Ph.D.University of RochesterUSABiology1999-2006
Yale UniversityDepartment of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental BiologyPostdoctoral associate2006-2010
著作名稱:Biological Protective Effects Against Vibrio Infections in Grouper Larvae Using the Strombidium sp. NTOU1, a Marine Ciliate Amenable for Scaled-Up Culture and With an Excellent Bacteriovorous Ability
類別: 期刊論文 Front. Mar. Sci.
著作名稱:Reactive oxygen species mediate Terbufos-induced apoptosis in mouse testicular cell lines via the modulation of cell cycle and pro-apoptotic proteins.
類別: 期刊論文 Environ. Taxicol.
著作名稱:Craige B, Tsao C-C, Diener D, Hou Y, Lechtreck K-F, Rosenbaum LR, and Witman GB. CEP290 tethers flagellar transition zone microtubules to the membrane and regulates flagellar protein content
類別: 期刊論文 J. Cell Biol.
著作名稱:Huang, K. and Tsao, CC. Importin-β2: a key to two gates?
類別: 期刊論文 Protein Cell
著作名稱:Different effects of Tetrahymena IFT172 domains on anterograde and retrograde intraflagellar transport
類別: 期刊論文 Mol. Biol. Cell.
著作名稱:Tetrahymena IFT122A is not essential for cilia assembly but plays a role in returning IFT proteins from the ciliary tip to the cell body
類別: 期刊論文 J. Cell Sci.
著作名稱:The actin gene ACT1 is required for phagocytosis, motility and cell separation of Tetrahymena thermophila
類別: 期刊論文 Eukaryot. Cell
著作名稱:Macronuclear genome sequence of the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila, a model eukaryote
類別: 期刊論文 PLoS Biol.
著作名稱:Mutational analyses reveal a novel function of the nucleotide-binding domain of gamma-tubulin in the regulation of basal body biogenesis
類別: 期刊論文 J. Cell Biol.
著作名稱:Deep Learning-Based Automatic Duckweed Counting Using StarDist and Its Application on Measuring Growth Inhibition Potential of Rare Earth Elements as Contaminants of Emerging Concerns
類別: 期刊論文 Toxics
摘要:In recent years, there have been efforts to utilize surface water as a power source, material, and food. However, these efforts are impeded due to the vast amounts of contaminants and emerging contaminants introduced by anthropogenic activities. Herbicides such as Glyphosate and Glufosinate are commonly known to contaminate surface water through agricultural industries. In contrast, some emerging contaminants, such as rare earth elements, have started to enter the surface water from the production and waste of electronic products. Duckweeds are angiosperms from the Lemnaceae family and have been used for toxicity tests in aquatic environments, mainly those from the genus Lemna, and have been approved by OECD. In this study, we used duckweed from the genus Wolffia, which is smaller and considered a good indicator of metal pollutants in the aquatic environment. The growth rate of duckweed is the most common endpoint in observing pollutant toxicity. In order to observe and mark the fronds automatically, we used StarDist, a machine learning-based tool. StarDist is available as a plugin in ImageJ, simplifying and assisting the counting process. Python also helps arrange, manage, and calculate the inhibition percentage after duckweeds are exposed to contaminants. The toxicity test results showed Dysprosium to be the most toxic, with an IC50 value of 14.6 ppm, and Samarium as the least toxic, with an IC50 value of 279.4 ppm. In summary, we can provide a workflow for automatic frond counting using StarDist integrated with ImageJ and Python to simplify the detection, counting, data management, and calculation process.
關鍵字:StarDist; deep learning; cell counting; image segmentation; rare earth element
著作名稱:Performance Comparison of Five Methods for Tetrahymena Number Counting on the ImageJ Platform: Assessing the Built-in Tool and Machine-Learning-Based Extension
類別: 期刊論文 International Journal of Molecular Sciences
摘要:Previous methods to measure protozoan numbers mostly rely on manual counting, which suffers from high variation and poor efficiency. Although advanced counting devices are available, the specialized and usually expensive machinery precludes their prevalent utilization in the regular laboratory routine. In this study, we established the ImageJ-based workflow to quantify ciliate numbers in a high-throughput manner. We conducted Tetrahymena number measurement using five different methods: particle analyzer method (PAM), find maxima method (FMM), trainable WEKA segmentation method (TWS), watershed segmentation method (WSM) and StarDist method (SDM), and compared their results with the data obtained from the manual counting. Among the five methods tested, all of them could yield decent results, but the deep-learning-based SDM displayed the best performance for Tetrahymena cell counting. The optimized methods reported in this paper provide scientists with a convenient tool to perform cell counting for Tetrahymena ecotoxicity assessment.
