and the control group. After the pretest, the researcher provided each group with three sessions of speaking instruction along with the eight types of corrective feedback respectively, while the control group did not receive any feedback. The noticing log and focused group interviews were adopted to understand learners’ noticing and perceptions of teacher feedback. Learners completed the posttest immediately after the treatment condition and the delayed posttest 4 weeks after the posttest. Results showed a short-term efect of the treatment condition on accuracy and complexity, yet only a long-term efect was found in complexity. However, no signifcant variations were found in unpruned and pruned fuency. Therefore, a trade-off effect was shown between fuency and accuracy as well as that and complexity. The qualitative data illustrated that learners indeed noticed the feedback ofered by the teacher regardless of the type. Learners’ noticing of certain types of feedback fostered the learning of accuracy and complexity to a greater extent than others.
關鍵字:Language awareness · Input-providing feedback · Output-prompting feedback · CAF (complexity, accuracy, and fuency)
著作名稱:Noticing and EFL Written Feedback Strategies
類別: 期刊論文 Taiwan Journal of TESOL
摘要:This study examines the relationship between EFL students’ noticing and three written feedback strategies. The convenience sampling method was adapted and four intact classes were randomly assigned into four groups: the model, the error correction, the reformulation, and the control groups. After the completion of picture-cued writing tasks as pretests, three treatment conditions and a noticing log were employed in the respective comparative activities. Focused group interviews were for triangulating the data collected from the log. There was a two-to-four-week interval between the posttest and the delayed posttests to obtain the feedback strategies short- and long-term effects. An analytical scale was adapted to measure students’ writing performances. Johnson Neyman analyses showed a significant difference between the three experimental groups in both posttests as well as that between the reformulation, the error correction, and the control group in the posttest. Students in the reformulation and the error correction groups reported noticing grammatical problems. Those in the model group declared noticing their inability to develop ideas and describe details. Further analysis showed that learners’ noticing contributed to the enhancement of content, grammar, organization, punctuation, and lexis in the model and the error correction groups.
關鍵字: noticing, models, reformulations, error correction