關鍵字:ImageJ; macro language; segmentation; Tetrahymena
著作名稱:Growth-promoting and low-salt adaptation responses boosted by spermidine in Strombidium parasulcatum, a marine bacteriovorous ciliate potentially applied to live feeds for marine larviculture
類別: 期刊論文 Aquaculture
摘要:Ciliates have been suggested as potential live food organisms for the first-feeding stage of various aquaculture animal larvae because of, among others, their wide range of body size and relatively good availability in the surrounding environment. Unfortunately, studies on the nutritional contents or large-scale cultivation methods of ciliates are relatively sparse. Here we report a novel approach to efficiently separate the spermidine-enriched bacterial feeds from marine planktonic ciliate Strombidium parasulcatum. We also report the role of spermidine (Spd) in the standard mass culture of this ciliate. Our method was able to concentrate the ciliates up to 1.22 × 105 cells/mL (approximately 12-fold higher than the normal cultivation) with a recovery rate of 63.89 ± 2.254%. Regarding the role of Spd, we have allowed the bacterial feeds to accumulate a high amount of intracellular Spd from the culture medium (4.10-fold that of the control group). The ciliates receiving Spd-enrich feed exhibited a significant increase in the growth rate (increased by 10.5% to 56.4%), cellular Spd (increased by 1.23-fold to 2.81-fold), and clearance rate (∼20% within 4 h). In terms of stress vulnerability, we observed that S. parasulcatum was still able to accumulate Spd under low-salt stress (10‰ salinity). Besides, the addition of Spd could also assist ciliates in overcoming oxidative stress. Taken together, we concluded that Spd has an important function in the cultivation of the ciliate S. parasulcatum and our novel method facilitated its mass production. Therefore, the applied concepts and findings provided in this study may serve as a baseline for the future development of S. parasulcatum as a commercial live feed.
關鍵字:Polyamines, spermidine, live feed, growth promotion, ciliates
著作名稱:Establishing a High-Throughput Locomotion Tracking Method for Multiple Biological Assessments in Tetrahymena
類別: 期刊論文 Cells
摘要:Protozoa are eukaryotic, unicellular microorganisms that have an important ecological role, are easy to handle, and grow rapidly, which makes them suitable for ecotoxicity assessment. Previous methods for locomotion tracking in protozoa are largely based on software with the drawback of high cost and/or low operation throughput. This study aimed to develop an automated pipeline to measure the locomotion activity of the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila using a machine learning-based software, TRex, to conduct tracking. Behavioral endpoints, including the total distance, velocity, burst movement, angular velocity, meandering, and rotation movement, were derived from the coordinates of individual cells. To validate the utility, we measured the locomotor activity in either the knockout mutant of the dynein subunit DYH7 or under starvation. Significant reduction of locomotion and alteration of behavior was detected in either the dynein mutant or in the starvation condition. We also analyzed how Tetrahymena locomotion was affected by the exposure to copper sulfate and showed that our method indeed can be used to conduct a toxicity assessment in a high-throughput manner. Finally, we performed a principal component analysis and hierarchy clustering to demonstrate that our analysis could potentially differentiate altered behaviors affected by different factors. Taken together, this study offers a robust methodology for Tetrahymena locomotion tracking in a high-throughput manner for the first time.
關鍵字:Tetrahymena; protozoa; TRex; locomotion; toxicity; complexity reduction
著作名稱:Chlamydomonas IC140 is essential for the flagellar assembly while B9D1 affects the level of intraflagellar transport proteins and is dispensable for structural integrity of the transition zone
類別: 會議論文
摘要:We characterized a Chlamydomonas mutant without flagella obtained from insertional mutagenesis. In this Lu3 strain, the ultrastructure of its basal body and transition zone showed no defect, but the axoneme terminated abruptly distal to the transition zone. A 60-kb chromosomal region containing IC140 and B9D1 was deleted in the Lu3 mutant, and re-transformation of both genes was sufficient to restore the flagellar assembly and motility. Reintroducing IC140, encoding a subunit of the I1 flagellar inner arm dynein complex, could partially rescue the flagellar formation and motility, but the resulted b9d1 strain exhibited incomplete flagellation and flagellar length heterogeneity. Unexpectedly, the ic140 strain, derived from restoration of the transition zone protein B9d1 in the Lu3 background, failed to assemble any flagella. We found the level of intraflagellar transport (IFT) proteins markedly decreased in the strains without B9D1 but not in the ic140 strain. Our results indicated that B9D1 is not essential for the structural integrity of the transition zone, but its disruption lowered the protein level of IFT and compromised the flagellar biogenesis. We also uncovered a novel role of IC140 that it is required not only for the flagellar motility but also for the axonemal assembly through an unidentified mechanism.
著作名稱:Chlamydomonas MKS1 is required for fully assembly of flagella beyond the transition zone.
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:Preliminary characterization of a protofilamant-ribbon gene in Tetrahymena thermophila
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:利用真核微生物對新興汙染物的生態毒理檢測 The eukaryotic microorganism as a model for assessing the ecotoxicological effect of aquatic contaminants of emerging concern
類別: 會議論文
摘要:新興汙染物(contaminants of emerging concern)是人類生活各項工業、農業、醫療、民生活動所產生的物質或化合物,但目前未納入法規禁制,甚至其對人體健康與環境生態的風險與效應,仍待探討與研究。排放或散逸之微量新興污染物最終會進入環境水體,對水生生物健康有慢性危害之虞,也可能透過食物鏈、經由生物累積作用,而擴大對生態環境的衝擊。單細胞的微藻與原生生物,分別為水域環境中的生產者與低階消費者,暴露到各種生物與非生物因子。利用模式生物纖毛蟲綱四膜蟲Tetrahymena thermophila與單胞藻衣藻Chlamydomonas reinhardtti,我們測試金屬離子、鄰苯二甲酸酯類等不同物質的生長抑制效應。利用生長抑制為測試終點,我們發現四膜蟲與衣藻能夠耐受相當高濃度的鄰苯二甲酸酯類。高濃度鄰苯二甲酸二乙酯DEP會讓細胞內活性氧化物質增加,細胞型態改變。利用高通量運動追蹤軟體,我們發現曝露後細胞移動速度變慢但轉動頻度增加。利用不同金屬離子處理四膜蟲,發現會引起不同的型態變化與運動行為改變;而分析暴露不同毒性物質的衣藻運動行為,也發現所引起的運動改變各不相同。測定稀土族金屬元素對衣藻的生長抑制的濃度,發覺與利用浮萍檢測的結果各有相似與顯著差別之處。這些結果顯示真核微生物對於環境新興汙染物的效應,兼有與其他生物共通與特異的性質,在生態毒理試驗上值得進一步利用與開發,以期達成能與其他既有的水生毒理檢測模式互補的作用。
類別: 會議論文
著作名稱:塑化劑DEP對單胞藻的 功能毒理學分析
類別: 會議論文
類別: 會議論文
摘要:Chlamydomonas is a unicellular diflagellated green microalga that is widely used in biochemical, cell biological, and genetic researches. It is easy to culture and inexpensive to maintain in the laboratory setting. Furthermore, with sequenced genome, Chlamydomonas is amenable to isolate mutants and identify the affected gene, which allows functional genomic analysis through insertional mutagenesis, phenotypic screen, and molecular genetic analysis. A preliminary implementation of this system in the sophomore Genetics Laboratory course at Department of Biological Sciences and Technology in National University of Tainan during fall semester of 2010 shows that using a cell-wall defect strain and a revised procedure to transform Chlamydomonas by glass beads method, undergraduate students can perform fairly well in generating insertional mutants. Among tens of thousands of transformants, a dozen of cell motility mutants were obtained throughout the course. Along with other experimental modules, such as strain culturing and handling, phenotype observation, nucleic acid preparation, polymerase chain reaction, and DNA gel electrophoresis, students can learn both basic concepts and hands-on experience in functional genomics, which lays down the foundation for further in-depth research. (This program is supported by College of Environmental Sciences and Ecology and National University of Tainan.)